Eating just to get my Cals up :(



  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    You aren't going to tone up if you aren't giving your body the fuel it needs to build muscle (protein). And, if you are working out, 1000 cals a day probably isn't enough. I"m not sure what advice to give... obviously you know how to eat enough calories or you wouldn't be overweight. Also, is there any fat in your diet? Eating fat doesn't make you fat, but it does give your body the ability to absorb fat soluble vitamins in the food you eat. A little bit of nuts, olives, guacamole are great ways to add calories and healthy fats without feeling super full.
  • lchovet
    lchovet Posts: 68
    Switch your WW yogurt out for some greek and double your protien intake. Also try to think heathest choice not the lowest calorie choice. The a lot of low cal crap out there!!!
  • MinkyMoo13
    MinkyMoo13 Posts: 354 Member
    Like i said earlier i went on a starvation binge cycle which is why i've piled on the pounds before that i was just restricting. Now i'm fed up and i just want to be healthy and toned and have muscles!! I've messed up my metabolism and i know i 'm going to have to work hard to put it right and lose weight but i do 100% take all your feed back and comments on board.

    I was reading up on body building.. not because i want to do it but because like a few of you have said they use food as fuel and i think you guys are right i need to see food as fuel.. god i'm so mad at myself for getting like this and messing up! I want to change my life style eating healthy pulses grains nuts. Work out etc.. Be know as a healthy one not as the weird one at work who has a diet coke for lunch and doesn't eat..
  • It seems like you're really confused and frustrated. I feel for you. Been there. Anyone making their living in fitness will tell you the way you look is 10% genetics, 10% how you're training and 80% diet. That's how important your diet is! Please do yourself a favor. Order one of Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Diet books. She has several out now as well as cook books. I'd start with the original one. It will teach you everything you need to know about the food you eat and how your body responds to it. I have everything she's written. Her books have changed the way I relate to food and in the process changed my life. These books are easy to process and not very long. Good luck!
  • BritskyB
    BritskyB Posts: 13
    I do worry about eating a large breakfast and lunch. I used to have ham wraps for lunch ham and salad as well they were nice and low..

    Breakfast should be your biggest meal, not supper as has been generally the "norm". your breakfast is what gets your metabolism going for the day, plus, you have longer to be able to burn those calories off than if you have a bigger meal in the evening, because you're going to bed earlier. A bigger lunch will also help keep you going throughout the day. If you're an ice cream kind of person.. try a protein shake. You can buy great protein mixes anymore. In the mornings I use: 1 c skim milk, protein mix, ice cubes, 1/2 banana, 3-4 strawberries and blend it up in a blender. It makes for a wonderful and very filling shake. For a bit more fiber and added calories, add 1/4-1/2 c of cereal.. something like cornflakes, or strawberry Special K. It will give it a bit of a crunch as well and makes a wonderful breakfast. Plus, you're getting in dairy, fruits, and a power pack of protein to get you going for the day. Some other things you can do is add vanilla protein to ice, coffee, 1/2c skim milk, and ice and blend it for morning coffee. I've also added a whole orange, peaches, frozen fruits.. the possibilities are endless if you get creative with the protein mix. Good luck!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    No low fat or non-fat versions of anything, full fat milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, ect.

    Fat vegetables, olives, guacamole, avocado.

    Nuts, almonds, cashews.

    Oils in food you eat.

    You can reach all your nutrients, barely, on low cal. And you prove you can indeed feel full.

    But your body being fully fed for enough energy is another matter very smart to see you need to fix. Your metabolism will take a bit to see it.
    If really netting that much daily for a while, 1200 will be about maintenance level actually until metabolism speeds up, so don't expect any loss for awhile until it does.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Eat more please
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I'm not vegetarian i'm just lazy i guess.. I want to try and cook more with chicken and beef that will help i guess. The other issue with buying things out of packets is that it gives me the calorie content on the outside so i can know definately how many calories i've had and also make a choice on what i want for lunch depending on how i feel..

    I always seek out the lowest calorie item when shopping (force of habit) so i have weight watchers and low calorie foods. I generally spend ages in the super market seeking out the lowest calorie version of what i want to buy. I think maybe i should replace my foods with stuff that isn't low calorie maybe that would help.

    I do worry about eating a large breakfast and lunch. I used to have ham wraps for lunch ham and salad as well they were nice and low.. You guys are giving me good ideas on what to eat.. i'm sorry guys i don't like peanut butter lol you all keep suggesting it.. I do however love Ryvita and all their different flavour varieties..

    It's difficult to make a calorie goal if you are shopping for the lowest calorie items instead of nutritious items that can fuel your body and give you energy. When you meet with your doctor maybe see if you can speak with a nutritionist as well to find options to learn how to eat healthy and shop for the foods that will help your body instead of starving it. There are plenty of ways to lose weight and eat healthy without starving yourself. You just have to understand how your body works and what it needs and address your fear of food.
  • muzmacol
    muzmacol Posts: 358 Member
    i say this because i wish to help! You are not eating enough, you must cosume at least, a bare minimun of 1200 cals. Preferbly a lot more, your exercising a lot and not eating some of them back. Your body is holding on to what it has as you are not giving it enough.

    Please eat more!!
  • everinm
    everinm Posts: 19
    You are eating too few calories; you should be close to 1200 and burn on exercise at least 500+ calories daily. Try buying low Carb protein shakes and multivitamins that will help you get the nutrition your body need.
    Meals below 500 calories and snacks below 100 calories. Stay as low as possible on sugar, fat and sodium.

    Don't give up!