Weighing In Daily VS Weighing in Weekly



  • Tigntink
    Tigntink Posts: 1
    I do it daily at the same time because I like to see my natural fluctuations my graph.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    It's a bit of an obsession if you have to weigh in every day, or sometimes multiple times a day. Not saying it's bad or good, just, it can be unhealthy if you let it. It got a bit too much for me, so I cut back and now just weigh in on Monday mornings, first thing. Works out a lot better this way, especially since you should be losing slowly anyhow, so what's the difference if you weigh in once a week or once every two weeks? It really should only be a couple pounds in that timeframe.
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
  • I tend to weigh daily so I can see the fluctuations. A lot of people say to weigh in only weekly or monthly to get a better idea of a true weight, but I actually disagree with this. If you should't weigh in daily because your weight fluctuates, then how do you know that just because "it's Sunday and that's weight in day" you're at an accurate weight. You don't. You might be fluctuating that day. The thing to watch is trends. I only check in every week or couple weeks (usually when the scale hits a low # :laugh:), but when I get on the scale on Sunday I know if it's a true weight or not based on the trends I have seen throughout the week. If I'm up 3 lbs but I was down 1 consistently for 4 days, I know that being up 3 is not real. If I only weighed weekly, I might think I actually gained 3 lbs that week. Now, granted weighing weekly over a long period of time also creates a trend, but you have to be ready and willing to disregard some of those weights as "false" readings and wait many weeks to build a true trending pattern.

    ^^ This is how I see it, too. And small fluctuations up keep me focused, just like fluctuations down motivate me to stay on track!
  • I'm writing am article for SELF magazine, and we are looking for women ages 21-35 who ate willing to share their scale habits. If you're interested in participating, please email nicole.yorio.jurick@gmail.com, and tell me about how often you weigh yourself and why. I'll be in touch with more info. Thank you!
  • momof3boys090808
    momof3boys090808 Posts: 69 Member
    I weigh in daily, but only log it is I have lost...keeps me motivated :)
  • caroljae
    caroljae Posts: 10
    I'm going to try weighing in daily, I started this fitnesspal a few months ago and haven't been very dedicated :( I'm scared of the scales these days!!!!! When I weight in 'from time to time' the scales seem to always go up!
  • PeaceCorpsKat
    PeaceCorpsKat Posts: 335 Member
    I do it daily - I don't always log it though.
  • InTheInbetween
    InTheInbetween Posts: 192 Member
    Weigh daily but use the weekly average of those daily weights to get the most accurate gauge of your current weight. The scale seems to play fewer tricks on me when I do it that way. :happy:
  • kfbayard
    kfbayard Posts: 16 Member
    Weigh daily but use the weekly average of those daily weights to get the most accurate gauge of your current weight. The scale seems to play fewer tricks on me when I do it that way. :happy:

    lol you just said what I was going to say but in one sentence rather than 2 paragraphs.

    This approach has really been working for me. I have more confidence when I say "I'm down 2 lbs" since I've been looking at weekly averages.

    Also, for me, the more I looked at the daily fluctuations, the less they freaked me out. You see them for what they are...noise.
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Ive done both. Weekly is actually more beneficial for me because Im not obsessing daily about what the scale says. When I have weighed in daily, I have noticed that my body doesn;t like to drop the pounds until the very last day. So typically I weigh in on Wed. When I weigh in daily, I don't have really any change in the number until the last 48 hours. then the weight drops off.

    So for me, its more frustrating to weigh in daily. Weekly is definitely better for me.
  • GBO323
    GBO323 Posts: 333 Member
    For the month of September, I'm doing a MFP challenge, so I am committing to weighing weekly....and Friday seems to be the best day of the week to weigh. I usually weigh most days and roller-coaster both on the scale and emotionally, so I'm backing off of that. Just drives me nuts to see a fluctuation through the week and can be discouraging.

    So, it's "Fridays in September" for me. Hope to be at goal by 9/30!
  • I get on the scale every morning just to see [and it helps me stay accountable] but I only count/pay attention to/track my weight weekly. I also take measurements weekly.