stress related depression~what can b done?



  • knittingnook
    knittingnook Posts: 5 Member
    I think professing it, and trying to make positive connections here is great! For the most part, we know that exercise is the answer to our weight issues... but sometimes it's not so easy to adopt that into our lifestyles. We become creatures of habit... I guess it would be advisable to take on small steps... Set mini goals... and reward yourself for each accomplishment. Comfort yourself through the setbacks, as you would a friend. Be kind to yourself. But try to put focus on others? Sometimes I have heard that can help. Unfortunately when we are too concerned with OUR own problems/struggles... they can become greater in our minds than they actually are in reality.... (I am guilty of this)... but once we remove ourselves from the equation and start to put others first.. our own problems/struggles dont appear to be as big anymore. It's a thought. I guess I am just thinking out loud in this post.
    Anyhow... good luck in your endeavors.
  • misty2ann
    misty2ann Posts: 127
    Excersise and consistetcy! And medication if you feel you need it! Don't be ashamed to ask for help from a professional. I have suffered from depression for years and I am not ashamed to say that I DO need medication to help me along. Hopefully someday that will change, but for now, it is what it is. Good luck and we are here for you!