How long did it take you to stop craving junk food ?



  • drmattski
    drmattski Posts: 124 Member
    It took about 15 days to stop "Craving" the junk (cookies, candy). However, I still want to eat too much, but my body is better at telling me when I am FULL. Portion control was probably my biggest challenge (no more large pizzas at one sitting!). I still have a burger (lean Angus made at home), but no fries. I still have dark chocolate, but only one ounce. I still have lots of snacks, but mainly fruit.

    I used to eat junk all th etime when I was younger, fortunately my wife is ahealthy eeater, so we don't have much in the house.

  • drmattski
    drmattski Posts: 124 Member
    Been at this 18 months and it hasn't happened yet.

    I would LOVE to go have a McDonald's Big Mac with fries....the difference now, though, is that I know what it would do to my stomach that's not used to eating like that and I'd be sick for hours and hours. So my brain says "Um, don't do that".

    I hear you - when I have something fatty now it justs sits at the bottom of my stomach like a lead balloon
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Been at this 18 months and it hasn't happened yet.

    I would LOVE to go have a McDonald's Big Mac with fries....the difference now, though, is that I know what it would do to my stomach that's not used to eating like that and I'd be sick for hours and hours. So my brain says "Um, don't do that".

    I hear you - when I have something fatty now it justs sits at the bottom of my stomach like a lead balloon

    mmm... Delicious, delicious lead balloon. :laugh:
  • Premadonna22
    Premadonna22 Posts: 2 Member
    It took approximately 1 week for my cravings for junk food to dissapate. On my "cheat day" I had a brownie square and it tasted like poision!!! Going forward, I will choose my cheat snack/meal more wisely.
  • LosingItForGood13
    LosingItForGood13 Posts: 182 Member
    after tracking for over 259 days the cravings are still there but I have better control of them now I think before I put anything in my mouth now I am obsessed with reading labels but After 6 months I included a cheat day once a week and that has been helping me along the way
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Never gave it up
  • downwardtrenz
    downwardtrenz Posts: 14 Member
    I do find that if I stay away from processed sugar that I crave it less, but that one cookie, one piece of chocolate - starts the cycle all over again. It truly is easier to have none than to have one and stop. That's my experience.

    Other 'junk' food, i.e. burgers, fries, chips etc...I just find that I feel yucky the next day and that feeling isn't worth it. Not to say I never indulge, because I do, but I am much more aware of how those kinds of foods affect me now.