How much are you deadlifting?



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I thought we were going to get back to time travel...

    It's never too late get back to that discussion.

    If you know what I mean.
  • IronCakes
    IronCakes Posts: 317 Member


  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member

    DUDE, wtf man. You are still going on about how f'n great you are????? NOBODY cares put your stats up, now move the heck on and put down the dam keyboard already ........You're a douche nozzle, you have proven it beyond all measurable comprehension ....okay, Happy .....

    And let this thread continue on in peace, PLEASE ..........

    It is AWESOME to see how many women are lifting these days..... High Five Ladies !!!!
    OK, your point is well-taken -- and correct.

    While I enjoy defending myself, too much of a "good thing" is NOT GOOD. (Not for me or anybody else: #OnlineTimeVampire)

    If it's alright with all other posters, do you all think perhaps we all could take drefaw's advice? (For those of you that really want to weigh in, please read the whole thread: probably your questions will be answered there -God knows, I and many others weighed in, more so than the Supreme Court, for God's sake!

    OK, you happy now? :glasses:

    ETA (Edited to Add) You're also right on point 2: It's good that woman are becoming less apt to avoid lifting weights & getting healthy - heck, it's good for ALL people (men, women, and children -even pets) to have a healthy exercise and diet regimen and have healthy lifestyles (avoid smoking, drinking, and, yes, stress: see comment above)
  • KatieLou1022
    KatieLou1022 Posts: 102 Member
    Female - 67 years old - 5'7" - 170lbs

    Did my first deadlift last night 90lbs x 4 ... could have done more but I didn't want the young men working out beside me to feel bad!

    Looking into powerlift competing next year. Inspired by whiskeysister510
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    You claimed your 635 lb lift was a powerlifting progress video. It's not. Period.
    It is: some (even if not all) the lifts are legal PL lifts -- the rack pull is both a good 'assistance' lift and a good 'test of strength' in its own right -- like the Yoke Carry (where you can adjust the height of the Yoke), the rack pull is adjusted so the ROM (range of motion) is equal for all lifters --why's that any less important than, say, a 'regular' lift?
    It's not about more or less important. It's not a progress video. You can use it as lockout assistance if you want, but it's not indicative of your deadlift progress.
    Seeing as they agree with me on most (if not all) points -even back when they were commenting on my 320/585 vid (an older vid with worse form), it should be obvious that my 635/710 vid (the one under discussion) is much better -and now that puts me in their league: If you disagree with me, then you disagree with all of us, many pros included -- oh, really?
    Your lift doesn't put you in their league.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I once had Hugh Jackman on my Facebook friend list...just sayin'
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Be weary of GordonWayneWatts advice
    I know *I'm* certainly weary of his advice!:laugh:
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    You claimed your 635 lb lift was a powerlifting progress video. It's not. Period.
    It is: some (even if not all) the lifts are legal PL lifts -- the rack pull is both a good 'assistance' lift and a good 'test of strength' in its own right -- like the Yoke Carry (where you can adjust the height of the Yoke), the rack pull is adjusted so the ROM (range of motion) is equal for all lifters --why's that any less important than, say, a 'regular' lift?
    It's not about more or less important. It's not a progress video. You can use it as lockout assistance if you want, but it's not indicative of your deadlift progress.
    Seeing as they agree with me on most (if not all) points -even back when they were commenting on my 320/585 vid (an older vid with worse form), it should be obvious that my 635/710 vid (the one under discussion) is much better -and now that puts me in their league: If you disagree with me, then you disagree with all of us, many pros included -- oh, really?
    Your lift doesn't put you in their league.
    Oh? But this does...

    One of my friends, who is a world record holder in powerlifting, needed THREE tries to beat me arm-wrestling, and I was waaaay out of my weight class to boot; I may have finally lost, but (not that it matters about the arguments about my lifting), I didn;'t make victory easy for the opposing party...

    Besides, on the matter of intelligence (also important), it *does* put me in their league -at least on the narrow point of whether or not I was using good form -since, after all, they ALL (almost all anyhow) agreed with my on the point in question: good form or not?

    Lastly, 710-lbs is a lot for ANYbody -even if it is only over a few inches on range-of-motion, but hey, didn't we hear from The Voice of Wisdom who replied to me earlier, calling for us to knock it off? Can we focus on lifting, exercise, diet, and health *more* and petty minutiae *less*??
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    You claimed your 635 lb lift was a powerlifting progress video. It's not. Period.
    It is: some (even if not all) the lifts are legal PL lifts -- the rack pull is both a good 'assistance' lift and a good 'test of strength' in its own right -- like the Yoke Carry (where you can adjust the height of the Yoke), the rack pull is adjusted so the ROM (range of motion) is equal for all lifters --why's that any less important than, say, a 'regular' lift?
    It's not about more or less important. It's not a progress video. You can use it as lockout assistance if you want, but it's not indicative of your deadlift progress.
    Seeing as they agree with me on most (if not all) points -even back when they were commenting on my 320/585 vid (an older vid with worse form), it should be obvious that my 635/710 vid (the one under discussion) is much better -and now that puts me in their league: If you disagree with me, then you disagree with all of us, many pros included -- oh, really?
    Your lift doesn't put you in their league.
    Oh? But this does...

    One of my friends, who is a world record holder in powerlifting, needed THREE tries to beat me arm-wrestling, and I was waaaay out of my weight class to boot; I may have finally lost, but (not that it matters about the arguments about my lifting), I didn;'t make victory easy for the opposing party...

    Besides, on the matter of intelligence (also important), it *does* put me in their league -at least on the narrow point of whether or not I was using good form -since, after all, they ALL (almost all anyhow) agreed with my on the point in question: good form or not?

    Lastly, 710-lbs is a lot for ANYbody -even if it is only over a few inches on range-of-motion, but hey, didn't we hear from The Voice of Wisdom who replied to me earlier, calling for us to knock it off? Can we focus on lifting, exercise, diet, and health *more* and petty minutiae *less*??

    If you really wanted to you would've dropped it after you saw the post, I hadn't seen it when you were writing it up.

    Arm wrestling ALSO has nothing to do with powerlifting, and 710 may be a big number, but it still doesn't mean anything for deadlifting.
  • GordonWayneWatts
    GordonWayneWatts Posts: 120 Member
    If you really wanted to you would've dropped it after you saw the post, I hadn't seen it when you were writing it up.

    Arm wrestling ALSO has nothing to do with powerlifting, and 710 may be a big number, but it still doesn't mean anything for deadlifting.
    I really want to -- perhaps, next time, however, I will try a little harder to resist the urge to reply... (I am not strong in all areas; LOL) - do help me, tho, peeps: While we may not agree on all things, I do think we've all had a good chance to have our views hears, and this poster's suggestion (to drop it) is probably a common sense idea. :smile:

    Too much arguing online is good for nobody: we've heard each others' views, and you all had my full attention, so don't think I'm dissing off on you just because I disagree on SOME things (key word: some: I agree on the greater part)

    Remember: This board is for helping people, discussing things, helping yourself -and yes, exchanging opinions (and sometimes disagreeing) - but too much of a good thing is not good - While I don't mean to offend anybody, nonetheless, let's heed this posters advice here and cool it, k: :smile:
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    :laugh: Finally got through to the end, reading every. post.
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    in before the lock!

    F - 45 years old - 196 lbs - 5'2" - personal best 205 lbs for 5 reps on Monday night! More than hubby weighs. Told him I could now get rid of the body!! :wink:
  • timesinfinityplus2
    timesinfinityplus2 Posts: 57 Member
    GWW makes this thread popcorn worthy for sure, good god
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    :laugh: Finally got through to the end, reading every. post.

    yeah it is one of the most entertaining threads on here....
  • singlefemalelawyer
    singlefemalelawyer Posts: 382 Member
    Came for deadlifting PRs and all I found was a time traveler


  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    I've got some questions for you. Are you male/female? Height/Weight? How much can you deadlift? I am currently f/5'6/200lbs and I'm deadlifting 90lbs. I want to lift heavier but how much heavier?

    5'5/162 lbs
    My max for deadlift was 2 reps at 225lbs
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    After time travel I would like to discuss cycles in the stock market and how the phase of the moon might affect trading.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    If you really wanted to you would've dropped it after you saw the post, I hadn't seen it when you were writing it up.

    Arm wrestling ALSO has nothing to do with powerlifting, and 710 may be a big number, but it still doesn't mean anything for deadlifting.
    I really want to -- perhaps, next time, however, I will try a little harder to resist the urge to reply... (I am not strong in all areas; LOL) - do help me, tho, peeps: While we may not agree on all things, I do think we've all had a good chance to have our views hears, and this poster's suggestion (to drop it) is probably a common sense idea. :smile:

    Too much arguing online is good for nobody: we've heard each others' views, and you all had my full attention, so don't think I'm dissing off on you just because I disagree on SOME things (key word: some: I agree on the greater part)

    Remember: This board is for helping people, discussing things, helping yourself -and yes, exchanging opinions (and sometimes disagreeing) - but too much of a good thing is not good - While I don't mean to offend anybody, nonetheless, let's heed this posters advice here and cool it, k: :smile:

    So you're going to be the bigger man...and make sure you get the last word?
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    5'6.5 female, 127lbs
    Work weight for my "heavy" sets is 185
    Calculated ORM is 208 - but I don't believe I could pull it.
    Haven't tested a ORM since last Jan. (which was 175 at the time).
    Working on a program that will lead up to a ORM test: One month pulling sets of 5, one month pulling sets of 3, one month pulling sets of 2, and then a ORM test.
    My ultimate goal is a 250lb deadlift.

    ETA: I am in month two, so work sets are 3x3, then one lighter set of 8. Next I get to try to pull 190lb :huh:, and I am scared. Sometimes I wonder how I got myself in this position!