recent back surgery, need motivation



  • tam_a_ram_a
    tam_a_ram_a Posts: 52 Member
    I had a diskectomy on my L5, S1 in April. I'm feeling much better, but I have horrible tightness in my left calve and sometimes in my left buttock. The doctor was very vague about what I could and couldn't do....pretty much said if it hurts, don't do it. I find the bike kills my lower back, so I started doing Zumba at home, while modifying the moves that involve jumping and twisting. It sucks!!! But I keep telling myself that my fat is what got me in this predicament in the first place. I find that walking is the absolute best exercise as it's low impact and actually makes my back feel better.
  • lindsay0515
    lindsay0515 Posts: 41 Member
    I had a large herniation at L4-L5 last year that was miserable. I was in so much pain. The first orthopedic doc jumped straight to surgery and I told him no. So he sent me to PT while I sought a second opinion. The second orthopedic doc said to keep up with the PT and he didn't see a reason for surgery right now if I could work through the pain. Apparently, I had one of the largest herniations he has ever seen, but since my spinal canal is large, it was only causing mild foot drop and I could still walk. After 6 months, I was finally able to sit in a chair for longer than 2 minutes and stop taking the max dose of Advil every day.

    All of that to say, stick with the PT, give your body time and you will be stronger. Pilates helped A LOT in core and back strength and I even ran my first 5K in March after gradually working up to it after strengthening my core. Just listen to your body. I was told never to run again but I continued with my exercises, rested when I felt like I needed it and spent LOTS of time stretching. :)
  • TeriTegland
    TeriTegland Posts: 30 Member
    I am 50 years old and have had multiple back surgeries that not only did not help but made things worse (Failed Back Surgery Syndrome) while waiting for insurance companies to agree that I needed a spinal cord stimulator I have had so many epidural steroid injections and facet injections that I have gained 3o pounds I feel from the steroids. I finally had the spinal cord stimulator implanted 2 weeks ago and I am chomping at the bit to exercise. though I am not supposed to stretch, Bend, twist, lean,reach over my head.I have started walking slowly about 5-6 blocks up and back. Any Ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank You Teri