Women cutting body fat!



  • KikiD22
    KikiD22 Posts: 114 Member
    If the goal is to cut fat, sugar needs to be reduced as much as possible, that includes fruit, skim milk, sugary yogurt, etc. For fat loss, fruit should be limited only to pre and post workout. Just my opinion, take it for what you want.


    I took a look at the diary and there are a lot of hidden sugars (Maple & Brown Sugar oatmeal, fruit, milk, flavored Greek yogurt). If you are going to have some fruit during the day, use berries or another high fiber fruit (natural applesauce & a little cinnamon is great) to flavor plain oatmeal instead of buying the flavored varieties. Eat the plain Greek yogurt. Make your oatmeal with water instead of milk. A few little added changes like this and you will start to see a difference.

    I'm training for a figure competition 18 weeks from now and slowly cutting to about 13-15% bodyfat. I have occasional fruit, normally post-workout, but the large majority of my carbs come from fibrous veggies.
  • Angie_1MR
    Angie_1MR Posts: 247
    If the goal is to cut fat, sugar needs to be reduced as much as possible, that includes fruit, skim milk, sugary yogurt, etc. For fat loss, fruit should be limited only to pre and post workout. Just my opinion, take it for what you want.


    I took a look at the diary and there are a lot of hidden sugars (Maple & Brown Sugar oatmeal, fruit, milk, flavored Greek yogurt). If you are going to have some fruit during the day, use berries or another high fiber fruit (natural applesauce & a little cinnamon is great) to flavor plain oatmeal instead of buying the flavored varieties. Eat the plain Greek yogurt. Make your oatmeal with water instead of milk. A few little added changes like this and you will start to see a difference.

    I'm training for a figure competition 18 weeks from now and slowly cutting to about 13-15% bodyfat. I have occasional fruit, normally post-workout, but the large majority of my carbs come from fibrous veggies.

    Where is the "Like" button?
  • armitchell83
    armitchell83 Posts: 4 Member
    Bumping for later... it looks like we have similar stats/goals
  • imjessly
    imjessly Posts: 140 Member
    bump :)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Last September, I was 150 pounds and 33% body fat. I am currently 137 pounds and 21% body fat. I am slowly but surely reaching my goal of 16% body fat (and not caring how much I weigh when I get there).

    I eat around 1400 calories per day with a minimum of 1 g of protein per pound body weight, 0.25 g of fat per pound body weight, and I fill in the rest of calories with whatever (carbs, more fat or protein...doesn't matter to me as long as I hit those fat and protein mins).

    I do 4 days of weight lifting per week using Tom Venuto's "The New Bodybuilding Workout." It is an upper/lower split with 2 days of heavy lifting (5-6 reps on compound moves with a couple isolation moves at the end for about 8-12 reps) and 2 days of moderately heavy lifting (8-10 reps on compounds moves with isolations at the end).

    I also toss in a couple days of cardio on my off days from weight training. If I miss cardio, it's no biggie for me, I just don't eat back whatever calories those days. It's the deficit that causes fat loss anyway. Weight training increases your RMR so you burn more...cardio for me has other benefits aside from weight loss which is why I do it.

    What has hindered me is totally dietary. When I stick to my goals stated above, the fat comes off really fast! When I slip on the diet, my fat loss is at a stand still. Interestingly enough, I haven't "backslid" much at all, even on weeks of bad eating, as long as I keep up my heavy lifting. Raising that RMR is an awesome thing, lol. Not doing weight training has hindered me in the past. In fact, when I was a cardio bunny (even when I was doing HIIT) I would easily gain weight when I took a week off of exercise. Now I don't have to worry about that because of my weight lifting. So I guess to sum it up, cardinal sins for my fat loss would be eat too much and stop weight training.