Just started week 4



  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    Well I just got back from my do-over of week 4 day 1 and it wasn't as easy as the last time lol.... my last 5 minute run was nice and ssslllooowwwww lol. I probably looked like an idiot trotting around the neighborhood like that. oh well. I found that when I went slow like that it was a LOT easier to get through.
  • 1213shell
    1213shell Posts: 37 Member
    I decided to repeat WK4 -- just didn't feel comfortable going into WK5. Because it was soooo breezy here yesterday afternoon, I ran on the treadmill -- would have rather been outside as I tend to lose my balance on the treadmill. Next week will be WK5 -- no excuses.
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    I decided to repeat WK4 -- just didn't feel comfortable going into WK5. Because it was soooo breezy here yesterday afternoon, I ran on the treadmill -- would have rather been outside as I tend to lose my balance on the treadmill. Next week will be WK5 -- no excuses.

    I'm in week 4 right now and am incredibly nervous about moving on to week 5.
  • ssdivot
    ssdivot Posts: 193
    Did week 4 day 2 today and feel really good about it!.. On day 1 I did finish the runs as prescribed but was really really struggling on the last 5 minute interval was hanging on the treadmill rails in a ugly fashion.

    Today I didn't have time to "psych myself up" for hours as I usually seem to do, because I had company coming and had to do it as soon as I got up to have time to shower and return to somewhat human form before he got here, from the bedraggled mess that I feel after doing the C25k.

    Anyway I told myself that it was ok to try to strive to do just at least 30 seconds more on each interval than week 3 and then more if I could do it without hanging on rails, and see what happened. So I did 3 minutes (that's as week 4 prescribes) then 3 minutes (which was supposed to be 5 minutes) and then 2 minutes (supposed to be 3 minutes) and then on the last interval my legs loosened up or something and I did 5:30 (supposed to be 5). So it was a total of 13:30 jogging, week 3 was 9 minutes jogging and week 4 is supposed to be 16:00 jogging so I felt this was good progress since I was able to maintain some semblance of form vs. my 1st try of week 4. I was real happy about finishing up with 5:30. I'll be repeating this week. Today it felt like this weird discomfort on the outside of my left leg was holding me back, my breathing felt tons better. It's always my left leg giving me various discomforts, we've worked through the calf cramps, and then the achilles tendon soreness, and I'm very often saying to myself "left leg, why can't you be like right leg, which feels fine, you're holding me back" LOL.

    Then my friend said he wanted to go for a walk when we got here which made me happy, its so nice walking while talking with a friend and I rarely have anyone want to go with me.

    I have to go out of town next week for 10 days and I'm too self conscious to jog in public yet, so this bums me out. On the upside I'm going to Hawaii so I guess I'll survive :laugh:

    Hope everyone is doing well wherever they are in the program, and sorry for rambling!
  • 1213shell
    1213shell Posts: 37 Member
    Let me know how you do --glad I'm not the only one who is apprehensive about this. I talked with my trainer about it and he said not to stress over it; if you need to repeat, then repeat. After I finished last night's workout, he said I beat his other client's same circuit by 10 minutes while maintaining a good pace. I said, "That's because I'm a badass." He replied, "You ARE a badass!! Remember that!"
  • mrshoneybear1014
    mrshoneybear1014 Posts: 275 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    I am currently in the middle of week 7 (25 min jogs all 3 days) and looking back at this post makes me giggle now :)
  • 1213shell
    1213shell Posts: 37 Member
  • ErikaKBee
    ErikaKBee Posts: 26 Member
    I just did Week 3 Day 3 today. Earlier this week, I thought I was going to have to repeat week 3, but I think I might be okay to move on to 4. For me the difference was actually getting enough sleep, and eating appropriately. I have finally accepted that I cannot eat out or have anything remotely bad to eat prior to a run. It takes the fun out of everything but its better than feeling like I need a primatene mist pump on the jogging trail.