I don't see my results fast enough... :(



  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    slow and steady wins the race

    just what I was thinking....
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    Hi there, I am 46.4kgs and about 153cm tall. I know this is healthy for my height but I would like to get down to about 40 kgs. I started off working out about a month ago, I weighed 47.8kgs. I can definitely feel my shorts getting looser. Now that the month is almost ending, I am getting frustrated as the scale is not going down...

    I eat clean and work out 5-6 times a week. Each workout sesh comprises of a 4 min tabata workout, weights, cardio/strength circuit, abs and then about 30 minutes on the treadmill.

    My intensity on the treadmill isn't that low either. I do intervals - Sprint at 10mph (1 minute) and jog at 6.7mph (2 minutes). I can def feel my stamina increasing but it isn't translated to my physical appearance! This has gotten me very very frustrated and I'm even on the verge of deciding if I should just starve.... :(

    You are experiencing results though, even if you're not "seeing" them. Your shorts feel looser and your stamina is increased. Those are results. You say you're not seeing a change in physical appearance, but mirrors lie. You look at yourself everyday and you're not going to notice slight differences. I suggest photos. In fact, I think in the short time I've been here, reading and seeing success stories, my one piece of advice to everyone is take photos at regular intervals. You can't always recognize on your own what the photos show clear as day.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    46.4 kilos is around 101lbs. Even for 153cm that is SMALL. If youre really worried about your weight you should consult a doc, it sounds like youre bordering on an ED to me and could benefit from talking to a professional.
  • lrdavenport23
    lrdavenport23 Posts: 58 Member
    This is your life long health and fitness we're talking about here right? There is no race to being fit, there is no "easy/quick fix" button. This is going to be a life long progression if you truly make it a lifestyle and treat your body with respect, feeding it what it needs for recovery and for spiritual well being. Workout, refuel, rest, repeat for the rest of your life. Do not look to next month, look at what you accomplished today, what you will accomplish tomorrow. Love yourself, ENJOY THE JOURNEY! The journey is what breaks old habits and makes you the new person you are growing to be, not just physically but mentally.

    So true!!! Great advice!!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Don't do Tabata everyday. IMO, it shouldn't be done more than 3 times max a week because of the stress on the nervous system.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    stress on the nervous system? Just started P90 - my first tabata scheduled for today... should I be doing this at my age? Am I gonna die?
    True Tabata SHOULDN'T be done by individuals who are novices to training and are unfit. Not kidding here. True Tabata is 100% all out effort on every interval and if you've just started training you could seriously overexert and injure yourself and cause havoc with your respiratory system if you are unconditioned. Keep in mind that Tabata was designed with Olympic athletes in mind.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • isazzzz
    isazzzz Posts: 95
    I eat about 1200 calories a day and sometimes even less but I feel fine! No, I am not psycho-ing myself to believe that I feel fine but I really do feel fine. I don't know why I feel fine when I'm supposed to be eating way more than 1200 cals especially since I burn at LEAST 300 calories a day through my treadmill intervals. Is my body so used to the fact that I'm eating so little and therefore not burning anything off?

    So today, I tried increasing my calorie intake.. we'll see how it goes then.

    What do you guys think?
  • Missi3601
    Missi3601 Posts: 264
    Good advice!

    If you're a healthy weight, why are you going to starve yourself to lose more? The big secret is this; most men find overly skinny women repulsive. Most of us like women with some meat on their bones - either fit and trim or softer and curvy. 40kgs at 153 will put you very much into the Underweight category in BMI and as you work out regularly, that is not a healthy goal AT ALL.

    Reconsider. Is a number on a scale more important than how you look? Is it more important than your long term health? Because, I don't know about anyone else, but I've never weighed someone to decide if I find them attractive.
  • isazzzz
    isazzzz Posts: 95
    Good advice!

    If you're a healthy weight, why are you going to starve yourself to lose more? The big secret is this; most men find overly skinny women repulsive. Most of us like women with some meat on their bones - either fit and trim or softer and curvy. 40kgs at 153 will put you very much into the Underweight category in BMI and as you work out regularly, that is not a healthy goal AT ALL.

    Reconsider. Is a number on a scale more important than how you look? Is it more important than your long term health? Because, I don't know about anyone else, but I've never weighed someone to decide if I find them attractive.

    Nooo I'm not gonna starve anymore.

    I eat about 1200 calories a day and sometimes even less but I feel fine! No, I am not psycho-ing myself to believe that I feel fine but I really do feel fine. I don't know why I feel fine when I'm supposed to be eating way more than 1200 cals especially since I burn at LEAST 300 calories a day through my treadmill intervals. Is my body so used to the fact that I'm eating so little and therefore not burning anything off?

    So today, I tried increasing my calorie intake.. we'll see how it goes then.

    What do you guys think?
  • iamfranniefierce
    iamfranniefierce Posts: 305 Member
    Speed is irrelevant. Persistence is everything.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    MFP says that I should consume 1200 calories a day. Is that too little? But many fitness professionals on youtube have said that you lose weight if you create a calorie deficit of 500 calories a day.

    I'm about the same height as you are (5'1"), and your current weight (101 lbs) would be seriously underweight for me (and I have a small frame). Going to your goal weight (88 lbs) would be unhealthy. You're already petite without a lot of weight to lose (if any). Focus on building muscles, not losing weight. Heck, you might look fitter, more toned if you gained more muscle, and therefore weight. Forget the calorie deficit. At your current body weight, a calorie deficit of 500 would be unhealthy. Instead, work towards increasing your muscle mass.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Good advice!

    If you're a healthy weight, why are you going to starve yourself to lose more? The big secret is this; most men find overly skinny women repulsive. Most of us like women with some meat on their bones - either fit and trim or softer and curvy. 40kgs at 153 will put you very much into the Underweight category in BMI and as you work out regularly, that is not a healthy goal AT ALL.

    Reconsider. Is a number on a scale more important than how you look? Is it more important than your long term health? Because, I don't know about anyone else, but I've never weighed someone to decide if I find them attractive.

    Nooo I'm not gonna starve anymore.

    I eat about 1200 calories a day and sometimes even less but I feel fine! No, I am not psycho-ing myself to believe that I feel fine but I really do feel fine. I don't know why I feel fine when I'm supposed to be eating way more than 1200 cals especially since I burn at LEAST 300 calories a day through my treadmill intervals. Is my body so used to the fact that I'm eating so little and therefore not burning anything off?

    So today, I tried increasing my calorie intake.. we'll see how it goes then.

    What do you guys think?

    That's the right move, and I'm glad you came to it yourself. Not feeling hunger is a symptom of a downregulated metabolism, so yes, you probably have suppressed it somewhat but it will pick back up if you start to eat more. Get your butt in the gym, kick *kitten* and eat well :)
  • bump
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I think its ridiculous that many of you are offering advie without even taking the OP's measurements into account.
    She weights 100LBS!! I know people like to be encouraging, but to be honest, all you could be encouraging is an eating disorder.
    The best advice Ive seen is to get in the gym and start working on muscle building, look to being strong and fit, not underweight.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Hi there, I am 46.4kgs and about 153cm tall. I know this is healthy for my height but I would like to get down to about 40 kgs. I started off working out about a month ago, I weighed 47.8kgs. I can definitely feel my shorts getting looser. Now that the month is almost ending, I am getting frustrated as the scale is not going down...

    I eat clean and work out 5-6 times a week. Each workout sesh comprises of a 4 min tabata workout, weights, cardio/strength circuit, abs and then about 30 minutes on the treadmill.

    My intensity on the treadmill isn't that low either. I do intervals - Sprint at 10mph (1 minute) and jog at 6.7mph (2 minutes). I can def feel my stamina increasing but it isn't translated to my physical appearance! This has gotten me very very frustrated and I'm even on the verge of deciding if I should just starve.... :(

    What is your bodyfat% and lean mass

    I'm 4ft 11, so similar height to you - I currently have 99lbs of lean mass, so getting under 100lbs would be impossible for me without sacrificing muscle.


    The weight you are striving for may not be realistic
  • DellG85
    DellG85 Posts: 79 Member
    Sweetheart please, go and see a doc asap. Im a recovering eating disorder sufferer myself and to me, your goal is extremely unhealthy. You are working out A LOT and wanting to drop from the healthy to underweight category is quite worrying. I hope you don't feel like we're all ganging up on you. It's just...well, I wouldn't wish what I went through on my worst enemy. I think the chances are you see something very different in the mirror to what the rest of the world sees and you really need to seek some advice about this, before it's to late. I'm here if you need to talk hun xxx
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Mabe 40kg is a little unrealistic? It will bring your BMI to 17, which would be considered underweight.
    Try focussing on toning and getting healthy, rather than losing weight. If you do lose in the meantime, consider it a nice bonus
  • DellG85
    DellG85 Posts: 79 Member
    Sweetheart please, go and see a doc asap. Im a recovering eating disorder sufferer myself and to me, your goal is extremely unhealthy. You are working out A LOT and wanting to drop from the healthy to underweight category is quite worrying. I hope you don't feel like we're all ganging up on you. It's just...well, I wouldn't wish what I went through on my worst enemy. I think the chances are you see something very different in the mirror to what the rest of the world sees and you really need to seek some advice about this, before it's to late. I'm here if you need to talk hun xxx

    Oh, and just as a footnote, I lost all of my weight by effectively starving myself, When I eventually started to eat normally again, I piled on everything I'd lost plus an extra 4 stone as I'd just totally destroyed my metabolism. I would say your weight is perfect for your height and if you are still wanting to tone up, ease up on the cardio and do some strength training, i.e. weights and toning exercises such as yoga, pilate's etc. xxx
  • aalicebergstrom
    aalicebergstrom Posts: 2 Member
    If you're a healthy weight, why are you going to starve yourself to lose more? The big secret is this; most men find overly skinny women repulsive. Most of us like women with some meat on their bones - either fit and trim or softer and curvy. 40kgs at 153 will put you very much into the Underweight category in BMI and as you work out regularly, that is not a healthy goal AT ALL.

    Reconsider. Is a number on a scale more important than how you look? Is it more important than your long term health? Because, I don't know about anyone else, but I've never weighed someone to decide if I find them attractive.

    I totally agree with this!!!! Why are you trying to be underweight? I bet you look great at the weight you are and at your weight now you are still in the lower end of a normal BMI. MFP is about being fit and healthy :) being underweight comes with health problems too.
  • as someone that is your height and at one stage was your weight ... it isn't healthy, if I were you I'd be aiming for around 48kg - 52kg
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member