Seniors Golden Sneakers Club for JUNE



  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hi everybody - hope you all had a good weekend! Marie - it's HOT where you are! I keep hearing about Texas on the news and thinking about you. Hope you have air conditioning!!!!!!

    Sandy - I hope your drive this afternoon is better than this morning! I gained a pound over the weekend too - don't worry - we'll both take it off during the week. I have the feeling it may take me going back to the gym and yoga to lose my 3 - and at this point i just can't!

    Barb - i don't know if i'm brave or just crazy! lol. I've run this business for 22 yeras now - my Dad started it back in the 1940s. Our 2 best selling products always seem to be in jeapodary from FDA or EPA - therefore i'm always looking at other companies to buy that i could run from the barns the way i do now. This one i'm looking at looks promising - but definitely scary!

    Saturday i got the upstairs bathroom floor grouted - still need to do the shower..........omg is that a dirty nasty job! Then i had some painting to do - trim and the pantry shelves. I'll go in this afternoon and hopefully finish the pantry and start on one of the closets. My friends Jennifer and Terry who are helping me are on vacation now with their 2 girls so i need to go to their house and hang out with the dog and water the grass and chickens and check the cows.........

    Yesterday my dil came from Colo Spgs - she's getting pretty antsy for my son to be home (as are we all). So i actually took the afternoon off and we went to the lake for a couple hours. It felt like a mini vacation! Very cool!!!!!!!!:glasses:

    Hey Beth! where are you?

    Hi Jeffrey, Gayla, Phoebe, Barbie and Jake

    Sorry if i missed anyone! :heart: elli
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Have you missed me??? LOL

    News from the Nut House! I have been BUSY! House guest all last week! It was great. I got to spend a lot of time with my SIL. She is a great gal. I have been cooking some and running around a lot. I did get out yesterday and picked a quart of wild black raspberries. If I have the time I am going out again this afternoon. I have been getting some bike riding in and i have really been enjoying that. The job search is still bleak, but I keep on trying and looking. It could be worse! Smanatha is coming home Thursday and bringing 2 friends home from college with her. That will be fun and lively! We are having our traditional 4th of July cookout with our best friends and thier families. That is always one of the highlights of my summer. My garden is doing great and I am getting ready to pick green beans and I am on my second full cutting of lettuce, now that the rabbits are not an issue.

    That is a quick overview of the last few days. I hope everyone else is doing great! I will get the new pics up soon.

    I did post a new weight! Whoo Hoo!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi jeffrey I notice that the first thing. Congrats to you. *0 lbs. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You sound like you are really enhoy being a house mom.

    We got our carpet in the family room yesterday and Smmy did not being shut up in the computor room with me all that time. He was wanting to go get those guys. But they got it all dwn and look real nice.

    Elli So nice to hear from you. You are one busy girl.

    I missing Barbiie aand jake While they are out of range. But I bet they are enjoying them self/.

    Tomorrow is Canada day have a good one Gayla, Chowhound, and Ellen. We have ours next Sat.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Jeff! You reached your GOAL! OMG - you ROCK! That is so cool! Congratulations! I don't know if i'll get rid of my 3 pounds 'till i go back to the gym and yoga.

    Marie - how great that you got some new carpet and it only took a DAY! I probably should have gone with more carpet in my house and fewer wood floors! The only carpet I'm getting is a little bit in the master bath and the walk in closet. Everything else will be wood floors. They're already there - they just have to be refinished - that will be the final thing before i move back in......:happy:

    Hope everyone else is doing well! It does seem like lots of people must be on vacation. I went to the lake on Sunday with my dil for a couple hours - it was my vacation! It was GREAT!!!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Hi Everybody,
    I am with a friend at a bookstore/internet cafe in Trail, BC and we're using their computers. I did a quick skim of the posts but all my brain retained was how much I miss all of you and can't wait to get to the next campground and back on my computer.

    This is a fabulous part of North America and one that I intend to come back to.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Trail is on the banks of the Columbia River and is surrounded by mountains. The people are friendly. If we didn't love the north Olympic Peninsula so much, we'd move here in a heartbeat.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    We have been very careful about our eating but exercise has been walking and since it's pretty warm, not nearly enough walking. I bought two new t shirts in a smaller size :bigsmile: with Canada and a maple leaf on the front, so I'm ready for Canada Day tomorrow.

    Big hugs to all, :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    So good to hear from Jeffrey, Elli and Barb. Glad you are doing so well and we miss you. Summer is always busy so we understand, I will be gone all next week, so our posts will be slim.

    Marie, congratulations on the new carpet. I bet the house smells brand new. :flowerforyou:

    I played cards today but not before getting 45 minutes of exercise done. We had lunch and then picked up my granddaughter from dance. Made some dinner for my hubby and now plan to just chill out on the couch. :laugh:

    Will check in tomorrow and hope you all have a great evening.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    WTG Jeffrey!!! What a wonderful accomplishment.

    We are sitting here under a tornado watch and wondering if we should head to the basement. I am quite anxious with weather so not a fun time. It is looking to me like it will pass over. Lots of wind and the birds are really flitting around. Not sure if they are enjoying the extra lift or if they know something is up. Tomorrow is a holiday for Canada Day. Kind of nice to have a mid-week holiday.
    Yesterday I put our cruise on a 3 day hold. The travel agent will get back to me tomorrow to confirm. We are just trying to find some better air prices. If not, I guess we will bite the bullet and go high. We could wait and watch but with seven of us it makes it more difficult to get any kind of deal. My air miles will take care of a large part of the cruise which is nice. It should be a great way to celebrate my retirement!! People ask me if I am sure that is what I want to do --- there is no question!!!
    I did go to the Dr. today about my knee. I thought it was because I was favouring my other side that my right knee started acting up on me, sore and swollen off and on. The doc thinks that I may have cracked the knee cap when I fell on it a couple of years ago and now it has a bony growth on the knee cap. He also thinks there is arthritis in the knee. I had the x-ray and will get the results Thursday. It hasn't been as sore this week so nearly cancelled the appt. and the hip is getting much, much better. I actually did a whole grocery run without having to quit in the middle. Yeah me!!
    Hmm, I am seeing some sunshine so hopefully those dark clouds will not turn around and come back over us.

    Marie -- How nice to have new carpet -- what colour? We have been talking new flooring for a long time but still haven't gone ahead with it. Dave wants ceramic tile and I want hardwood. We don't argue about it, we just avoid. :wink: He thinks I am too sloppy in the kitchen for hardwood and perhaps he is right!

    Barbie -- Enjoy Canada Day, you sound more prepared than I am. We used to go watch the fireworks but haven't for a few years. Actually we can see them from our upstairs bedroom window. We just get the high ones as it is about 20 miles away.

    Elli -- Sounds like you are making great progress. It is frustrating when you are in the tedious parts but you will be so thankful when it is done.

    Sandy -- Do you play bridge? We used to play bridge with friends but they have moved to B.C. It is a great game.

    Everyone else, have a happy day and think of us Canucks tomorrow! Gayla :happy:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Gayla, What kind of cruise are you going on and where?. Thats nice and the whole family going. How wonderful. hope ypur knee get better. When is that retirement date? I know how you have been looking forward to it. Happy Canada Day.
    I got a pecock blue rug. And I really like it.

    Sandy---i promise I will change us to July tonight.

    Elli---You are going to have that house done in no time.

    Barbie and Jake , oh how i missed you two. keep on having fun. And celebrate Canada day tomorrow.

    Jeffrey how Proud I am of you hitting that 80 mark. That is something. You are doing allright.

    Chowhound and Ellen enjoy your holiday.

    Phoebe drive careful where ever you are. Be home for the 4th.

    To all the rest Have a good night.

    Marie:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Here is the link to July Seniors Golden Sneakers Club

    I thnk Caliecat intended to post this HERE rather than on the July thread, so I am posting it to let everyone follow us into the JULY THREAD

    Have a good month, everyone:flowerforyou:

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