Seniors Golden Sneakers Club for JUNE



  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    you are all such early birds!! wow, I was awakened by the telephone at about 10 this morning.. oh a busy day and weekend here at home.
    I just want to say hi to all of you, and
    to Marie- Thank God for you, and so glad you are safe and sound. be careful, but you know that, and Jerry will mind you if you get too frisky!!
    I will catch up with everyone later, probably Sunday.
    take care
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Sandy - i love your new pics! You look so GREAT!!!!!!:happy:

    Phoebe - good to hear from you.

    Jeff - sure glad you have those cats to watch out for you and Day! So glad you will have Father's Day with both girls! That's awesome! And your favorite SIL. Have a great one!

    Barbie - i love your new pic as well!!!!!!

    Marie - hope you're feeling even better today! Can't wait for you to be up and on that tryke!

    Hi Gayla - hope Neil is happy today! So sorry about the loss of one of your kids. I'm sure you get so attached. You're such a good person.

    Love you guys. :heart: elli
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Wow Sandy, You three are going to tear the town of Vegas up. You are all just beautiful. ESPECALLY YOU. Talk about sexy WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Love Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    It's so nice everyone reporting in this morning.
    I am doing fine this morning. The only restriction I have is not to take a bath. for a week. But I can take a shower. I haven't been able to get in the tub for several years now. For I could never get up if I got down. Althought I would love too. I am going to get out this morning with Jerry and go to the store. I go back to my doctor in 2 weeks. I am using my walker to get around here in the house, But plan on ditching it in a few days. I am ansious to go to a casino after Jeffrey and Sandy talking about it. So May plan on going in a couple of weeks. We will go up to Okla. I have never been to vegas. Sounds like fun tho.

    :heart: :heart: Marie

    P>S> I am back to filling out my food chart . Have had about a month vacation from it.. and it is showing. I had 369 for breakfast. Jerry feeding me too much.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I had a real nice day yesterday and feeling just great. At first Jerry said I could not go to the reunion today, but after seeing how good I was getting around at the store he change his mind. so I came home and made brocolli salad and a cheese dip to take. Will go to WalMart and pick up some ham from the deli this morning. My new legs are working just fine. I am glad I had the doc fixed me up. Alice will be out and off we go.

    There was a water break in front of our house on the road and and all there heavy machines was out all night long. I think they just left. Sammy was so upset. He will sleep all day.We lost our water Hope we have it now for I haven't check it out yet. It look like a river last night.

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend

    Marie:drinker: :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    It is a BEAUTIFUL DAY here in Itasca, Illinois, sun is shining, the weather is hot and perfect for the pool. I am feeling great, lost another pound and life is good. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Marie, glad to hear that you are doing so good, it sounds much easier than the last leg. Don't overdo at the reunion, just sit and maybe put your leg up. Your getting closer to getting on that trike everyday. :laugh:

    Have a little more shopping to do for my Vegas trip but I think I will take advantage of the weather and just enjoy being outdoors. Our storms were so violent yesterday and I was driving with my granddaughter what seemed to be oceans of water. I am glad I drive a SUV, otherwise I might have gotten stuck in the water. It was raining so hard that you couldn't tell if the street was flooded until you were in it. :ohwell:

    Hope everyone has a great weekend, weather is perfect for all and you can appreciate all of God's gifts.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    :flowerforyou: Sandy, what a great picture. It almost makes me want to reconsider and put on a swimsuit and head for the pool. Oops, I just realized that we’re not at the RV park with the pool so I guess I’ll have to wait until tomorrow when we get to the next place. If you like the sun, that might keep you away from too much gambling when you get to Las Vegas since the gambling places are dark and indoors. When we were in Las Vegas we found the food much more tempting than the gambling. I hope you find some great new clothes to take on your trip. Your new picture looks like sisters rather than three generations. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, Jake is feeling much better. After spending all day in bed on Thursday, getting up only for meals, he awoke Friday feeling like a new man. This is very different for him. He used to get sick and stay that way for a week or more. Now when he gets sick it’s only for a day. He felt well enough to go out with friends to a garden show where we walked a lot and looked at plants, landscaping, and interesting stuff for decorating the garden. I’m glad you are getting up and getting dressed and returning to the land of the healthy. You’ll be riding that trike in no time.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I’m sorry to hear about your sister-in-law. It is good that she can come and see you. You and Day have such a positive outlook on life that the visit will be uplifting for her. How great that you will have your kids with you for Fathers’ Day.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, it’s good to hear from you.

    :flowerforyou: Elli---my new picture was taken on the back of a caboose at the Northern Pacific Railroad Museum in Toppenish, Washington, where we’ve been staying for the last ten days. When Jake took the picture I realized how long it has been since I have had a picture taken. Even more important was that when I saw the picture, I liked it.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I am thinking very positive thoughts about your back. Be moderate and you’ll be back to your old self before you know it.

    We are going to relax this afternoon and watch a movie. We'll find a place to go walking later.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Barbicat!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I was poking around the posts and saw your latest post on this one. I am so glad you mentioned that railroad museum. I had no idea there was one in Toppenish. I visited the one in Sacramento. yikes!! just realized that was about 28 years ago!!:noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: Anyway, I remember how much I enjoyed seeing all the exhibits, and learning more about the history of railroading thru the eyes of an older friend who was very knowledgeable.

    I hope you are having a wonderful trip and I am glad to hear Jake has rejoined the land of the healthy.

    :flowerforyou: Caliecat-- I was reading thru this thread and saw your comments about your Jack Russell having become a little "porky." The little girl pictured on my id is "Mai LI" AKA "piglet girl" and she is VERY demanding about getting something to eat when she gets the hungry.

    About the time I started my own weight loss journey, I made a change in her food to a senior maintenance formula (she is 10) and she didn't appreciate the change I also made to feed only once a day. I found when I divided the total amount per day and fed it in two parts, she seemed to be hungrier and would carry on for a prolonged period demamding more to eat. I have discovered a wonderful healthy low calorie "doggie treat" that came about all because I am clumsy and dropped a baby carrot on the rug.:laugh: That's right, baby carrots are VERY popular in my house, both with me and Mai Li, and my Shih tzu, Pepper.

    My guys also like cooked broccoli, and ready to eat Edamame (soybeans that have been boiled and removed from the pod). As a result of using these options when my "kids" demand snacks long before it is time for dinner, I have been able to get almost 4 lbs. trimmed off of Mai Li. :drinker: :drinker: She was up to 29 lbs at her highest and is now down to just over 25 lbs. Another 3 lbs. and she will be at a pretty good weight for her size. If only I had just 3 more lbs....:laugh:

    If we think about relative weight loss, Mai Li has lost about 10 % of her body weight. This is the equivalent of a 290 lb. person losing about 30 lbs, so she should be very proud of herself. I know I am proud of her, but I haven't told her too often because needs no encouragement to live up to her other name "Diva Girl" :laugh: :laugh:

    Seriously, if your little guy does not appreciate having his calories restricted, maybe a few veggies to chew on would help. The veggies are actually very good for the digestion, according to my vet, and potatoes are also a favorite. The one thing to be aware of is any food allergies. My late Shih tzu, (the cream colored one in my ticker), sweet little Dreyfus,:heart: was allergic to tomatoes. This was most unfortunate, since one of his favorite treats was spaghetti with marinara sauce. :love: :love:

    Do you remember the scene in the old animated Disney movie "Lady and the Tramp" where the two dogs are eating spaghetti? Dreyfus's table manners weren't nearly as refined. I have a picture of him with a little orange "beard" on his chin, taken right after a "spaghetti feed." Once I discovered he was allergic to this and other items found in commercial dog foods, such as wheat, corn, rice, I was able to change his diet and eliminate the chronic ear infections and skin issues he had been having, but I sure hated to deprive him of his favorite treat.

    Well, I didn't get any walking outside done today, but I have been busy running errands for a friend just out of the hospital, so does cruising Walmart count? I did do 5.5. miles on Friday, and if the weather cooperates on Sunday, I will get some time in before I go and make a dad's day dinner for mine.

    Happy weekend to all:flowerforyou:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Good Morning
    We're set to make an early getaway so I have only a minute.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, what a treat to find you on this thread. I was attracted to the train museum because it reminded me of train trips I had taken. When I was in college the cheapest way for me to travel from college in Minnesota to home in Eureka, California was the train. Of course, I sat up the whole way, it was too expensive to get a berth or compartment and I brought my own food because it was too expensive to eat in the dining car. In 1988 I took the train from Anchorage to Fairbanks---wow, what scenery. Now we live somewhere with no trains at all. When we travel and stay in RV parks near the track, I love to listen to the trains going by at night.

    I haven't had as much trouble with overweight dogs as with overweight cats. Dogs have always been more obedient about eating what is fed to them. I grew up with cats having a bowl of food for nibbling all day. When I tried to put away the bowl of food, my cats pestered me to the point of meowing and walking all over me all night:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Oops, it's late, gotta go. And yes, today is weigh in day and I lost 2 more pounds
  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Happy Father's Day to all the papas!

    Jeffrey, nice of you to cook for your wife. My husband likes to cook, but not always what I like/need but he is very kind and supportive to me which is the main thing.

    Sandy, love your new photo. You look terrific.

    Marie, glad to hear you are getting around again. Enjoy your outing.

    Barbie, My dad was a railroader, so I enjoy anything to do with trains. Used to have lots of rail trips because we had passes. Train travel in Canada is now mostly a tourist thing and quite expensive.

    Gayla, won't say it too loudly but glad to hear there is some improvement with your back. Funny [or maybe not so funny] how the knees act up in sympathy. The latest picture is OK Lake near Kelowna. It is so beautiful.

    Elli, it's great that you can even maintain your weight loss with everything else you have going. Do you see the end in sight yet? You've accomplished so much.

    To all, have a good day as we celebrate Fathers. God bless them.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone and a very Happy Father's Day to all the Dads. We have rain, rain, rain and we need it badly so won't complain about that. I cooked my brisket last night and my kids are coming to help prepare dinner. I better get my counters all cleaned and the floor washed -- I don't want them to see how lazy their Mom has been!! Counters can really accumulate stuff if you are not on them every day. We are eating early as one dil has to go to work at 6 and my son is playing hockey this evening. Hockey never stops here!!
    Ellen -- I am also one of those lucky ones whose Dad was a railroader. My sister and I did a lot of traveling by train with our passes and didn't even know how lucky we were until later. I went to Nursing School in Edmonton and home was in Saskatchewan and I was so lucky to be able to travel home whenever I had a need to. I loved having a berth but usually didn't. Like Barbie, it was sleeping in the day coach. A couple of years ago we were on holiday and stayed in a hotel close to the tracks. During the night they were switching cars and I slept right through it. My husband didn't sleep all night. Felt like home to me.
    Keep smiling. Gayla :smile:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Happy Father's Day Dads!!!! I wish my Dad was here with me - i told him next time he comes out i'll fix him a great meal in my new kitchen!

    Barbie! You're up to 40 pounds lost!!!!!!:happy: That is AWESOME! Congratulations!!!!!!!! Isn't that awesome when you have a new picture of yourself that you actually LIKE? You're doing amazing! Glad Jake is up and around again and didn't take a week to recuperate! We get so many perks from living a healthy lifestyle!

    Sandy - when do you leave for Vegas?

    Ellen - I know we're getting closer with the house - but it's still a little overwhelming when i think of everything we still have to do. I was sitting over there today looking at all the wood i've stripped and then i realized i'll have to replace, sand and stain all the quarter round i pulled off:grumble: I'm still hoping to be able to move back in in Aug - even if it takes me another year to completely finish everything......

    OK - hafta run - i'm waiting on my friend Jennifer to get back so hopefully we can grout the mud room. :yawn: I was up early this morning and painted the wainscoating in the bathroom before i made a home depot run.......then she needed some time to do stuff so i mowed a little and chain sawed down a bunch of suckers that were more like small trees:laugh: :yawn: Talk to you all soon! elli
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Happy Fathers Day to all who this applies too, whether to a son, daughter, foster child, animal or whatever. Some of you might even be mother's but still like dad's to your kids. What ever the situation, Happy Father's Day!!!

    I did a little shopping today and then we went to my step son's and over indulged in baby back ribs. I hate to tell you how many calories they had but let me tell you tomorrow's workout will be intense. :laugh:

    I leave for Vegas July 4th, return July 11th and will get my new Old English Sheepdog, (Daisy Mae) on July 12. I have a lot to look forward to and am very happy. :bigsmile:

    Will check in tomorrow, probably with a weight gain. :cry:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    [ing] Reunion/FamilyReunion001.jpg[/ing]

    Here I am at the family rreunion with a SIL [ the only one left] and I haven't seen her in 50 years. We both cry. She didn't know I was going to be there and I didn't know she was going to be there. She lives in Ca. now. But flew in to see her sister here. Marie Oh OH didn't work Will try again later.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Well it just wont work.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    good morning everyone, I am fighting to stay awake. just popping in to say hello, and happy belated father's day.
    Barbie, I love your new pic, new to me that is. Pink is a great color for you.
    Marie, I got your photo, I just left off the ing at the end.. jpg should be at the end. It is so good, you look much younger than your age, have you been fooling us all this time?
    Hope you and Jerry had a great Father's day, he is certainly a great husband, they need a husband day and a wife day, or would that be valentines day?
    I can't believe I'm sleepy again, Jim woke me today, walked into the bedroom, held out his hand for me to shake and said congratulations!! ''I grumbled'' For What?... he said .. for sleeping til almost Noon!! Well, I must've needed it. We had a good time at the family get together Saturday, but I was tired.. the heat zaps me. I am not a beach bum.. more of a tree frog!!
    hi to all of you, and hi to weaklink 109, whom I've not met.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member Reunion/FamilyReunion001.jpg

    trying to get it for you! ok the link above will work, copy and paste it.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi Phoebe! so good to hear from you. It seems like you have been away for awhile. I suppose you will be heading back out soon. How is your yard doing this summer? It has been so dry here but we got rain all day today. Not great for the guys who wanted to golf but no one is complaining. Our kids golfed 27 holes yesterday. They were in a tournament for the first 18. They said they did 'ok' but did win some prizes. My dil's picture was in the paper running a marathon last weekend. She was happy with her time.
    Marie -- thanks to Phoebe I got to look at your picture! What a wonderful surprise that must have been for you. You do look wonderful.
    We had a nice time with the family for Father's Day. Time to start a new week. I will be glad to have leftovers tomorrow. I love leftovers, makes for a very relaxing day!
    Gayla :smile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,266 Member
    Good Morning,

    It is going to be a hot week, I should be able to get that tan I want before getting to Vegas. :tongue:

    Scale wasn't as bad as I expected, it did show a pound gain but since there is so much salt in pork I am going to wait and see what tomorrow brings. :wink: You can be sure I will be eating very good today. :laugh:

    Marie, I love your picture also, you look so beautiful. I would never believe you are 78 years old. What an inspiration you are to all of us. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Gayla, that is a lot of golfing your family did, they must love the sport. I never got into golf, was more a tennis buff, although I am paying for it now with bad knees. I envy your dil who runs, another thing I just never could do, but it is sure a good exercise. Glad you had a good Father's day as I hope everyone did.:flowerforyou:

    Phoebe, you really must have been tired and deserved to sleep.:bigsmile: Are you going on the road again soon? That must be an exhausting job, no wonder you are tired. :laugh:

    Jeff, hope you had a wonderful day with your girls. I know my son loves being with his daughter as much as he can. My other son has a college daughter and she is his only child, when she went away to college they were heartbroken but very proud. I am sure you feel the same. :happy:

    Will check in with everyone a little later, have to get a move on here to get everything done if I want to get out in the sun today. :blushing:

  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Skimmed thru some of your posts, wish I had time to respond, didn't even get to see your pic yet, Marie. But I will take the laptop on our trip and hope there are some places I can hook up to the net. '
    Got to hit the road, have a good week all. talk to you later. Don't like the look of my scale this am at all, maybe I'll just wait and see if it being any kinder when we come back.
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