The Hardships of Beautiful Women



  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member

    The psychologist in that video is a lot prettier then her.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    God how depressing - I am 41 the same age as her and I wish I had her problems!
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    God how depressing - I am 41 the same age as her and I wish I had her problems!


    The strange thing is that she comments how this is over a lifetime which leaves me to believe that nothing has really happened recently, and when it has happened it has been the odd drink. I've had drinks bought for me but I wouldn't consider it to be because I was beautiful. I also don't believe the woman where she walks her dog blanked her because she was beautiful.
    Somebody needs to track that woman down and find out why she blanked her!
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    I personally think that guy that supposedly 'paid for her cab' was actually trying to get the cab driver to take her back to the airport :wink:

    How anyone can think so highly of themselves i'll never know.
  • migoi357
    migoi357 Posts: 173 Member
    Looking at the profile pictures of the posters in this thread, there are way more than a score of you more physically attractive than the woman in the article. When you account for the effects of attitude, the woman in the article get pushed way to the bottom of the beautiful listings.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    whoah, de ja vu.

    Didn't we do this thread twice already?
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    Have you ever been to the UK? I have, several times, and the people over there are not attractive at all. Especially the girls...they don't get manicures, pedicures, eyebrows done...nothing! It's probably because everything is so expensive over there...or because of all the inbreeding. Who knows.

    However, I can see her being the most good looking girl out of 1,000...seriously.

    My best friend just moved to London and when she is on the train (she is gorgeous by the way), people just gawk at her. And this is her wihout make-up or anything. Good looking people are rare in the UK

    I also take offence to this.
    No.1 It is not a necessity to get manicures, pedicures etc. some people have better things to be doing. I for one don't fancy sitting in a salon for hours on end getting my nails and eyebrows done, i do them myself.

    No.2 How do you know people over here 'inbreed' have you asked anyone? I'm sure they wouldn't admit it even if they had so that can't be the reason, even if they did i'm pretty sure that being an inbred would not stop them from getting a manicure or pedicure or even having their eyebrows done

    No.3 Your friend being gorgeous is your opinion - ever thought people may gawk at her because they think she represents the back end of a bus? just a thought....

    I don't know what part of the UK you have visited but seeing as you've been several times you couldnt have been that put off by our 'unattractiveness'.
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    This has to be a joke. If not? God bless her.

    Sad to see the biker from The Village People get so old. He can still rock the 'stache though.

    Lol... :D
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Maybe it was from April Fools day?
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    Have you ever been to the UK? I have, several times, and the people over there are not attractive at all. Especially the girls...they don't get manicures, pedicures, eyebrows done...nothing! It's probably because everything is so expensive over there...or because of all the inbreeding. Who knows.

    However, I can see her being the most good looking girl out of 1,000...seriously.

    My best friend just moved to London and when she is on the train (she is gorgeous by the way), people just gawk at her. And this is her wihout make-up or anything. Good looking people are rare in the UK

    You and I must have been to different parts then. All the times I've been there, I'm amazed at he beautiful women and their overall lack of fat people, and everyone looks generally fit. The women in Scotland, OMFG, I have never seen more beautiful women in my life, and I've been around. So, yeah, I dunno what part you've been to, but the part I've seen do not at all corroborate your story.

    I like you :tongue:
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    Have you ever been to the UK? I have, several times, and the people over there are not attractive at all. Especially the girls...they don't get manicures, pedicures, eyebrows done...nothing! It's probably because everything is so expensive over there...or because of all the inbreeding. Who knows.

    However, I can see her being the most good looking girl out of 1,000...seriously.

    My best friend just moved to London and when she is on the train (she is gorgeous by the way), people just gawk at her. And this is her wihout make-up or anything. Good looking people are rare in the UK

    Sure... btw I clicked your profile "pot calling the kettle black"? :laugh:
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    I think the problem is that she's surrounded by petty, insecure women more than that she's just so pretty.

    Granted, she's far from unattractive and being tall, thin and blond will open a lot of doors (I bet if her hair were brown, she wouldn't have the same experiences). But I know women as beautiful or moreso than that writer who have no problem maintaining strong friendships with other women.

    no, if she were a brown-haired person she would not have these same experiences

    any lifetime brunetts/redheads want to change their world for a minute, plop on a blonde wig or some peroxide for a while. it's a total mind-F*@# how different people treat you.

    not unlike how they treat you different when you lose a couple hundred lbs

    i just got over a year of bleached blonde. already got ignored trying to order a drink from a bar. this will take some re-getting-used-to....

    There a whole world of experiences out there... I've never been blonde a day in my life and I can assure you, I've had no shortage of male attention. However, I saw another person comment on here that a woman liked by men and not by women is not to be trusted... My situation exactly... But, as much as I'd like to think my looks are quite reasonable, I think I relate to guys better and visa versa...
  • AshieFan
    AshieFan Posts: 3

    As a beautiful woman (hey, confidence should not be knocked :P ) I've never had drinks brought for me, or someone pay for my taxi or flowers given to me by strangers. Perhaps its the vibes I give off or perhaps I like being independent or probably a bit of both. Or maybe it's because I'm not tall, blonde and leggy :) I don't walk into a room full of people and assess if I am the most beautiful - I walk in and think who's going to be interesting. I value my friendships with women and I've never had anyone dislike me because they think I am too beautiful - plenty of other reasons but not because of looks :)

    I think this person is very focussed on her looks and how attractive she is. I guess she uses her sex appeal to get what she wants, perhaps and that is what men respond to and women find off putting. Maybe. What I find amusing is that she talks about how older women don't like her because she is younger and more attractive. Got news for her, she will end up be the older woman when a younger version walks into the room. And someone who cares so much about looks, it will probably cut her deep. That's life.
  • coombsy87
    coombsy87 Posts: 50 Member
    I was actually getting angry reading this! Who does she think she is!!? She isn't even that pretty!!! When I'm slim I'll be much more attractive than her.... Because I'm not an arrogant smug *****!
  • coombsy87
    coombsy87 Posts: 50 Member
  • coombsy87
    coombsy87 Posts: 50 Member
    Have you ever been to the UK? I have, several times, and the people over there are not attractive at all. Especially the girls...they don't get manicures, pedicures, eyebrows done...nothing! It's probably because everything is so expensive over there...or because of all the inbreeding. Who knows.

    However, I can see her being the most good looking girl out of 1,000...seriously.

    My best friend just moved to London and when she is on the train (she is gorgeous by the way), people just gawk at her. And this is her wihout make-up or anything. Good looking people are rare in the UK

    That's very unfair based on very little experience!

    Your not exactly a pretty picture yourself!!
  • R_is_for_Rachel
    R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
    God how depressing - I am 41 the same age as her and I wish I had her problems!

    I also don't believe the woman where she walks her dog blanked her because she was beautiful.
    Somebody needs to track that woman down and find out why she blanked her!

    yeah, has it never occured to her that the dog walker just never noticed her/saw her!
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    God how depressing - I am 41 the same age as her and I wish I had her problems!


    The strange thing is that she comments how this is over a lifetime which leaves me to believe that nothing has really happened recently, and when it has happened it has been the odd drink. I've had drinks bought for me but I wouldn't consider it to be because I was beautiful. I also don't believe the woman where she walks her dog blanked her because she was beautiful.
    Somebody needs to track that woman down and find out why she blanked her!

    I can not even go into a bar without drinks getting bought for me,its not because im oh so beautifull its because men are horny
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    God how depressing - I am 41 the same age as her and I wish I had her problems!

    I also don't believe the woman where she walks her dog blanked her because she was beautiful.
    Somebody needs to track that woman down and find out why she blanked her!

    yeah, has it never occured to her that the dog walker just never noticed her/saw her!

    Maybe the dog walker is blind and has always said hello based on her saying it first. She seems so absorbed in herself she wouldn't notice.
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    God how depressing - I am 41 the same age as her and I wish I had her problems!


    The strange thing is that she comments how this is over a lifetime which leaves me to believe that nothing has really happened recently, and when it has happened it has been the odd drink. I've had drinks bought for me but I wouldn't consider it to be because I was beautiful. I also don't believe the woman where she walks her dog blanked her because she was beautiful.
    Somebody needs to track that woman down and find out why she blanked her!

    I can not even go into a bar without drinks getting bought for me,its not because im oh so beautifull its because men are horny

    and sometimes just like to splash the cash. By the sound of her responses in the interview it didn't happen that often and hadn't occurred recently. Oh well, there will always be people like her about failing to recognise the flaws in her personality and bringing it down to some theory that other women are just jealous.