
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Woah, I travel out of town for a day and I miss alot. lol

    we always have tons of adds for places we don't have up here. Lots of sonic adds and we don't wave one. no red robins ect... It is kinda funny. Though you guys definately got me craving a burger. lol

    So I went to a regional meeting down in mass yesterday and overall it was a great trip. This meeting was attended by close to 80 or so people 50 of which have not seen me since before I started my journey so I got to wear my new outfit and just sit back and enjoy the wow's I got from people. It was great and I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. lol Well last night when I got to the hotel I wanted to get a work out in and wouldnt you know it the fitness room was horrible. The treadmill was a mess so I used the excersice bike. Even on it's highest setting I couldnt get my heart rate up so I thought I would drive down to the local highschool to see if the track was good. Well it was a nice track but they don't keep the lights on that late so that was a bust. I couldnt run on the road near the hotel because it is right off the mass pike and they are doing work so I didnt want to get run over. So I went back to the hotel feeling defeated and hopeless about getting any decent excersice. When I got there I decieded to take the stairs up to my room on the second floor. When I got to the top of that flight I thought..... "This will work!" I cranked on my heart rate monitor and run thos steps up 5 flights and back down. up and down, up and down for 30 mins. Burned my 600 calories and went to bed happy. I am just so proud of how dedicated I am to this lifestyle now. Just feel great.

    Everyone is doing so great with there water and this challenge!

    Marla-WTG on your run last night. I am glad your timing of the meds is working!

    Sam- Nothing specific, just missed seeing your posts. lol

    Beans-Missed ya girl. your just like me, when you feel like your not doing well or get stressed you dissapear. I'm the same way. Your doing great and you my favorite beach body coach. lol

    Roni-Wtg on gaining that pound! I could learn from you. This is about being healthy not about dropping pounds. Thanks for reminding me. I need that some times.

    Venessa-I think you came to a good conlcusion on that one. Don't deny him his time, but you need to get some fun time for yourself. It's only fair.

    Shuntae-What is up buddy!? :flowerforyou:

    Lynne and April- U2 are so cute. Hope the bike riding is going well and way to go on passing on the pepsi april.

    Renae, Janie, Bobbie, Lori, Lori and all my other folks. Have a great night everyone. I am headed to bed!


    Hey buddy, glad to see you! WTG on improvising and getting that workout in! Nothing new here, really. Thanks for the congratulations!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Andrew I have been putting up so much male eye candy I thought you needed some too. Here you go buddy!!:bigsmile:

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    And Andrew-- I swear, if you come up with some sorry-assed Moses cake, (pardon the language) and another Marla's old joke-- you're dead meat, mister.:angry:

    one moses cake-

    one marla is old joke.

    Marla is so old, when she saw Jurrasic Park, It brought back Memories.

    ok, My work here is done.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    You kill me--
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Ok teammates I am off to bed. Funny cakes everyone! Not too sure about Tom Selleck....that just looked a little eeewwwwww. Sorry Marla....he makes a better man than a cake. Eat your heart out girl!
    Andrew-nice to see you tonight....glad you had a great workout!
    I don't like Sonic and I have never been to Red Robin. Love Bojangles tho!
    Have a great night and see you all in the morning!! Woohoo!! And I had NO soft drinks today. One glass of fat free milk, coffee (about 3 cups) and the rest was water water water!!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    oh my gosh, Andrew-- just looking at that Moses cake and post makes me giggle all over again--

    I won't rehash my blathering on the proud thread-- but I just wanted to tell my beloved team how much I adore you all, and how grateful I am for your help.

    I set out last June 2 to lose 50 pounds by my 45th birthday-- I'm not quite there, but darn close-- and the support, fun, camaraderie, competition, inspiration-- you name it-- that I get from my friends in this group and my wonderful lurking ones and mascots-- well, people, you're just awesome, and I'm so blessed to have you all in my life.

    I'm not stopping-- my goal for this coming year is to press on for the 50 pound mark-- and then reassess. See if I'm content with that, or need five more??

    And then, to maintain-- run 5ks, continue to do my pushups, my toe touches, avoid my sweets-- do all the things I need to do to keep getting stronger and better-- and continue to love my team.

    I do, do do love this team-- truly-- :smooched:

    Now let this weepy, hormonal OLD (:grumble: Andrew-- you little punk) bat get some rest--

    Later, cats!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Andrew I have been putting up so much male eye candy I thought you needed some too. Here you go buddy!!:bigsmile:


    I'd hit it. :wink:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Ok teammates I am off to bed. Funny cakes everyone! Not too sure about Tom Selleck....that just looked a little eeewwwwww. Sorry Marla....he makes a better man than a cake. Eat your heart out girl!
    Andrew-nice to see you tonight....glad you had a great workout!
    I don't like Sonic and I have never been to Red Robin. Love Bojangles tho!
    Have a great night and see you all in the morning!! Woohoo!! And I had NO soft drinks today. One glass of fat free milk, coffee (about 3 cups) and the rest was water water water!!!!

    Bojangles is great, but I think the only one in the state is over a half hour away. Guess I'll save that one for my trips down south.
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    Andrew I have been putting up so much male eye candy I thought you needed some too. Here you go buddy!!:bigsmile:


    I'd hit it. :wink:

    real nice :embarassed:
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    I'm so excited right now!!! i got on the scale and saw the number i've been waiting to see for the last 7 months 158.8 baby!!!! this means that i am no longer obese!!! i'm overweight i'm overweight I'M OVERWEIGHT!!!!!!!!!! i can't believe it. i hope and pray that it doesn't go back up before weigh in, but just seeing that number for me is such a huge deal. i've worked so hard for every single pound i've lost and sometimes it gets pretty discouraging to work and be so careful about what i eat and not see the results i want. i now know that i CAN do it and i WILL do it!! i will get to a healthy weight, and i deserve it :drinker:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    YAY, BETH! WTG, Woman! Welcome to the land of overweight! :drinker: I'm very proud of you! :heart:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Andrew I have been putting up so much male eye candy I thought you needed some too. Here you go buddy!!:bigsmile:


    I'd hit it. :wink:

    real nice :embarassed:

    Awww! I think it's cute! :flowerforyou:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I'm so excited right now!!! i got on the scale and saw the number i've been waiting to see for the last 7 months 158.8 baby!!!! this means that i am no longer obese!!! i'm overweight i'm overweight I'M OVERWEIGHT!!!!!!!!!! i can't believe it. i hope and pray that it doesn't go back up before weigh in, but just seeing that number for me is such a huge deal. i've worked so hard for every single pound i've lost and sometimes it gets pretty discouraging to work and be so careful about what i eat and not see the results i want. i now know that i CAN do it and i WILL do it!! i will get to a healthy weight, and i deserve it :drinker:

    So today is your weigh in. ENJOY IT!! Honey you have done all the work! I am so proud of you!!

  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    Andrew I have been putting up so much male eye candy I thought you needed some too. Here you go buddy!!:bigsmile:


    I'd hit it. :wink:

    real nice :embarassed:

    Awww! I think it's cute! :flowerforyou:

    i like that pic, but comment by my lovely husband was a bit crude :laugh:

    edit: i can't believe i just said i like a pic of myself, i can't believe i actually DO like a pic of myself, jeez, i guess i have come a long way :wink:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    So I have been within 1-2 pounds of being out of the overweight category.

    I just cant seem to get there, and it is seriously pissing me off.

    Now please dont get me wrong I am ENJOYING being slim and trim and fitting into the 8s...I mean working it ba-bay!!

    But dang, is it too much to ask to get to 136???I am almost tempted to take a pill or eat icecream and grapefruit......................any one got an HCG shot they can hit me up with:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Jeannie
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    So I have been within 1-2 pounds of being out of the overweight category.

    I just cant seem to get there, and it is seriously pissing me off.

    Now please dont get me wrong I am ENJOYING being slim and trim and fitting into the 8s...I mean working it ba-bay!!

    But dang, is it too much to ask to get to 136???I am almost tempted to take a pill or eat icecream and grapefruit......................any one got an HCG shot they can hit me up with:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Jeannie

    jeannie, you are awesome, size 8 is incredible, and you WILL get there. everytime i get frustrated with this journey or i get stuck for a while this always pops into my head:

  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    So I have been within 1-2 pounds of being out of the overweight category.

    I just cant seem to get there, and it is seriously pissing me off.

    Now please dont get me wrong I am ENJOYING being slim and trim and fitting into the 8s...I mean working it ba-bay!!

    But dang, is it too much to ask to get to 136???I am almost tempted to take a pill or eat icecream and grapefruit......................any one got an HCG shot they can hit me up with:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Jeannie

    I'll ask Dave. I'm sure he's stocked up on that stuff. :laugh: I think you're looking smokin' no matter WHAT that stupid scale says!
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Beth - I was actually saying "I think it's cute" about the pic & Andrew's comment. :laugh: I'm that kinda girl. LOL
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    So I have been within 1-2 pounds of being out of the overweight category.

    I just cant seem to get there, and it is seriously pissing me off.

    Now please dont get me wrong I am ENJOYING being slim and trim and fitting into the 8s...I mean working it ba-bay!!

    But dang, is it too much to ask to get to 136???I am almost tempted to take a pill or eat icecream and grapefruit......................any one got an HCG shot they can hit me up with:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Jeannie

    jeannie, you are awesome, size 8 is incredible, and you WILL get there. everytime i get frustrated with this journey or i get stuck for a while this always pops into my head:


    thanks Beth............. that is a cute lil guy:flowerforyou:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Morning black team. Sorry I didn't add good to it. I stepped on the scale. BIG mistake. Between all that durn water, TOM, eating like crap yesterday it is up 5 pounds since Wednesday! 5 blinkin' pounds. Serioulsy, my eyelids are even poofy. Being a lady is cruel ****. I'm cutting back on the water and eating right the rest of the week. Somehow I have to get through a picnic tomorrow at our house. I'm staying outside, AWAY from the food inside.

    Beth- congrats on overweight. I'm sure you will stick with it until weigh in day. Now that you saw the number you will be extra careful to keep it there.

    Jeannie- you will get there. I was 3.5 pounds from normal. Right this very poofy water retaining second I'm more... stupid scale... stupid me for getting on it.

    I was headed out for a walk, but I did something to my foot and just putting on my sneaks hurts it. I think I'll go get groceries instead and try the elliptical later. I'm staying on that bad boy til I sweat out all this freaking water!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Andrew I have been putting up so much male eye candy I thought you needed some too. Here you go buddy!!:bigsmile:


    I'd hit it. :wink:

    real nice :embarassed:

    Awww! I think it's cute! :flowerforyou:

    i like that pic, but comment by my lovely husband was a bit crude :laugh:

    edit: i can't believe i just said i like a pic of myself, i can't believe i actually DO like a pic of myself, jeez, i guess i have come a long way :wink:

    I think it's great that you like your picture...and you should, because you look great! And I agree with Mrs. Beans, thought your hubby's comment was cute too. :laugh:
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