Why a Cheat Day is a misnomer



  • katysmelly
    katysmelly Posts: 380 Member
    How many calories do you burn "Worrying about what other people choose to eat or say about what they eat?"
  • It must be a blast hanging out with you at a party.

    ... says the person with Homer Simpson as their avatar.

    Um..I love Homer and The Simpsons! I think MANY people do! That was an odd comment.
  • 19danno77
    19danno77 Posts: 84
    Um..I love Homer and The Simpsons! I think MANY people do! That was an odd comment.

    And a William S. Burroughs fan, too?
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    How many calories do you burn "Worrying about what other people choose to eat or say about what they eat?"

    tee hee!
  • honestlysweet
    honestlysweet Posts: 221 Member
    I think you're being silly. It's just a word. Everyone knows what it means in terms of dieting. No need to go and grab a dictionary to find the meaning. Stop playing word games and let people do what they want with their diets. Worry about yours.
  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member
    There are no cheat days if you are making a lifestyle change...terms like that are only used for diet and folks who do diets.
  • mrsbrown2k1
    mrsbrown2k1 Posts: 139
    Your Awesome!!! I love your post!! I hate when I hear "Cheat day". My co-worker has this day more then once a week and OMG it drives me nuts!!!!
  • badapdos
    badapdos Posts: 132
    I think they meant it to be "cheat" as in a relationship. Such as I cheated on my boyfriend/I was unfaithful to my boyfriend. So you were unfaithful to your diet. Do I make a little bit of sense?

    Just giving out my opinion. Stating not hating.
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    All I can say is....."oh my".......:huh:
  • Carnivorekat
    Carnivorekat Posts: 370 Member
    I agree I never call it a cheat day - it is a blip in my healthy eating programme a day where I didn't do as I was planning to do - I don't actually plan to have a day where I can eat anything - that kind of defeats the object
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    There are no cheat days if you are making a lifestyle change...terms like that are only used for diet and folks who do diets.

    For many, dieting is a lifestyle. Paleo, Atkins, DASH, restriction, calorie counting, macro monitoring ... call it what you want. If you do these things on a daily basis throughout your life your lifestyle includes dieting, if we assume the common usage of the word "dieting" to mean controlling what foods you consume. Only if you give food no thought at all is dieting not part of your lifestyle.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Every Sunday is my 'cheat' day, free day, fun food day, splurge day, pig out day, eat whatever the hell i like day, treat day...ect ect. Who cares what it's called. I love food. I enjoy eating things that are not that good for me from time to time. But in the end THIS IS A LIFESTYLE not a diet. So on Monday it's back to healthy eating!!!
  • Langlady
    Langlady Posts: 51 Member
    This is a perspective I never thought of. I like it.
    I had watched Dr. Oz one day talking about a "faturday" but the concept of it wasn't to splurge or binge on greasy fat food but ways to make favorite foods in a healther way so it may seem like cheaitng but your really not.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    This is a perspective I never thought of. I like it.
    I had watched Dr. Oz one day talking about a "faturday" but the concept of it wasn't to splurge or binge on greasy fat food but ways to make favorite foods in a healther way so it may seem like cheaitng but your really not.
    Uhhh.. I do that every day. It's called "eating healthier."
    Dr. Oz is a tool. He should go back to being a wizard.
  • SCVSarah
    SCVSarah Posts: 231 Member
    Thank you for this post. I totally agree! I did a boot camp and I was instructed to eat healthy all week and have one "cheat meal" a week. For whatever reason (it was never fully clear to me) we HAD to have a cheat meal. What ended up happening was I would full on binge eat one meal a week (which sometimes turned into one, two or even three days). Needless to say, the "cheat meals" helped me add on 20lbs instead of losing.
  • I use the term "cheat day" and quite frankly, I really don't care what I call it. Terminology and semantics won't affect the scale either way. I can call it a "lazy day, binge day, carbapalooza"...it doesn't matter.

    These "days" (no more than once per week) have been proven to (1) shock the metabolism to prevent plateaus and (2) allow people to diet or "maintain" longer because they know that it's achievable - they don't have to give up Mexican food or desserts for the rest of their lives.

    Read "Body For Life" by Bill Phillips. Many, many people, including one of my best friends has had tremendous success and still had a carbapalooza once a week. I've been going for 15 days and I've lost 13.8lbs - oh and in there I've had to Sundays (my cheat day) where I've had large Easter meals, Mexican food and a greasy patty melt. I know I can now go another six days with a very healthy diet because now any craving I have I can decide whether I want to give in on Sunday.

    I don't think NOT having a "cheat day" is realistic for the person who wants to make a "diet" a "lifestyle."
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I use the term "cheat day" and quite frankly, I really don't care what I call it. Terminology and semantics won't affect the scale either way. I can call it a "lazy day, binge day, carbapalooza"...it doesn't matter.

    These "days" (no more than once per week) have been proven to (1) shock the metabolism to prevent plateaus and (2) allow people to diet or "maintain" longer because they know that it's achievable - they don't have to give up Mexican food or desserts for the rest of their lives.

    Read "Body For Life" by Bill Phillips. Many, many people, including one of my best friends has had tremendous success and still had a carbapalooza once a week. I've been going for 15 days and I've lost 13.8lbs - oh and in there I've had to Sundays (my cheat day) where I've had large Easter meals, Mexican food and a greasy patty melt. I know I can now go another six days with a very healthy diet because now any craving I have I can decide whether I want to give in on Sunday.

    I don't think NOT having a "cheat day" is realistic for the person who wants to make a "diet" a "lifestyle."

    ^^^This exactly, well said.

    'cheating' IS part of the lifestyle. eventually in life an event, occasion or vacation will come up and most of us will want to indulge and not worry if that hot fudge sundae put us over the limit. We know that tomorrow is another day and we can and will come back stronger!!!
  • dme1977
    dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
    I actually SAVE up uneaten calories for 2 weeks to justify a cheat day...
    I log ALL my food beforehand so I KNOW what Im eating for the day and i dont eat a calorie over what i have budgeted. Yesterday for Easter I had 1800 calories and when I ate everything I had logged,,,I STOPPED!!
    I didnt go back and revise, I didnt sneak another candy, egg, cake ...nothing!!!

    my blog from yesterday explains it all...

    for me a "splurge day" is something i have earned....
    and this is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE FOR ME NOT A DIET....
    I do NOT have certain foods I can and cannot eat ...THAT would be a diet.!!
    I have portion control, exercise, and restraint. .. THAT IS A LIFESTYLE CHANGE.
    and for me having one day once or twice a month to splurge over my usual calories is NOT a free pass to gorge myself because I DO structure the day and stick to what I have allowed myself for that day. Not a whole lot different from other days except I eat (on average) 500-800 calories more that day. :flowerforyou:
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 445 Member
    I actually SAVE up uneaten calories for 2 weeks to justify a cheat day...
    I log ALL my food beforehand so I KNOW what Im eating for the day and i dont eat a calorie over what i have budgeted.

    OK, I see how this works... I could drink a beer a night, and it could work with my diet. Or I could wait 2 weeks and drink 14 in one night. Yes, this makes perfect sense now.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    OK, I see how this works... I could drink a beer a night, and it could work with my diet. Or I could wait 2 weeks and drink 14 in one night. Yes, this makes perfect sense now.

    And this bothers you why?