


  • sara6636
    sara6636 Posts: 16 Member
    Pete-Thanks so much for starting this group! I just completed Week 1, Day 2 today and would love to join you all for support and motivation along our journey! Let's do this!!!
  • ilsaee
    ilsaee Posts: 4
    Running a 5K is on my bucket list. Glad to have found this group for the motivation. I've started with some intervals on the treadmill and I'm hoping to be able to follow the program. One question, when I run (more like a jog I suppose- 4.0 mph), after a few minutes my shins start to hurt. Am I starting out too quick? Need better sneakers? Any info would be appreciated. I really want to do this.

    I also get shin splints. Its very important to get fitted for the proper shoes and to make sure you warm up properly and thoroughly PRIOR to your run as well as AFTER your run. If your shins still hurt(like mine do), ice them. I am seeing though that the more I run and engage in outdoor sports, the better I am(either its hurt less or I am building up a tolerance to it).

    I sorta did the first day yesterday. I got new running shoes last week for support because I know I have a tendency for my shins to hurt., which they did about 10 minutes in. (I did take 5 min to warm up, but I think tomorrow after the warm up I will do a few stretches.) I completed the 20 min but I modified it after 10 min because they did start to hurt. 60secs jogging and 2min walking. My shins seemed better with more recovery time.
  • foxfireash
    foxfireash Posts: 24
    Hi everyone!

    I am new to MFP AND c25K so need support! I just tried running today, not the recommended time of c25k but a different interval program was able to do it, surprising myself. I need a better timer though, and so the C25K iPhone app seems great.

    This is also my first group. Good luck everyone!!!
  • Njenva
    Njenva Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks Pete for setting up this group. This is the jolt I needed to take C25K seriously. I just started day 1 of week 1 yesterday.

    My only query is how fast should the run times be?
  • its_sania
    its_sania Posts: 93 Member
    Hi everyone, I'd love to be apart of this group. I actually decided to do the C25K this week and then stumbled upon this group! I've been able to run 20mins at my fittest and would love to get back up to that and even improve! I'm gonna add myself to the spreadsheet if that's okay :-)
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    My only query is how fast should the run times be?

    That is the great thing about C25k, you can run it at your own pace. I usually take it slow and steady..
  • peteb79
    peteb79 Posts: 386
    I'm gonna add myself to the spreadsheet if that's okay :-)

    No problem!
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    Thanks for starting the group! Hi everyone, I just joined.

    I am completing Week 2, day 3 tomorrow. Eeeeek.

    Last week when I went to transition from W1 to W2 I had forgotten to download the podcast I use so I did a W1 podcast back to back. I think I might do the same each week.

    Hope everyone is kicking some C25K butt!!
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    Thanks for starting the group! Hi everyone, I just joined.

    I am completing Week 2, day 3 tomorrow. Eeeeek.

    Last week when I went to transition from W1 to W2 I had forgotten to download the podcast I use so I did a W1 podcast back to back. I think I might do the same each week.

    Hope everyone is kicking some C25K butt!!

    your flying!!! im just about to do my day 3 of week 1 :) did another workout programme earlier this morning so worried im going to find it tough but im going to go for it :)
  • willforbes
    willforbes Posts: 48 Member
    I have lost some weight on MFP. And I did a 5k in March, but I had to walk a lot during the event. I tried C25k once before while training for the 5k, but I couldn't stick with it. I found myself creating my own workouts mixing in free weights. Now my goal is to become a better runner so one day I can complete a 5k without walking breaks. I walk/ jog on my own right now, but I have no structure and I am not sure if I am pushing myself hard enough. I can't wait to get started.
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    I joined today and start my c25k again!! I got all the way to week 7 before I got the flu last year and it hit me pretty bad I was sick for like 2 months. Anyways I loved the running and they way it made me feel! I could run for 20 mins straight and not stop, I could run about 1.5 within those 20 mins!! I myself am going to run my first 5k in October!! I am excited to be apart of this group of runners :)