Any 5'6 ladies eating 1500cal per day?



  • jennifer783
    jennifer783 Posts: 86 Member
    Im eating between 1600-2000 calories a day depending if I do 2 workouts. I usually burn between 400-1100 calories again depending if I do 2 workouts. My workouts are Insanity 6 days Boot camp 3 days and running 2 miles on an incline random days. Since I upped my calories from less than 1000 calories using the beachbody calculations Ive been losing about 2 lbs a week. Before I upped them I LOST NOTHING!! Actually gained 2 lbs. Because I wasnt netting enough. If you consume 1000 calories and burn 500 that means you only have 500 calories left for life.. It didnt work for me so Im eating now, I have more energy and the scale is moving in the right direction.:bigsmile:

    You are CRAZY! :love: Insanity AND some? Mucho respecto!!
  • tbellamy1
    tbellamy1 Posts: 353
    Im eating between 1600-2000 calories a day depending if I do 2 workouts. I usually burn between 400-1100 calories again depending if I do 2 workouts. My workouts are Insanity 6 days Boot camp 3 days and running 2 miles on an incline random days. Since I upped my calories from less than 1000 calories using the beachbody calculations Ive been losing about 2 lbs a week. Before I upped them I LOST NOTHING!! Actually gained 2 lbs. Because I wasnt netting enough. If you consume 1000 calories and burn 500 that means you only have 500 calories left for life.. It didnt work for me so Im eating now, I have more energy and the scale is moving in the right direction.:bigsmile:

    You are CRAZY! :love: Insanity AND some? Mucho respecto!!
    I want results and Im so proud of myself that I can do all this. I have never been in any kinda of shape or played any sport. So this is is big for me!! THANKS!!!!!:blushing:
  • meribethd
    meribethd Posts: 92 Member
    I'm 5'6 and eat around 1500 calories a day, maybe a little less. I had lowered my cals to 1300 to try to jump start some loss, and it did work, but I was pretty sluggish and really just felt bad, so I've taken it up to between 1400-1500 and am seeing how I feel this week (so far, better). I am doing a hybrid of Chalene Extreme and Turbo Fire and really don't have a lot of energy for them if I don't eat enough. I am about 15 lbs from goal weight, fwiw.
  • Thanks for this post. I'm 5'6" eating 1200 and not dropping anything. I do an hour of cardio each morning with P90X at lunch and throw in an hour of yoga and a bike ride or two a week. I haven't lost anything, but I haven't gained either.

    Wow you should be losing with all that!! How much do you weigh?

    I'm at 139-140, changing my calorie's now. I'll see how it goes for the next few weeks.