GUYS- - - Do you prefer a girl to have an appetite like your



  • Baurus
    Baurus Posts: 27
    I have no problem if she can keep a good body :D
  • How about I wish I could find a guy who eats? I am on my feet all day, recovering from anorexia, and am still pretty darn active, and I need to EAT, or risk f*cking my body up.

    My ex and his older brother eat like little birds. One will take a bite of a banana and be like, "I'm full." Neither works out and both are bony and gaunt, without muscle tone.
    Drinking their calories is another story entirely...
    I suspect disordered tendencies, but there is a lot of denial involved. When I started getting active a while back, the ex sniffed that he hates muscle and prefers the sickly, heroin-addicted look. Literally used those words. Which in part awakened my dormant eating disorder, which led to me losing forty pounds that I definitely didn't need to lose.
    We are still friendly - now that I'm a healthy weight I don't think he's attracted to me anymore - but I don't like hanging out with him because he doesn't eat for hours, days and will make me feel weird/ignore me if I want to eat. I don't like starving, it almost killed me once.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    do you lose your Man card if she does? :laugh: oh what if she makes more money too:laugh:

    If I ate like my husband I might lose weight faster:wink:
  • jaric01
    jaric01 Posts: 132 Member
    I have no problem if she can keep a good body :D

    Ditto. I love it when the girl loves food and is a foodie, as long as she also likes to be active and earn those calories.
  • bulletproofkasper
    bulletproofkasper Posts: 126 Member
    I couldn't date someone that ate less then me I think it would be weird, but that being the case I wouldn't go hungry just so someone didn't judge me.. But I also wouldn't date a guy smaller then me (build wise) so I've never really had that problem :)
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    "She used to be super hot, until her caloric intake exceeded mine."

    ^^Said no sensible man EVER!

    LOL :laugh:
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    LOL this thread is hilarious! i thought this all through high school, which is why i ordered a full rack of bbq ribs and french fries whenever i went out to eat with my boyfriend. pssht, he loved it, and i had a great *kitten* to go with it!

    now i just order salads...hell, i just EAT salads except for breakfast. my man friends eat like ravenous bloodthirsty wolves so anything i like to eat is way less. if a salad is more than what the guy ordered, then I AM WITH THE WRONG GUY
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member

    And I'm amazed that there are guys and gals who don't understand why some of us react so strongly to the op's question and to the responses. Women have had to fight for equality... and yet we still face blatant sexism on a regular basis. Of course it's upsetting to have someone suggest that we have to fit a stereotyped roll to be attractive and desirable.

    I have a near violent gut reaction to this nonsense... still. I absolutely can't stand a man who thinks it's acceptable to even hint around that I should be doing ANYTHING in a more ladylike manner... what I decide is "ladylike" and "feminine" and "acceptable"... even in regard to food, GOES.

    Men who care are nothing more than *kitten* who want to push any low self-esteem button on a woman they can find. Nothing more. I don't buy into the "ladylike" eating bull****.
    As a computer geek, coder, gamer, biker and other masculine things that I am...Amen. XD
  • MaggieMay131
    MaggieMay131 Posts: 211 Member
    I have no problem if she can keep a good body :D

    Yea!! Thank you! I generally out-eat my husband my quite a bit... I think sometimes I eat almost double what he does. But I'm doing intense & heavy strength training, and getting more defined every day! I think sometimes he's still shocked when I eat twice as much meat as he does... but hey, gotta fuel! :)
  • peacefulsong
    peacefulsong Posts: 223 Member
    I saw this topic and the only thing I could think was "Ashley Wilkes told me he likes to see a girl with a healthy appetite!" :)

    But seriously, if this question was about how a girl eats as opposed to how MUCH, I could understand a guy thinking it was a turn off because (and this goes both ways, not just a man's perception of a woman), it may indicate lifestyle compatibility issues if one person eats healthy and the other just eats donuts and pizza. But if a guy was turned off by me just in regards to volume, well I'll just be relieved that I dodged that bullet and move on. It's not my issue, and I refuse to eat like a bird just to protect some guy's apparently fragile masculinity. :)
  • jucciifruit
    jucciifruit Posts: 30 Member
    ha thats funny because normally its the other way around. my bf is super fit. like 8 pack and with no exercise or effort. he eats all day non stop and gains no lbs. wish i could be so lucky
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    Thin or fit women who can put down some serious calories = HOT

    Barely touches their plate = NOT
  • jucciifruit
    jucciifruit Posts: 30 Member
    *reads through thread as men get bashed for giving their own personal opinion that they were asked for in the fist place*

    Guys!! IT'S A TRAP!!!

    This. Christ Almighty.. It kills me how no one is allowed to have their own opinions. Someone will always have a different opinion on how they feel about something. Why must people criticize?

    nights that I out-eat him, it's because he knows I worked my *kitten* off all day and I need to eat back my deficit. If I ate like him on a regular basis, -I- would be concerned, too!

    Unfortunately, most of the time we see people eating a lot, we associate it with being unhealthy and gaining weight. Perhaps because the obesity rates are skyrocketing? Nine times out of ten, people are not stuffing their faces to prevent a deficit because they had incredible workouts.
    i dont know how not to qoute the whole thing lol but i agree everyone is free to have an opinion and i would be concerend about myself eating more than my bf sheesh he eats like he will never see another bite
  • I cook dinner for my Partner, and I have always served us up the same portions.
    And on the odd occasion that he cooks, he does the same. Just depends on how you see things, im all about equality, even when it comes to food :smile:
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member

    I juat HAD to! :laugh:
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member

    I juat HAD to! :laugh:
    50 seconds in is win lol
  • stephl81
    stephl81 Posts: 122 Member
    I have been told that I eat like a man and can easily out eat my bf. but I also workout hard 5 days a week and he doesnt.
  • plarcade
    plarcade Posts: 125 Member
    "She used to be super hot, until her caloric intake exceeded mine."

    ^^Said no sensible man EVER!
    Hahahahahaha, brilliant :)
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    *reads through thread as men get bashed for giving their own personal opinion that they were asked for in the fist place*

    Guys!! IT'S A TRAP!!!

    This. Christ Almighty.. It kills me how no one is allowed to have their own opinions. Someone will always have a different opinion on how they feel about something. Why must people criticize?

    For me, it's not just about different 'opinions'. It's about equality of the sexes. WHY must we have to have such crazy different standards by which we judge men vs. women? Why in the world do we judge the value of a women based on how much she eats in front of a guy?

    I'm not trying to be inflammatory here... but in my opinion, judging a woman based on how much she eats is sexist. I feel annoyed at the men who do it... and I feel sorry for the women who do it.

    I really just don't understand why our society must break down something as simple as FOOD and EATING into feminine and masculine qualities. It's just sad.

    So yah... I get annoyed by 'opinions' that in anyway suggest that my actions are somehow inappropriate for my sex. That includes eating. That includes science and math.

    I mean, we're not talking favorite colors here. We're not talking a preference for cars vs. trucks, high-heels or flats, and so forth... we're not even talking big boobs. I honestly don't have a problem with men liking big boobs or red heads or blondes or whatever. That doesn't bother me. But viewing a woman negatively because she EATS more food than a man? Wow. More than an opinion to me. That's sexism.

    And that's my opinion :P
  • i know this is a guy question but ima throw down on it lol I like guys who can EAT! but i also like guys i can eat around so if a boy makes me feel uncomfortable i trade him in for a man ;)