ITT: Ask me anything about losing weight..



  • natiora
    natiora Posts: 6
    Hi thank you for your offer and first let me congratulate you for such an amzing weight loss success! Awesome, with that said, may I ask what qualifications you have to give an informative and well documented answer for your questions>? Are you a certfied personal trainer, nutrition specialist or simply the guy next door that lost a bunch of weight and is willing to help others in their journeys?
    Please don't find offense in what I am is just that by you stating that you will answer anything and then reading how you eat and the lack of nutrients from vegeatbles you state you don't have it leads me to believe that perhaps you are not the most qualified to offer nutrition and exercis einformation, unless of course you are certified with nationally recognized entities and perhaps you might want to share which? This can created a sense of trust in the information you provide to hundreds of hopefuls out there looking for help.

    You are an inspiration but I would like for you to post your qualifiications to answer specific questions...Thanks so much!
  • lutkica01
    lutkica01 Posts: 65
    Hello, thank you so much for doing this. I have a question.
    I am 29
    SW 183

    I have been tracking my calories and exercising at least 5 days a week (rockin' body right now) for almost 2 months now and during this time I have only lost 5 pounds. I do not count my calories one day a week but I do watch what i eat I don't overeat or anything like that on that particular day.
    My current level is set to sedentary and MFP gave me 1460 calories a day to lose 1 pound per week. I do eat most of my exercise calories back which I track with a chest strap HRM.

    Do you think this is a good calories intake and if not what should I be doing? My issue is that I feel like I am not losing weight consistently every week. Do you think I am doing something wrong? Please help
  • natiora
    natiora Posts: 6
    Hello, thank you so much for doing this. I have a question.
    I am 29
    SW 183

    I have been tracking my calories and exercising at least 5 days a week (rockin' body right now) for almost 2 months now and during this time I have only lost 5 pounds. I do not count my calories one day a week but I do watch what i eat I don't overeat or anything like that on that particular day.
    My current level is set to sedentary and MFP gave me 1460 calories a day to lose 1 pound per week. I do eat most of my exercise calories back which I track with a chest strap HRM.

    Do you think this is a good calories intake and if not what should I be doing? My issue is that I feel like I am not losing weight consistently every week. Do you think I am doing something wrong? Please help

    Why do you eat back the calories you have burned? A pound is 3500 calories, this means you should eat your 1460 everyday and you must burn at least 3500 calories weekly to see a pound loss. You do this by exercising, writting down how much you burned and keeping track of it. This means that you need to burn atleast 500 calories every single day through exercise for 7 days to loose one pound.
    And if you choose to exercise only five times a week you would need to burn at least 700 calories through exercise daily. It is recommended people exercise between 5 - 7 hours a week.

    The day you don't count calories you should be exercising to make sure you don't eat and store over 1460 calories.
    It is advised to add more exercise before cutting back their calories...
  • lutkica01
    lutkica01 Posts: 65
    Hello, thank you so much for doing this. I have a question.
    I am 29
    SW 183

    I have been tracking my calories and exercising at least 5 days a week (rockin' body right now) for almost 2 months now and during this time I have only lost 5 pounds. I do not count my calories one day a week but I do watch what i eat I don't overeat or anything like that on that particular day.
    My current level is set to sedentary and MFP gave me 1460 calories a day to lose 1 pound per week. I do eat most of my exercise calories back which I track with a chest strap HRM.

    Do you think this is a good calories intake and if not what should I be doing? My issue is that I feel like I am not losing weight consistently every week. Do you think I am doing something wrong? Please help

    Why do you eat back the calories you have burned? A pound is 3500 calories, this means you should eat your 1460 everyday and you must burn at least 3500 calories weekly to see a pound loss. You do this by exercising, writting down how much you burned and keeping track of it. This means that you need to burn atleast 500 calories every single day through exercise for 7 days to loose one pound.
    And if you choose to exercise only five times a week you would need to burn at least 700 calories through exercise daily. It is recommended people exercise between 5 - 7 hours a week.

    The day you don't count calories you should be exercising to make sure you don't eat and store over 1460 calories.
    It is advised to add more exercise before cutting back their calories...

    I eat them because if I didn't I would be netting below 1200 calories a day, which is not good. I do exercise 6 days most weeks for an hour each day and during that hour i burn anywhere between 500-600 calories. And yes I do exercise on that day.
  • missyjoy6988
    missyjoy6988 Posts: 29 Member
    I recently joined myfitnesspal. I have been doing excellently on the diet--absolutely no cheating. I plan on starting an exercise regimen this week. Even though I haven't been exercising, I already feel like I have more energy and that I don't tire as easily. I have only lost 5 lbs (nothing major). Can my increase in energy be from my diet? I have eliminated a lot of processed foods, I no longer eat out, I am watching my fat intake, and I include lots of veggies every day. Any thoughts?
  • kymillion
    kymillion Posts: 791 Member
    Thanks!! That helps now is it true that muscles weigh more and how much more?.. how much could my boobs throw off my weight.. lol not trying to bring it up again but I am trying to find something that indicates whats a true healthy weight for me I want to feel and look fit ..but this topsy truveyness really throws it off.
  • melanieparker13
    melanieparker13 Posts: 110 Member
    bump fpr later
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I don't know if anyone has asked about this (it's a LONG thread people!), but have you worked with anyone hypothyroid? I'm lifting heavy and seeing decent results (I have SHOULDERS now!), but I have the constant, nagging feeling that most of the numbers / calculators / recommendations that I come across, which are aimed at people with a normal metabolism, don't quite apply to me. For instance, I read a recommendation today that I should be eating 2,000 cals a day since I'm lifting heavy. Trust me, there's no damn way. MFP says my maintenance is ~1,600 cals, and I'm thinking that may not even be correct.

    It's hard enough to figure all this stuff out, but throw in a screwy metabolism and it's really fun. *sigh*

    (Yes, Uponthisrock, I know... I'm a unique flower... :tongue: )

    Oh, and I should mention that I'm recomping. My daily calorie goal is 1,500 and I eat exercise cals back depending on if I'm hungry, if I think I'm lacking something that day, if I get a hankering for something, if I want milk after my workout, etc.

    Well, if the numbers don't add up don't go by them. You'll have to meticulously log every calorie and determine what you need to gain or lose weigh the old way - by trial and error. Eat the same calorie intake and macros and do the same types of exercises (types and frequencies). Do this for 3 weeks. Adjust calories up or down as needed.

    Awesome, thanks. :happy: This is kinda what I've been doing. The funny thing is, I can't go by my scale. It just doesn't ever move much. I have pretty special fluid fluctuations. I was considering going down to 1,400 cals, but then I started noticing my pants are getting loose. I think I'm going to stick with what I'm doing. :wink: At this rate, I may be closer to a normal metabolism than I think. Just always like to hear opinions on my condition.
  • sunshinesonata
    sunshinesonata Posts: 241 Member
    I'm having a hard time figuring my TDEE out, in turn, my weight loss is not going so well.

    I don't eat many carbs that aren't fruits/veggies, and I eat a lot of protein.

    I'm also exercising at least an hour a day.

    What do you suggest?
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Thanks!! That helps now is it true that muscles weigh more and how much more?.. how much could my boobs throw off my weight.. lol not trying to bring it up again but I am trying to find something that indicates whats a true healthy weight for me I want to feel and look fit ..but this topsy truveyness really throws it off.

    Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat. It simply takes up less space (volume) per weight. It gives you the appearance that you weigh less than you really do.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    I'm having a hard time figuring my TDEE out, in turn, my weight loss is not going so well.

    I don't eat many carbs that aren't fruits/veggies, and I eat a lot of protein.

    I'm also exercising at least an hour a day.

    What do you suggest?

    Just pick a number (calorie number) and start there. Adjust up or down as needed after 3 weeks.

    Carbs are not an issue in the weight loss equation. Good that you eat a lot of protein, but you need to eat less calories than you burn to lose weight.
  • sunshinesonata
    sunshinesonata Posts: 241 Member
    I'm having a hard time figuring my TDEE out, in turn, my weight loss is not going so well.

    I don't eat many carbs that aren't fruits/veggies, and I eat a lot of protein.

    I'm also exercising at least an hour a day.

    What do you suggest?

    Just pick a number (calorie number) and start there. Adjust up or down as needed after 3 weeks.

    Carbs are not an issue in the weight loss equation. Good that you eat a lot of protein, but you need to eat less calories than you burn to lose weight.

    I'm trying out 1500 for a few weeks to see how things go, and to see how I feel. I will report in with my findings, and with any other questions I might have for you.

    Thank you!
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    Hi thank you for your offer and first let me congratulate you for such an amzing weight loss success! Awesome, with that said, may I ask what qualifications you have to give an informative and well documented answer for your questions>? Are you a certfied personal trainer, nutrition specialist or simply the guy next door that lost a bunch of weight and is willing to help others in their journeys?
    Please don't find offense in what I am is just that by you stating that you will answer anything and then reading how you eat and the lack of nutrients from vegeatbles you state you don't have it leads me to believe that perhaps you are not the most qualified to offer nutrition and exercis einformation, unless of course you are certified with nationally recognized entities and perhaps you might want to share which? This can created a sense of trust in the information you provide to hundreds of hopefuls out there looking for help.

    You are an inspiration but I would like for you to post your qualifiications to answer specific questions...Thanks so much!
    My concern is that when I, an RN responded to someone here about her concerns about her belly fat, he did not like it at all. I just asked her "if she was avoiding simple sugars, except those found in fruits, veggies and dairy"? Sublog responded this way:
    "Stop making sweeping statements about sugars. All carbs are broken down to glucose (except for fiber). Sugar is not bad for weight loss while in a calorie deficit. Please stop posting about sugar in this thread. There are plenty of other threads you can talk about sugar in".
    I would have to say, he is simply the guy next door who is very lucky, as I agree, his answers, his diet, and his sarcasm are not of those of a professional. And not of one I would model.
  • becky3277
    becky3277 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm having the same problem. I've eaten so little for so long that I feel horrible and bloated when I eat like a normal person.
  • Sublog, thanks for all of your input and congratulations on all your success.

    I have a question on expectations:

    One person me, weighing in at 212 (6'3) exercised around 3 days a week from normal activity (ice hockey/rock climbing/hiking). What can I expect when first starting out. I basically went from eating burgers and whole pizzas to now eating around 1550 calories a day (2550 being my BMR). I am losing very fast this first week, upwards of 7 pounds in 6 days. I feel like much of it is water weight and due to the "shock change" in my diet and exercise (I try to hit 2500 calories worth of exercise a week.)

    My question is what can/should I expect to happen here. At what point will this all slow down and I will have to "grind it out". How do I keep steady momentum? Not the 7 in 6 days but I'd like to stay at around 2-3 per week.

    My other question is what should someone expect if they've eaten more than reasonably their whole lives? What kind of challenges do they face and how do they overcome very little momentum?
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    Bumpity bump bump.
  • Willowfeet
    Willowfeet Posts: 3 Member
    I have been losing and gaining the same 2 lbs for 2 weeks. I am eating a consistent 1600 calories or so which is what was reccomended. I certainly haven't eaten an extra 7,000 calories. Sister says it is water weight, I'm not sure. I am however becoming increasingly discouraged. She also suggested cycling the calories as maybe my body has learned to to adapt with only the 1600. I am only a month into the 1600 calorie diet. I am 5' tall and 220. I drink a fair amount of water and walk around 10 miles a week. Any opinion about this will be much appreciated.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Hi thank you for your offer and first let me congratulate you for such an amzing weight loss success! Awesome, with that said, may I ask what qualifications you have to give an informative and well documented answer for your questions>? Are you a certfied personal trainer, nutrition specialist or simply the guy next door that lost a bunch of weight and is willing to help others in their journeys?
    Please don't find offense in what I am is just that by you stating that you will answer anything and then reading how you eat and the lack of nutrients from vegeatbles you state you don't have it leads me to believe that perhaps you are not the most qualified to offer nutrition and exercis einformation, unless of course you are certified with nationally recognized entities and perhaps you might want to share which? This can created a sense of trust in the information you provide to hundreds of hopefuls out there looking for help.

    You are an inspiration but I would like for you to post your qualifiications to answer specific questions...Thanks so much!
    My concern is that when I, an RN responded to someone here about her concerns about her belly fat, he did not like it at all. I just asked her "if she was avoiding simple sugars, except those found in fruits, veggies and dairy"? Sublog responded this way:
    "Stop making sweeping statements about sugars. All carbs are broken down to glucose (except for fiber). Sugar is not bad for weight loss while in a calorie deficit. Please stop posting about sugar in this thread. There are plenty of other threads you can talk about sugar in".
    I would have to say, he is simply the guy next door who is very lucky, as I agree, his answers, his diet, and his sarcasm are not of those of a professional. And not of one I would model.

    Lucky??? He's worked his *kitten* off.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Well, since a few people here want to poo-poo on my thread. I've decided I was going to wrap up this thread. I will no longer be fielding questions in this thread.

    I started it in hopes of helping people. Sharing my experience and knowledge I've gained over the past two years about the science of fat loss.

    I don't believe in luck. I believe in knowledge, science and hard work. You can achieve anything you set your mind to. Good luck to all of you in achieving your fitness goals. I am pulling for you all.

  • Well, since a few people here want to poo-poo on my thread. I've decided I was going to wrap up this thread. I will no longer be fielding questions in this thread.

    That's a shame. I've really enjoyed learning from you. Can I be your friend instead? :wink: