I've never seen these movies!



  • princessdracos
    princessdracos Posts: 125 Member
    My husband still gives me crap because I'm the only woman he's been with that hasn't sat through Blade Runner with him (it's his favorite movie and he owns a gazillion versions).

    I've never seen Raiders of the Lost Ark or The Last Crusade. I wish I'd never seen Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Ugh!

    I've never seen Saving Private Ryan all the way through.


    I'm sure there are lots more even though I've seen a lot of movies.

    You've got some street cred with me, then. Let's add Saving Private Ryan, and anything with Harrison Ford in it to my list of "Movies I'll Never See Unless I'm Being Waterboarded and That's the Only Way to Make It Stop." :smile:

    Bahahaha! That's how I feel about Sarah Jessica Parker. I'm not sure which would scare me more...her or Pinhead from the Hellraiser movies. *shudder*
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member

    Any Star Wars movie made after 1977
    Any animated movies by Disney or Pixar

    Sorry, I'm not just not into the big Hollywood blockbuster. What about you?

    Sometimes movies are blockbusters because they are really really good.
    You have to see "The Lion King"
    You have to see "Toy Story"
    You have to see "Titanic"

    Lion King is basically Hamlet, Toy Story is a common fantasy and Titanic was a true techncal and romantic accomplishment.

    Who cares if The Lion King is Hamlet? That doesn't make you any less sad when Mufasa dies. Please read this http://www.cracked.com/blog/6-common-movie-arguments-that-are-always-wrong/

    I think you are my female younger clone lol

    I thought that as some point last week on one of the random threads where people were arguing about political whatnots that they knew little about. haha
  • I've never seen ANY Harry Potter movies
    ANY Star Wars Movie

    I only see the love stories and the ones my hubby makes me see hahah!
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    Where does the judgment that any blockbuster/popular film must not really be worth seeing come from?

    A lot of those listed are actually fantastic... hype or not.
  • regina2063
    regina2063 Posts: 203 Member
    Avatar....that blue lady just looks too scary
  • Musikelektronik
    Musikelektronik Posts: 739 Member
    Where does the judgment that any blockbuster/popular film must not really be worth seeing come from?

    Where does it come from? Seeing a few of them. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    I LOVE Titanic, off to see it in 3D on Saturday :happy:

    Also love all the Twilight movies, mmmmm R-Patz :love:
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 687 Member
    Hunger Games: movie was ok, the books were awesome
    Twilight: Movie would have been better with a cast that could actually act, Books were great
    Harry Potter movies and books were awesome

    Never saw Saving Private Ryan But am a huge Tom Hanks fan. That man can play any part

    I had never seen any of the Star wars, Indiana Jones, or Lord of the Rings movies until 2009 when me and my boyfriend started dating and he asked me to give them a try so I did. Still not a fan of Star Wars or Lord of the Rings, but did enjoy Indiana Jones.

    Loved Grease, but Grease 2 was awful. I am a big fan of mucials though

    Titanic was great but I have always been fascinated with the story of Titanic so that may be why I liked the movie so much

    The visual effects in Avatar were great but I was not a big fan of the movie

    To Kill a Mockingbird (great book too) and Wizard of Oz are my two favorite movies ever made.