Vibram Five Finger shoes?



  • microMXL
    microMXL Posts: 51
    I have the fila skele-toes and love them, have used for running and beachbody: insanity
  • I have two pairs of them and absolutely love them! I have a pair of KSOs that have virtually nothing on the bottom and a pair of Trek Sports that have some tread on them for Mud Runs, etc.

    I have bad ankles and have to wear an ankle brace when running/exercising in conventional running shoes. Not in my vibrams! I will also say, my legs have never been stronger in my life. I recently ran a 10-mile race in them and could have easily did a half marathon. I have plans for a full marathon next year.

    The worst part of the shoes is the way the look. They honestly look horrible (they always strike up a conversation lol) but they function fantastic for me. Keep in mind I like this minimalist approach and they are not for everyone.

    The shoes encourage you to run on the balls of your feet rather than heel strike. It's a more natural movement and as others have mentioned your body will need to adjust to them.
  • I like using mine for dodgeball and volleyball, but I do find they get really stinky really fast.
  • emczech5
    emczech5 Posts: 224 Member
    I just got mine a couple days ago. I wore them around town yesterday. Haven't done anything really athletic yet but so far I like them.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I have two pairs of them and absolutely love them! I have a pair of KSOs that have virtually nothing on the bottom and a pair of Trek Sports that have some tread on them for Mud Runs, etc.

    I have bad ankles and have to wear an ankle brace when running/exercising in conventional running shoes. Not in my vibrams! I will also say, my legs have never been stronger in my life. I recently ran a 10-mile race in them and could have easily did a half marathon. I have plans for a full marathon next year.

    The worst part of the shoes is the way the look. They honestly look horrible (they always strike up a conversation lol) but they function fantastic for me. Keep in mind I like this minimalist approach and they are not for everyone.

    The shoes encourage you to run on the balls of your feet rather than heel strike. It's a more natural movement and as others have mentioned your body will need to adjust to them.
    Interesting that you say this. I ran a bit in my 20s (I'm 47). I did about 2 years of 5Ks, 10Ks etc. maybe 50miles a week. My knees couldn't take it. Doc said stop running etc. Fast forward 20 years. I have been in pretty good shape all these years, just not running. In Feb, I decided to try running "a bit" at the gym, on the treadmill. It went fine...I took it very slow. then I got the Brooks minimalist shoes. and WOW. Knees feel fabulous, walking or running. Inside OR outside!!!!
    I'm running so differently. My hips aren't popping. My knees aren't popping. Or aching at night. It's quite a change.
    I'm taking it super slow (literally and literally).
    Outside, I'm only running (slowly) about 30 minutes, then just walking another 30-45. But BOY did I miss it. I don't see any 10Ks in my knees' futures. But I'd like to be able to do a slow 5K a few times a week. And I truly see that happening with the new shoe set up. No pain. At all.