22 and Continuously Self Sabotaging



  • sally1992
    sally1992 Posts: 11

    A month or so ago I was making great progress but as soon as I got to a weight I hadn't been at in a while the sabotage began! Even though I knew I still had a lot of hard work to do I started eating crap again and then I got down on myself and being an emotional eater it basically went downhill from there....

    It's like listening to myself! :laugh:
  • Teapotdomescam
    Teapotdomescam Posts: 156 Member
    I'm 22 as well and although I myself don't suffer from this I do know people who have. I find that the best way they tend to deal with it is to find a hobby that distracts you at the time being. try to avoid situations or thoughts in which you find yourself triggered. Perhaps keeping a food diary will help? For me, it has helped me a lot. I never realized how much sugar I was consuming until I started writing it all down. Once you start to become accountable for your own actions, you will realize when to stop and when to keep going. I don't believe in depriving oneself of anything because we all deserve to spoil ourselves from time to time. Perhaps you can make a simple goal for yourself. Start by eliminating a little temptation. Every day you go without eating it you can get a calendar and mark it with an x. Maybe if you start physically seeing the results it will motivate you in the end.
    I wish you the best of luck!!
    You can do it!
  • jpfost
    jpfost Posts: 192 Member
    just dont give up if you mess up one or two days. everybody eats crap they shouldnt sometimes.. the trick is to not do the whole screw it my diet is over! its a battle everyday that you can win! ONE DAY AT A TIME thats all you got to do, worry about tomorrow,tomorrow.

    You can add me if you like been at this for a couple years
  • talamer
    talamer Posts: 516 Member
    Hi Katie,

    We are all mostly having the same problem. But with continuous exercises and strength training, u will get your body in shape.
    I usually have a bad habit as sometimes I eat too much, but in the other hand I try my best to stick with my schedule to burn some calories in my body.

    I know sometimes you hangout with friends/family or attending to special occasion like parties/birthdays. for sure u will eat some junk food. As I think one day or two each week will not affect as you are trying not to fall from the wagon.

    anyway if you need support and friend, you can feel free to add me.
  • WandaVonDunajew
    WandaVonDunajew Posts: 183 Member
    Oh sweety, I know exactly how you feel! I'm an emotional as well, and food has always been my comfort, especially in time of stress or grief... The only thing that (marginally) helps for me is exercising (I tend to be much more disciplined when I work out) which right now is not an option (herniated lumbar disk and paresis in my left leg :sad: ) and keeping the food diary, logging the food BEFORE I eat it. that way I get shocked by the amount of calories and restrict them...

    Good luck through your journey, you can do it!
  • snewsome7
    snewsome7 Posts: 189
    Remember that if you screw up, the whole day is NOT ruined. I used to tell myself that the day was shot if I ate one piece of junk food. I would pig out on whatever I wanted, since I'd already "ruined the day". It's just not true. Eating right the majority of the time with a slip up is so much better. So you ate a piece of chocolate cake...we all slip up. Move on from it and make a really lean, healthy dinner. GL!

    ^^^ THIS. Tomorrow is a new day. It is okay to treat yourself every now and then. Just in moderation. I find that if I don't allow the things I really want in moderation I end up binge eating. Good luck to ya!
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Remember that if you screw up, the whole day is NOT ruined. I used to tell myself that the day was shot if I ate one piece of junk food. I would pig out on whatever I wanted, since I'd already "ruined the day". It's just not true. Eating right the majority of the time with a slip up is so much better. So you ate a piece of chocolate cake...we all slip up. Move on from it and make a really lean, healthy dinner. GL!

    Absolutely the above. I'm an ex-binge eater, and would see one slip-up as license to blow out in style. Now, I just accept it for what it is - a blip, nobody's perfect - and then try and compensate over the rest of the day. Life's too short to worry about one mistake - but it's also too short to perpetuate it.

    Good luck! x
  • ebonypixie
    ebonypixie Posts: 61 Member
    Hi Katie.
    You reiterated my thoughts exactly. Im 23 and a very emotional eater.. If im worried, scared, sad or even happy I am uncontrollable. The worst thing that gets me is tiredness, when I come home from work and go through a spiral of more crap after more crap because I think Well I 'already ate that one bad thing today' and 'I deserve it coz Im wrecked'.
    I find it helps if you can retrain yourself to think of a 'treat' as something non-foody.. (not as easy as I thought but worthwhile).. so for example, going for a walk and then a long hot shower, doing your hair, nails, even housework if your desperate.. and THEN if you still want something have something that takes a while to eat/drink so you can savour it. I usually freeze yogurts to eat for these times. They are sweet and take FOREVER :)

    Add me if you like!
  • kami89
    kami89 Posts: 12 Member
    wow, I could have written your post myself. I completely binged the weekend before Easter, and also on Easter. All that crap got back into my body, and I just couldn't stop. I kept waking up saying TODAY I will be better, TODAY I won't eat junk. And I kept doing. I mean- yesterday? I hate 4, FOUR bowls of sugary cereal. Today is my new day- my new resolve. I don't have the answer for you, but just know that you are not alone. I'll send you a friend request =)
  • really happy to have made some great new friends after writing this :smile: