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  • littleworm23
    littleworm23 Posts: 341 Member
    Feel free to add me if you would like too. :)
  • Jasmine060101
    Jasmine060101 Posts: 2 Member
    I have had a weight problem since I was 9 years old and my weight has been up and down, mostly up. But I am not getting any younger and I am trying to get it off before I get any older (50). Last year when I went to the Doctor my weight was 262 after my Dr discovered my thyroid was low she put me on medication and it took me a little while but I am finally have energy again. I have been trying to change how I eat and stay on track. I have found that drinking protein shakes fill me up and keep me from being hungry as often. I researched and found a protein powder that is low in calories, fat, cholesterol, sodium, and carbs. I like shakes and ice cream so it helps to make the protein shakes to sub for the bad stuff. I put ingredients in my blender such as fresh or frozen fruit, extracts, fat free milk and sometime yogurt and add ice and they are great. If I just want something quick it is pretty good just to mix it with milk in a shaker bottle, it reminds me of instant breakfast or ovaltine. The protein powder seems to help control my hunger and I have been losing weight slowly but surely. Now that I am feeling better I hope to get all the weight off with eating properly, and starting to exercise more. My Daughter's wedding is this July so I am trying to stay on track, even if I fall off the wagon the next day I get back on track and so far so good. My Fitness Pal has helped me to stay on track and my weight is down to 237, I am 5' 8.5" tall so I am hoping to get to an even 200 then we will see about losing more. Its not easy but you just have to keep telling yourself this is a new day and keep working at it. So hang in there change will happen just it does not always happen as fast as we wish it would but it will happen if you continue to work at it.