Anyone 5'4" Female 170lbs-190lbs?



  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Started a new weight loss plan on 3/20/12 - weighing in at a hefty 195. One month in, have lost 10 pounds, but no change in waist size. Have been gardening and walking. Watching calorie intake, I've been advised to try to stay between 900 and 1100 calories per day. Of course, we can have more when you calculate the exercise. This food tracking tool is great! Any comments on how I can work on the spare tire I'm carrying around the waist? I'm a young 52 year old...:wink:
    Oh dear ! I would eat 1200 hun and honestly I think it will help any "spare tire" because if we eat under 1200 our bodies store extra fat and sometimes our weight will stall or we will lose muscle instead of fat. Who told you to eat 900?! P.S. Also please realize you can't really "target" fat at one spot, that is a total myth. You can work the muscles in your waist with crunches.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I'm 5'4". Two years ago when I joined, I weighed in at 210. I had actually already lost 20 pounds on my own by walking. For about a year I was a good girl, counted my calories, went to the gym and used MFP every day. I lost 42 pounds and was finally considered 'overweight' instead of 'obese'. I was 168! :blushing:

    Then the wagon tipped and off I fell. :sad: For the past year I have eaten better, but not great. I gained back about ten pounds over the past year and stopped working out. About a month ago, a friend invited me to join his team to complete the Tough Mudder in Virginia Beach, VA next July, 2013. I now have 13 months to get my act together.

    I joined MFP immediately to start counting my calories but the first goal has been to quit smoking. :smokin: Can't get healthy with a cigarette in my mouth. I'm also trying to walk more.

    I let MFP set my calories, plugged in my weight, age, etc and my calories are set at 1340/day. Most days I'm at or under, but I have a sugar problem. It's a love/hate relationship. :ohwell: I'm working on it.

    Because I've done this before, I feel like I have the tools that I need. I highly recommend attending some type of healthy eating education - I am a member of the YMCA and they have a free group where I live that combines excersize with teaching healthy eating. Check and see if your gym does the same.

    Also, MFP has a section for sharing recipes - this can be a great tool. Check it out!

    So far since I have 'rejoined' the MFP family, I have lost 2 pounds, just by eating better and walking. It won't work for all the lbs I want to lose, but it's not a bad start. :flowerforyou:
    I LOVE that you quit smoking too and it reminds me of the first season of the biggest loser, which I just watched for the first time and completed the season on netflix. LOL Jillian Michael's says that to a contestant and he quits. Welcome back to MFP! Thanks for your input.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I'm 5'4" and at my lowest, right before I got pregnant, I was 191. I ate about 1600-1700 calories a day and exercised moderately several times a week (at that time, I was eating those calories straight so I wasn't eating back my exercise calories. Because I was eating that much, I was creating most of my "deficit" with exercise). I was NOT losing weight. I had been that weight for months without losing more (after losing 80 pounds). I guess my metabolism was messed up from eating too little to lose that much weight. :ohwell:
    First let me apologize to anyone I don't reply to directly and say thank you because replying individually was getting insane for me. lol! Second I have heard our bodies get used to the calories if we cut them too low and we need to change it up and raise them a little or cut them even more to help lose some more weight, so maybe that is the issue? Ironically 191 was my largest without being pregnant and I was 191 after my first baby was born, lost 185 with diet and exercise pretty soon after I started and then became pregnant so I didn't lose much more, but I ended up 4lbs lighter after this baby and just lost 3-4lbs more so we'll see!
  • ImRadical4Jesus
    ImRadical4Jesus Posts: 144 Member
    I usta be 5'4" now I'm 5'3" lol and I weigh 181. I have lost 9 pounds, but it fluctuates. I am loosing inches so I know I'm doing something right. My heavier workout days are MWF. So I eat more those days. I set myself to eat 1582 calories a day and eating back most, if not all, the earned calories. I was set at 1782 but went down 200 to see if I'd loose more than a half pound a week.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Hey, I'm around that height and recently I've been eating 1350-1500 my base is 1350, but since I exercise 6 times a week I will sometimes eat a lil over 1350.

    The scale has been pretty constant the last few days, but I know on Sunday it was fluctuating like mad! Which is why I like weighing myself daily so that I know the scale isn't saying I lost 5 Kgs overnight!

    Oh I've also been working out for 3 weeks
    1350 sounds okay. I could do that I think lol. I don't know what people mean about snacking, but I honestly eat 2100 calories if I don't watch what I eat, so I'm sure that is what my body naturally craves. I went out to eat yesterday, but stayed in my calories, but i am scared to jump on the scale. lmso.
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I usta be 5'4" now I'm 5'3" lol and I weigh 181. I have lost 9 pounds, but it fluctuates. I am loosing inches so I know I'm doing something right. My heavier workout days are MWF. So I eat more those days. I set myself to eat 1582 calories a day and eating back most, if not all, the earned calories. I was set at 1782 but went down 200 to see if I'd loose more than a half pound a week.
    When you were set at 1782 you still lost? That sounds awesome lol I was doing that but not eating exercise calories which was crazy since I burned like 1200 sometimes in one day. lol so how much were you losing for example in one week?
  • nemd
    nemd Posts: 5
    Thanks for your comments. Curves is not available locally for me. Do you do X number of seconds or minutes of different exercise moves? Please explain what you're doing. I'm gardening and walking (speeding up the pace) - daily goal is 10,000 steps. Thank you for sharing.
  • nemd
    nemd Posts: 5
    Thanks for your feedback. I've lost 12 pounds since 3/20/12. My average calories per day is more like 1015-1150. Gardening and walking (picked up the pace). My goal is 10,000 steps per day. Will I ever see 150 again? That's what's on my drivers license :blushing:
  • Cupcake1015
    Cupcake1015 Posts: 109 Member
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    I'm 5'4 and my starting weight was 172. I eat 1680 calories a day and eat back at least half of them I'm pretty active between going to college and working as a cashier (I stand up, walk around, and lift things for 5-7 hours straight), so I find that if I eat below my calorie goal, my weight loss stalls pretty quickly. I also find that eating at least some of my exercise cals (and sometimes all if I'm really craving something) works better for me than not eating them back.
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    im 5'4 and started at 164ish lbs... i am now 140 (WAS 125 but looked sick...wayy to skinny)
    i lost by lifting HEAVY, cardio 3x week and eating anywhere from 1600-2000 calories *depending on burn*


  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    I'm always slightly perplexed when people say 1600+ is their calorie goals because quite frankly I can snack whole day and eat my meals and still be under, the only time I can exceed that amount is when I introduce chips/chocolate.

    I think everyone is different of course and many I suppose like eating red meat which is a good amount of calories on its own.

    like I said before I don't believe in the one size fits all approach, so if you can get away with eating a 1000+ calories without feeling full I think that should be fine because force feeding yourself is not doing your body any favours either!

    But of course if you feel like you won't be sufficiently full then eat more we all might be around the same height and same weight, but we have different lifestyles and there will be days where you need to eat more than others, so I guess my approach from now on is not too worry if I'm under my goal as long as I know I ate good healthy food and I'm not starving I'll go to sleep with the deficit.
    I like food and I eat a lot. I am hungry a lot more than I eat and sometimes I still go over 1600 calories per day. It depends on the person. I eat a lot of cheese and I don't eat meat to be honest with you. lol. I like cheese and I like carbs in my food, so I eat a lot. :]
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    im 5'4 and started at 164ish lbs... i am now 140 (WAS 125 but looked sick...wayy to skinny)
    i lost by lifting HEAVY, cardio 3x week and eating anywhere from 1600-2000 calories *depending on burn*


    That is awesome! Perfect! If I can look that way at the end I will be so happy with myself :]! Those both after or is one before?! I know I weight 165 now (I've lost 20lbs from my pre(2nd)-pregnancy size!) and I look a lot larger than you. lol.
  • I am 5' 4" I started 11 weeks ago at 199, I am now at 178. I am at 1200 calories a day. Difficult to stick to, but i manage about 90% of the time.

    I can't see how would lose weight at any higher, esp since my time for exercise is extremely limited... I try, but right now, I am focusing on changing my eating habits and getting that under control.