Am I the only Virgin here?



  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    Quite honestly I don't think its anyone's business and I don't know why anyone would advertise whether they are or not.

    Because virginity is a social construct used to keep women oppressed. Virginity isn't everything people make it to be. All it is is never having had sex. That's it. Doing so doesn't make anyone more or less virtuous than the next person.

    so...virginity is not a social construct but the beliefs surrounding what it means to not be a virgin are.

    Yes, virginity is a social construct. There is no clear medical definition of virginity.

    Being a virgin means that one has not had sex. It seems pretty black and white to me. Now, the implications society attaches to virginity, or the lack there of, is the social construct.
  • laceyxlockdown
    laceyxlockdown Posts: 70 Member
    i am a virgin but I don't get why bringing up the topic for you had to make you state whether or not you were gay.

    lots of people associtae stuff like that because you could be the in the closet gay and are to scared to come out and you know you like the same sex but are to scared of people finding out.or you are in the closet and people dont know you are a gay and never slept with a woman because you are gay. thats another reason why people usually say that. its not saying gay people are virgins or saying its associted with yous sexuality. and its actually said a lot to alot of people who are virgins mainly male virgins. thats why that was said. :)
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I don't know why people are so doubtful when I say my son is a virgin. I'm not that gullible when it comes to my kids and they know I wasn't a virgin when I got married so no reason for either of them to lie about something like that. Would it be different if he got on here himself and said he was a virgin? :ohwell:

    Did your mother know you weren't a virgin, back BEFORE you got married but AFTER you had sex the first time? Did you entertain any thoughts of telling her? We don't tell our moms these things, for the most part.

    I would most likely believe him if he said he was, under the circumstances that the OP posted. I WOULD NOT believe him now if he posted to this particular thread.

    My mom knew I wasn't a virgin even though I never told her. I wasn't very close to my mom and didn't feel like I could talk to her about something like that. Of course when I ended up pregnant without being married, there was no denying the fact that I wasn't a virgin.

    It really doesn't matter to me if anyone believes my son is a virgin or isn't. It just seems odd to me that people who know nothing about me or my son thinks I'm that gulllible or think he's lying about it. :ohwell:
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    People keep saying they were a virgin "by choice." Do some of us here NOT have a choice to be a virgin?

    If somebody is **** ugly then yeah....
    I was butt ugly and still had sex...

    i don't believe you. the butt ugly part. butts are beautiful!
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    Yes, virginity oppresses women by reducing them to their sexualities and basing their worth on whether or not they've had sex. Oh, and there is absolutely no push for women to give up their virginity at the drop of a hat. More like the exact opposite. Seriously, for women to be able to own their own bodies, they have to be sexually liberated, and they can't be shamed for making decisions about their bodies.

    So, in our culture now, women aren't reduced to objects because sex is no longer shameful? I think being objectified has just transformed into women who were/were not virgins into women who are/are not hot. We're still just bodies, not minds, not people who have feelings, thoughts, and ideas. It's not much of an improvement.

    I also think you misunderstood my post. It's silly to think that sex has no consequences. It does. However, if you're a woman who absolutely must have sex, then please consider that sex causes babies to happen and also has the potential to land you with an STD. Condoms and birth control, for the love of everything good. Being empowered means knowing what you're getting into and taking the necessary precautions ahead of time.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I don't know why people are so doubtful when I say my son is a virgin. I'm not that gullible when it comes to my kids and they know I wasn't a virgin when I got married so no reason for either of them to lie about something like that. Would it be different if he got on here himself and said he was a virgin? :ohwell:

    Do worry about the people that thinks you are blind to what your son is doing. It takes a strong person to stand up for being a virgin. Why would your son lie about being a virgin? A lot of people believe that a person has to lose their virginity at a certain age or something is wrong with them. A lot of people that's going around saying they aren't virgins are actually scared virgins. They are afraid of being strong, so they weakly fall into the hands of people they want to like them. It's sad, but it's true, a lot of people go out and lose their virginity to fit in.

    Fornication is a sin.

    No where does it say Fornication is a sin.

    Fornication outside of wedlock is considered a sin but God actually orders us to fornicate.

    I would like to know where in The Bible does God orders people to fornicate.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    I don't know why people are so doubtful when I say my son is a virgin. I'm not that gullible when it comes to my kids and they know I wasn't a virgin when I got married so no reason for either of them to lie about something like that. Would it be different if he got on here himself and said he was a virgin? :ohwell:

    Do worry about the people that thinks you are blind to what your son is doing. It takes a strong person to stand up for being a virgin. Why would your son lie about being a virgin? A lot of people believe that a person has to lose their virginity at a certain age or something is wrong with them. A lot of people that's going around saying they aren't virgins are actually scared virgins. They are afraid of being strong, so they weakly fall into the hands of people they want to like them. It's sad, but it's true, a lot of people go out and lose their virginity to fit in.

    Fornication is a sin.

    No where does it say Fornication is a sin.

    Fornication outside of wedlock is considered a sin but God actually orders us to fornicate.

    I would like to know where in The Bible does God orders people to fornicate.

    Genesis 9:7 - "Go Forth and Multiply." I am not a biologist but I do know that humans do not reproduce via mitosis.
  • virginity is a choice. I gave myself only to one man, my husband. I've been celibate since he's been in Heaven, 10 years, now, and I will be until I marry again. And I intend to... :) man (people) were not meant to be alone. God gave Eve to Adam as his wife. :)
  • I don't know why people are so doubtful when I say my son is a virgin. I'm not that gullible when it comes to my kids and they know I wasn't a virgin when I got married so no reason for either of them to lie about something like that. Would it be different if he got on here himself and said he was a virgin? :ohwell:

    Do worry about the people that thinks you are blind to what your son is doing. It takes a strong person to stand up for being a virgin. Why would your son lie about being a virgin? A lot of people believe that a person has to lose their virginity at a certain age or something is wrong with them. A lot of people that's going around saying they aren't virgins are actually scared virgins. They are afraid of being strong, so they weakly fall into the hands of people they want to like them. It's sad, but it's true, a lot of people go out and lose their virginity to fit in.

    Fornication is a sin.

    No where does it say Fornication is a sin.

    Fornication outside of wedlock is considered a sin but God actually orders us to fornicate.

    I would like to know where in The Bible does God orders people to fornicate.

    Genesis 9:7 - "Go Forth and Multiply." I am not a biologist but I do know that humans do not reproduce via mitosis.

    1 Corinthians 6:9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals,
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    I don't know why people are so doubtful when I say my son is a virgin. I'm not that gullible when it comes to my kids and they know I wasn't a virgin when I got married so no reason for either of them to lie about something like that. Would it be different if he got on here himself and said he was a virgin? :ohwell:

    Do worry about the people that thinks you are blind to what your son is doing. It takes a strong person to stand up for being a virgin. Why would your son lie about being a virgin? A lot of people believe that a person has to lose their virginity at a certain age or something is wrong with them. A lot of people that's going around saying they aren't virgins are actually scared virgins. They are afraid of being strong, so they weakly fall into the hands of people they want to like them. It's sad, but it's true, a lot of people go out and lose their virginity to fit in.

    Fornication is a sin.

    No where does it say Fornication is a sin.

    Fornication outside of wedlock is considered a sin but God actually orders us to fornicate.

    I would like to know where in The Bible does God orders people to fornicate.

    Genesis 9:7 - "Go Forth and Multiply." I am not biologist by I do know that humans do not reproduce via mitosis.

    You need to read the whole chapter to understand what God was talking about. God would never order people to fornicate, because it's a sin. God was talking to married people. God was talking to Noah and his three sons and all 4 men were married men. Please get an understanding of God's truth, before you say something about God that's not true.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    virginity is a choice. I gave myself only to one man, my husband. I've been celibate since he's been in Heaven, 10 years, now, and I will be until I marry again. And I intend to... :) man (people) were not meant to be alone. God gave Eve to Adam as his wife. :)
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    I don't know why people are so doubtful when I say my son is a virgin. I'm not that gullible when it comes to my kids and they know I wasn't a virgin when I got married so no reason for either of them to lie about something like that. Would it be different if he got on here himself and said he was a virgin? :ohwell:

    Do worry about the people that thinks you are blind to what your son is doing. It takes a strong person to stand up for being a virgin. Why would your son lie about being a virgin? A lot of people believe that a person has to lose their virginity at a certain age or something is wrong with them. A lot of people that's going around saying they aren't virgins are actually scared virgins. They are afraid of being strong, so they weakly fall into the hands of people they want to like them. It's sad, but it's true, a lot of people go out and lose their virginity to fit in.

    Fornication is a sin.

    No where does it say Fornication is a sin.

    Fornication outside of wedlock is considered a sin but God actually orders us to fornicate.

    I would like to know where in The Bible does God orders people to fornicate.

    Genesis 9:7 - "Go Forth and Multiply." I am not biologist by I do know that humans do not reproduce via mitosis.

    You need to read the whole chapter to understand what God was talking about. God would never order people to fornicate, because it's a sin. God was talking to married people. God was talking to Noah and his three sons and all 4 men were married men. Please get an understanding of God's truth, before you say something about God that's not true.

    Sorry, I missed the wedding ceremony.
  • dntworribhappi
    dntworribhappi Posts: 131 Member
    I am. 44 and holding.
    Holding what is the question =P

    Baa hahahaha!
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Ooooo religion. . .

    I'm out.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I am and will be until the day I'm married!

    Me too! It's been tough but still got my v card :)
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Well, it helps to
    1) be a quasi-middle aged, smart alec, soft around the middle type guy
    2) as a consequence be something of a loner.

    So unless I get married (again) I've no chan-- I mean I'm with the OP.
  • Nope, you're not the only one --- I am...and plan to be until the day I'm married. My husband has me as all his - we're both virgins. (He's 30, I'm 23)
  • bexx_m90
    bexx_m90 Posts: 18
    I'm not a virgin, i lost mine at the age of 17 which i regret very much, and if i had that choice again i would keep it until i find that one specail person.
    it is hard tho, especaialy when your 17 and peir preasure, with it apparently "being uncool" to still be virgin.
    which i dont think anymore, as i'm not a stupid teenager anymore.
    I blame the programme Skins for the whole losing your vaginity by a certain age.
    it's rediculas now when ppl of 12-16 are in desparate urge to lose there vaginity.

    so stay how you are, be yourself and save yourself for that one specail person, and when YOU are ready.
  • HarrietSabre
    HarrietSabre Posts: 186 Member
    There are a huge number of sexualities and sexual preferences besides homosexual and heterosexual. There are a huge number of reasons that one wouldn't want to have sex or be single, none of which are wrong or right. However, not having a desire or curiosity into that matter could mean that you're asexual (and asexual doesn't necessarily mean someone who doesn't *kitten*, there are all different kinds of asexual, too). Not that it matters, but if you feel the need to explain yourself to other people, then reading up on these things can help you get your point across.
  • mint0429
    mint0429 Posts: 20
    Im 21 and Im a virgin :)
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