Don't you hate it when...



  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    haha some of the posts you guys wrote are really funny :tongue:

    I have one...

    Don't you hate it when you drive all the way to the gym and then realize you forgot your HRM...and then have to drive all the way back home to get it?

    Yea, I did that the other day. I refuse to workout without my HRM lol oooh I was so mad at myself....and then I got into the gym and realized I forgot my Ipod. :noway: What a day that was.

  • Don't you hate it when you finally run a 10 min. mile for the first time in 9 years only to have someone tell you that you are running it slower than a normal person should. (happened this week to me, here on these boards)

    Sorry, i'm still mad about these two.

    Yeah... i commented on that. It was ridiculous. I'm EXTREMELY proud of myself for being able to run (jog) without stopping or walking for 30 minutes. Who cares if I only travelled 2.4 miles? If you pulled 10 women our age at random and made us all run, there's a VERY high chance you would beat us all! Be proud!
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    Oh no, I have another.........

    Dont you hate it when you are in the 'zone' exercising and someone tries to talk to you???

    HELL-LOOO I am not breating heavy cuz your so hot!! :laugh: :laugh:

    Just happened to me the other night except it was my phone ringing. I was trying to sell tickets to an event here in town so I had to answer it. It never failed, everytime I would go from walking to running my phone would ring. :explode:
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    Don't you hate it when you forget your water bottle at home...I'm barely getting anything done at work because I have to get up every five minutes to refill my tiny little plastic cup.:explode: Might have to go get a bottle of water at lunch just so I can keep refilling it....
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    . . .Don't you hate it when you finally run a 10 min. mile for the first time in 9 years only to have someone tell you that you are running it slower than a normal person should. (happened this week to me, here on these boards)

    Sorry, i'm still mad about these two.

    That really p*ssed me off!! I still think you are awesome - I can't even run a mile yet, much less in 10 minutes!! Don't let him get to you - you've got a lot of us here that respect you and think you are doing great! You are an inspiration:drinker:
  • dimplzz
    dimplzz Posts: 456 Member
    . . .Don't you hate it when you finally run a 10 min. mile for the first time in 9 years only to have someone tell you that you are running it slower than a normal person should. (happened this week to me, here on these boards)

    Sorry, i'm still mad about these two.

    That really p*ssed me off!! I still think you are awesome - I can't even run a mile yet, much less in 10 minutes!! Don't let him get to you - you've got a lot of us here that respect you and think you are doing great! You are an inspiration:drinker:

    I just read that thread too! That is aweful that someone would come to your thread and say that! Just stay away from the thread if you don't have anything nice to say. :cry: That is great that you ran a 10 minute mile! I can go about 4 minutes straight which isn't even a quarter mile and that impresses me! haha I would LOVE to be able to run a 10 minute mile. What a great accomplishment. GREAT JOB!!! :flowerforyou:
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Don't you hate it when you are thoroughly enjoying a meal and you bite your tongue? Totally ruins the whole experience. :tongue:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Don't you hate it when you are thoroughly enjoying a meal and you bite your tongue? Totally ruins the whole experience. :tongue:

    Ha! I do that all the time.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Don't you hate it when you are thoroughly enjoying a meal and you bite your tongue? Totally ruins the whole experience. :tongue:

    Ha! I do that all the time.

    I actually get really pissed when I bite my tongue or lip or inside of my cheek. Nothing irks me more I don't think. :mad: :laugh:
  • sinisme
    sinisme Posts: 148 Member
    Or when you're trying to get into the left lane to get the onramp to the freeway ... and some douche <--can i say that? ) in a little sports car won't let you in, and wont move from your blind... and when you speed up to get in.. he speeds up....:mad: :explode:
    i think i may have road rage!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Or when you're trying to get into the left lane to get the onramp to the freeway ... and some douche <--can i say that? ) in a little sports car won't let you in, and wont move from your blind... and when you speed up to get in.. he speeds up....:mad: :explode:
    i think i may have road rage!

    LOL, never, EVER come to massachusetts, that's everybody in the state. Except, nobody uses their blinker here either!
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    Or when you're trying to get into the left lane to get the onramp to the freeway ... and some douche <--can i say that? ) in a little sports car won't let you in, and wont move from your blind... and when you speed up to get in.. he speeds up....:mad: :explode:
    i think i may have road rage!

    LOL, never, EVER come to massachusetts, that's everybody in the state. Except, nobody uses their blinker here either!

    That's another one of mine! People not using their blinker:grumble: What? You didn't get that option?
    Then they're mad because I almost hit them?
  • sinisme
    sinisme Posts: 148 Member
    Or when you're trying to get into the left lane to get the onramp to the freeway ... and some douche <--can i say that? ) in a little sports car won't let you in, and wont move from your blind... and when you speed up to get in.. he speeds up....:mad: :explode:
    i think i may have road rage!

    LOL, never, EVER come to massachusetts, that's everybody in the state. Except, nobody uses their blinker here either!

    that's so horrible!! I mean I'm not like an old lady driver.. but jebuz.. give someone some space! especially when the guy wasnt even trying to get on the freeway.. he was trying to get into MY lane!
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    I hate it when I get up in a great mood, get pumped up and go to the gym to get my workout in, only to find that I don't have a spare battery for my MP3 player. You wanna talk about time ticking by so slowly you'd rather stick a pin in your eye? THAT is BAD!!!

    I totally get what you mean...I hate it even more when you are in the middle or just started your workout and your MP3 goes about a motivation killer!
  • AllenMom4
    AllenMom4 Posts: 294 Member
    Dont you hate it when people stare? They say nothing to you, they dont smile or anything they just stare! It drives me insane!!!!
  • Sarandipity
    Sarandipity Posts: 1,560
    Dont you hate it when people stare? They say nothing to you, they dont smile or anything they just stare! It drives me insane!!!!

    LOL that is so funny! My 10 month old neice does that. I come into a room and she locks on to me and doesn't look away. We have these little staring contests :laugh:
  • AllenMom4
    AllenMom4 Posts: 294 Member
    It drives me insane! If you wanna stare go for it. But smile or tell e what your staring at or something. The whole silence thing kills me
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    you get laid off from your job, your ready to go on unemployment, you've had your last day at work, going away party, etc.....and you get a call saying you can come back now, your job is available again. Can you believe that happend to a fellow employee today!!!??? What a world!!!
  • AllenMom4
    AllenMom4 Posts: 294 Member
    Thats crazy! I think i would be going crazy on someone if that was done to me.
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    yeah, nuts huh? thing is this woman is 62 and probably was figuring she'd be on unemployment for a year and then retire. I'm not sure if she'll be glad to be able to come back or not???!!!
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