what is going on with my weight loss?



  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    oh my goodness, i cannot believe i am supposed to eat more! No, I do not eat back my exercise calories. I do not want the food. I will try to up it some, but idk-this just doesnt sound right-eat more-exercise less? ? I undestand the body holding onto the fat to survive but after a while of me eating these calories-I would think my body would have adjusted to it?? ANd it would begin to drop the weight.

    Oh it will, eventually. But that could be quite some time. A half decade ago I did what you're doing now... netted about 1200 a day and worked out as much as I could. I lost a bunch of weight at first, but then it slowed *fast* and on week 14 I entered a plateau that lasted - wait for it - FOUR MONTHS.

    After that the weight did start to come off again, but do you really want to wait that long through a plateau while working so hard? Better to be a little more moderate and watch the wait come off steadily but surely.

    If you don't want to eat more, then you don't have to. Upping your calories doesn't necessarily mean eating more food by volume, it means teaching yourself which foods are more energy dense. Your meals can still be as small as they always were but your calories could be higher. Peanuts, peanut butter, nutella, avocado, ice cream, steak, rice etc. are all calorie dense and you get more calories per mouthful.

    We're all just trying to help.
  • bmuff
    bmuff Posts: 64
    I know everyone is trying to help and I appreciate it more than you know. I really do. I am just having a hard time with this. I will try to get more calories in.
  • www.bodyforlife.com. trust me... it works!
  • TLC1975
    TLC1975 Posts: 146 Member
    4lbs in 26 days is a GREAT weight loss still. It's a very healthy rate. Right now it seems like it's going to take you FOREVER to lose the weight, but it didn't go on over night. These things take time and try to focus on how well you've done so far and and how much better you feel now than when you first started. Sometimes it just takes your body time to adjust. If this is a lifestyle change then this is great, it means you'll keep at it!

    Keep going and try not to get too down on yourself. You're doing great and you are still losing at a really good rate! You'll get there!


    I also agree....slow and steady...it took me 3 yrs to lose 60lbs...now that is SLOW!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    I know everyone is trying to help and I appreciate it more than you know. I really do. I am just having a hard time with this. I will try to get more calories in.

    Have you looked at the stickies on this forum section (the posts at the very top, with little pin icons on them)? There are several that talk about why eating more will help you lose weight, even though it seems counterintuitive. One is specifically titled something like "700 calories a day and not losing weight - why eating more works" or something to that effect.

    It boils down to fueling your body. If your car has a 10 gallon gas tank and gets 10 miles to the gallon, do you expect to be able to go for 100 miles on half a tank of gas (5 gallons)? No, because your car doesn't have enough fuel, it can only go 50 miles on what it has, and to go more, you need to add more gas. The same goes for your body. In order to work, it needs to have a certain amount of fuel. If you don't give it that, it's going to find ways to adjust so that it can run on less, but that generally means that it will shut down or scale back certain things (kind of like turning down the heat in your house to save money), and your weight loss will stall.

    As others have said, you don't have to eat more by volume, you just have to add in more nutrient/calorie dense foods. Have some nut butter on your apple slices, or add some chicken (or steak!) or quinoa to your salads. Have some granola with your breakfast. These things will help you get the calories you need, without making you feel like you're over stuffing yourself.
  • bmuff
    bmuff Posts: 64
    That was April 26 when I first posted. Just want to give you an update. I stopped doing all the exercising, other than occasional walking or bike riding. My cal counts every day are usually between 1200 - 1400. So today is May 26, and I am now 213. So a 8 lb weight loss this last month. So, thank you to everyone for your help. I am planning to add more exercise back in as I go along, but for now, this is what is working for me.