Got told that I can't exercise in my apartment anymore...



  • Dumbell_Diva
    Dumbell_Diva Posts: 175 Member
    Like I said....

    Does she expect your dog to wear a pair of slippers too?!!! :noway: !!! Dont let her intimidate you, chin up and let us know how it goes, you sound like a lovely neighbour youre not trying to cause her trouble. Good luck :smile:
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    I have a similar situation. The neighbors actually complain if I shower after 10 pm and actually asked me not to flush the toilet between the hours of 10 pm and 8 am. My answer was a plain and simple, no. You are well within your rights of working out, and I assume you are not stomping too loudly.

    Your health, your home, you decide. Talk to the landlord to advise him of this unreasonable request and just keep up being the good neighbor that you are
    Haha that's crazy. My last apartment complex was considering "student living" so it was a piece of crap. You heard every single noise from all of the apartments around you. Toilet flushing was one of them, but I could never have imagined going upstairs and telling the girls above me not to flush LOL.

    And I will definitely let you all know what happens with maintenance. I have certain areas in my hallway and bathroom that are super squeaky so I've been making sure to walk laps over them before they get fixed ;)

    oh yeah, you sound like a PEACH to live under
    I realize that there's not much you can do about walking-around noise, but there's also a limit to how much noise the person living under you should have to put up with - you going out of your way to make more noise is just rude. She pays rent, same as you, & you're here complaining that she's making it so you can't enjoy your living space, yet you don't seem to understand that your actions are making it so she can't enjoy her living space (a living space that she is PAYING FOR)
    Yes, she seems unreasonable, especially about the dog jumping off the couch & you walking around, but why are you going out of your way to harass her?

    Her neighbour IS being bloody unreasonable, read the thread from the beginning!

    The OP also pays rent you know and is not doing her workout at a stupid hour - unless you class 3pm as an unreasonable time that is!!

    Actually, if there is anybody harassing anybody here it is the neighbour doing the harassing because the poor OP does not feel that she is even able to walk around without virtually levitating above the floor! That actually makes the OP unable to enjoy HER living space.

    I have read the post from the beginning. Would you kindly point out where the post that the OP says the neighbor harassed her multiple times, or complained to the manager about her is, as I have obviously missed that comment.
    Or maybe it doesn't exist because the neighbor ASKED HER to stop once. Last time I checked, someone asking something once isn't harassment.

    Are you the actual neighbour in question here by any chance?


    No, I'm a person who has noise sensitivity issues thanks to living under a hyperactive child for 4+ years, & I'm disgusted by the attitude that people who live in apartments are expected to deal with however much noise their neighbors feel like making.
    Yes, the woman was unreasonable, but that's no reason that the OP should be going out of her way to make her life more miserable.

    Also, nice avoidance of the question.

    Well I am seriously wondering see, because you appear to be reading something totally different to the rest of us.

    The OP is actually going out of her way to find a solution, the neighbour is lucky, because the OP is within her rights to exercise in her own apartment.

    The way you are going on is as if the OP is jumping around at all hours of the day and night, when she has already stated that she is out much of the time and a 40 minute workout is the only time she makes any noise, she is even willing to change whatever time suits that neighbour to do that exercise - how much more bloody accommodating can she get???

    Not sure if you're 100% correct on this one, many if not all apartments have a noise clause in the lease and it may in fact not be within her rights. It all depends where you rent and what they tolerate for noise level.

    Yes, many apartments do have noise clauses in their lease. Unless the OP lives in a freaking DAY CARE CENTER or a home for the ELDERLY, there is no excuse as to why she can not exercise at 3:00 in the AFTERNOON.

    Ouch, blood pressure is dangerously high.....since you or I haven't SEEN the AGREEMENT we can't say, I put the caps in there because you seem to enjoy it

    I don't have to see anything! The OP has stated several times what the clause is in her lease, and the hour of 3pm does not fall into the "quiet hours"

    Get a clue and look things up before you talk.
  • pduckworth
    pduckworth Posts: 133
    I have a similar situation. The neighbors actually complain if I shower after 10 pm and actually asked me not to flush the toilet between the hours of 10 pm and 8 am. My answer was a plain and simple, no. You are well within your rights of working out, and I assume you are not stomping too loudly.

    Your health, your home, you decide. Talk to the landlord to advise him of this unreasonable request and just keep up being the good neighbor that you are
    Haha that's crazy. My last apartment complex was considering "student living" so it was a piece of crap. You heard every single noise from all of the apartments around you. Toilet flushing was one of them, but I could never have imagined going upstairs and telling the girls above me not to flush LOL.

    And I will definitely let you all know what happens with maintenance. I have certain areas in my hallway and bathroom that are super squeaky so I've been making sure to walk laps over them before they get fixed ;)

    oh yeah, you sound like a PEACH to live under
    I realize that there's not much you can do about walking-around noise, but there's also a limit to how much noise the person living under you should have to put up with - you going out of your way to make more noise is just rude. She pays rent, same as you, & you're here complaining that she's making it so you can't enjoy your living space, yet you don't seem to understand that your actions are making it so she can't enjoy her living space (a living space that she is PAYING FOR)
    Yes, she seems unreasonable, especially about the dog jumping off the couch & you walking around, but why are you going out of your way to harass her?

    Her neighbour IS being bloody unreasonable, read the thread from the beginning!

    The OP also pays rent you know and is not doing her workout at a stupid hour - unless you class 3pm as an unreasonable time that is!!

    Actually, if there is anybody harassing anybody here it is the neighbour doing the harassing because the poor OP does not feel that she is even able to walk around without virtually levitating above the floor! That actually makes the OP unable to enjoy HER living space.

    I have read the post from the beginning. Would you kindly point out where the post that the OP says the neighbor harassed her multiple times, or complained to the manager about her is, as I have obviously missed that comment.
    Or maybe it doesn't exist because the neighbor ASKED HER to stop once. Last time I checked, someone asking something once isn't harassment.

    Are you the actual neighbour in question here by any chance?


    No, I'm a person who has noise sensitivity issues thanks to living under a hyperactive child for 4+ years, & I'm disgusted by the attitude that people who live in apartments are expected to deal with however much noise their neighbors feel like making.
    Yes, the woman was unreasonable, but that's no reason that the OP should be going out of her way to make her life more miserable.

    Also, nice avoidance of the question.

    Well I am seriously wondering see, because you appear to be reading something totally different to the rest of us.

    The OP is actually going out of her way to find a solution, the neighbour is lucky, because the OP is within her rights to exercise in her own apartment.

    The way you are going on is as if the OP is jumping around at all hours of the day and night, when she has already stated that she is out much of the time and a 40 minute workout is the only time she makes any noise, she is even willing to change whatever time suits that neighbour to do that exercise - how much more bloody accommodating can she get???

    Not sure if you're 100% correct on this one, many if not all apartments have a noise clause in the lease and it may in fact not be within her rights. It all depends where you rent and what they tolerate for noise level.

    Yes, many apartments do have noise clauses in their lease. Unless the OP lives in a freaking DAY CARE CENTER or a home for the ELDERLY, there is no excuse as to why she can not exercise at 3:00 in the AFTERNOON.

    Ouch, blood pressure is dangerously high.....since you or I haven't SEEN the AGREEMENT we can't say, I put the caps in there because you seem to enjoy it
    Quiet hours at 8pm-8am with security arriving at 5pm.
  • Dumbell_Diva
    Dumbell_Diva Posts: 175 Member
    Find it terrible that this poor lady has come on here asking for advice and yet you are all arguing on her thread and not being that nice!!! Thats the thing I hate about this site... the way people are so cruel. Really hope you get it sorted, hey dont worry too much, Im sure it will sort itself out. Good luck to you!! :smile:
  • pduckworth
    pduckworth Posts: 133
    Find it terrible that this poor lady has come on here asking for advice and yet you are all arguing on her thread and not being that nice!!! Thats the thing I hate about this site... the way people are so cruel. Really hope you get it sorted, hey dont worry too much, Im sure it will sort itself out. Good luck to you!! :smile:
    Thank you :) I posted this looking for alternative exercises that don't involve jumping and apparently I caused a war on here. Go figure!
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