


  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    If alcohol were a no-no with dieting, I would have stopped losing weight a loooooong time ago.

    Jack and I, we have a special relationship that I just can't see ending anytime soon.

    I second the suggestions for hard liquor and diet soda, though. I usually do Jack and coke myself.
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    Drink whatever, just put it into your plan.

    If you are a beer drinker, you can figure out the calories in a beer by determining how much of a known quantity it represents. Use this formula

    ((vol in oz X ABV) / 60) X 150
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    The best part of losing all this weight is that I am now a cheap cheap drunk.
  • gumigal82
    gumigal82 Posts: 350
    also a flavored vodka&club soda, gin&tonic with lime...I get yelled at for this, but coke zero&rum (or vodka).
    If you drink beer, try a stout instead of light beer, it's heavier so it will take longer to drink. It also tastes better in my opinion.
  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    I go out for drinks 1-2x per week. If my goal is to get tipsy/drink all night...I drink light beer to avoid racking up a ton of calories. If my goal is to beer taste/really enjoy a few drinks...I drink some really good higher calorie beers.

    I don't really drink liquor too much since I love beer but when I do...any flavoried vodka with diet coke OR tonic water.

    Good luck, enjoy, be smart and most of all, don't stress!
  • dinovino_59
    dinovino_59 Posts: 1,700
    I'll drink to that!
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Have a great time...everything in moderation :)
  • pundas
    pundas Posts: 165 Member
    If I know I'm going out with friends I always stick to a glass or two of merlot. A glass of red wine a day is beneficial to your health (according to some studies). I drink a glass or two a few nights a week and it never messes up my diet/weightloss goals. I always make sure to watch what I eat throughout the day and get in a good workout!
  • bekinator
    bekinator Posts: 103
    Alcohol are empty calories. There is no utilization of energy and they encourage fat storage. That being said, enjoy the evening out, be conservative with your safely and get back in gear tomorrow. It sounds like this is a treat and not a routine....ENJOY LIFE. But know its like eating cake...enjoy a little and work hard tomorrow.


    wise words gerry, i'm listening too (-: it IS like eating cake!