Oh my word. UP 4 lbs!



  • ProjFit
    ProjFit Posts: 143
    Im pretty much just repeating everybody else by now, but I do agree that you have to really watch your sodium intake. A burger from a fast food joint can sometimes have your entire sodium goal for the day in that one burger. If you watch that, plus make sure your within your calories then you should be golden. Its not necessarily fat, but I do understand that Its pretty discouraging when you stand on the scale and you gained some weight.
  • SierraElegance
    SierraElegance Posts: 86 Member
    That's terrific that you're not eating fast food, but if you're creating the equivalent at home that's not a great deal healthier. Don't get me wrong, that's definitely a step up from fast food, so you're headed in the right direction!

    If you're truly serious about losing weight, first set up your diary to show sugar and sodium. You will be really surprised how high your numbers are! So you need to significantly reduced those, I'm sure. Then ditch the alcohol. Eat every 3 hours or so, and have about 30 grams of protein per meal. Design your meal around which protein you choose, and then add your carb and lots of veggies. Have fruit, but keep it to the morning.

    Get rid of things like cereal, bread, milk, processed foods. You can add some of that back in later in moderation, but it's best to get rid of it when you can't get your weight to budge.
  • Thanks all: i have some great new things to try this week: more water and record it, use the recipe builder instead of ff equivalents, watch the sugar/sodium, eat enough calories, and my other goal is to sweat some of this water off! I really appreciate the tips and feedback!