Women 5'-5'2": What is your goal weight??



  • I am just under 5'2" My goal is 140 cw208 I weighted 133 while in the Army and was very comfortable at that. Knowing that was 11 years ago and 3 children later I am trying to stay realistic. I will probaly reevaluate as I get closer but for know that is what I am striving for
  • Armygirl67
    Armygirl67 Posts: 177 Member
    My Goal weight is 110 pounds and I'm 5'1, 44-yrs old.
  • melissan84
    melissan84 Posts: 487 Member
    Im 5'1'' and my goal weight is 120 lbs. I will reevaluate when I get there or closer. I am more concerned with not looking so big.
  • getskinnyby25
    getskinnyby25 Posts: 27 Member
    5'2 with a goal weight of 102, ultimately i'd like to be in the double digits though, 97-98
  • I'm 5'2" and my goal is unhealthy but its 57 pounds.
  • fayglet
    fayglet Posts: 72 Member
    I'm 5"1.5 and was originally aiming for 150 because I was around 200 lbs, and 50 lbs seemed so far off. Now, as I edge very close to the 150s, I am re-evaluating and I think 130 will be good for me. I've been heavy my entire life so that would be a very healthy goal.
  • Amcolecchi
    Amcolecchi Posts: 260 Member
    I am 5'1" and I am currently 125 shooting for 120 but I think I might go for 118!
  • RainbowBrite86
    RainbowBrite86 Posts: 245 Member
    I am 5'3"

    I am shooting for 135
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Wow it's crazy how different everyones' body types can be! Lol. To the people who know their Body Fat %...what do you use to measure it?? I heard scales aren't very accurate, and that body fat calipers are more accurate, but I'm not sure what I should use!

    I read that bioimpedence scales are reasonably accurate and for many people, they're easier to use than calipers. Obviously, there are other, more expensive and less accessible methods that are supposed to be more accurate (scans, underwater weighing).

    I use the scale reading as a benchmark. I think the bf% estimate may be slightly low, but if it says 22 for a while and after I've reduced fat in my diet and worked out it starts saying 18 for several days that's still valuable information.
  • 2012party
    2012party Posts: 9
    5'2" going for 135lbs for now. If I feel like lower is necessary, I'll re-assess, but 135 is prob a good fit for me :)
  • danapenguin
    danapenguin Posts: 161
    I am 5ft 1in, 122lbs with 30% BF. I wouldn't mind losing weight but I am more concerned with my BF %. I would like to be around 20% and probably 110lbs.
  • I'm 5'1 and my CW is 132, GW is 115. I'm short and curvy, so if I don't get below 120 I think that will be okay. I would love to get down to my early college weight of 105, but not sure if that's possible (I'm 28). My HW was 153, and I lost 20 pounds just from eating better and exercising (I do Zumba). I joined MFP to stay on track and lose the next 20 pounds :)
  • vaninay
    vaninay Posts: 47
    5'2! Goal weight: 55kg
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    I am 5ft 3in and stocky built. I started at 183 I am aiming at 145 for now. Then I will see where I want to go. I am 161 currently
  • im 5'2" and i would love to be 120. im at 125-127. my weight is fluctuating like crazy since ive been trying to lose weight since may. i started at around 132 ish. if i could get below 120 that would be awesome....but i have a feeling im going to feel too skinny. i like my booty haha