What's your real motivation?



  • islaybower
    islaybower Posts: 57
    To be a great example as an image consultant (training in the summer!) and be able to give REAL this-worked-for-me tips on diet and weightless as well as all the image and colour analysis I do.

    Oh, and vanity. I like looking in the mirror and not thinking, "ugh, if only I had nicer legs/arms/abs/insert as appropriate" and actually looking nice in the lovely clothes that I love buying :)
  • creature275
    creature275 Posts: 348 Member
    a girl
  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member
    I want to finally feel comfortable being naked around my husband and have sex with the lights on.......

    Yep. I Second that.
  • xMonroeMisfit
    xMonroeMisfit Posts: 411 Member
    To be able to not cringe when i see photos of myself.
    To feed like i am finally happy with all ive accomplished so far
    To wear the skimpiest bikini at the beach and not feel like everyones staring or whispering
    To not have to "punish" myself if i want a drink or two on the weekend without thinking (I cant afford another set back)
    To get the amazing ab to thigh around the belly button tattoo ive wanted forever
    To begin working on the set of abs ive wanted forever.
    To be an example to an extremely unfit, obese, or "skinny fat" family.
  • Katalysts
    Katalysts Posts: 11
    Health, really. I'm so out of shape and rely on coffee for enough energy just to sit in class and keep my eyes open. I could stand to lose 10-15 lb., too.
  • tamarina09
    tamarina09 Posts: 17 Member
    To finally be the person on the outside that I once was and still think I am in my head ... to get past the insecurities and low-self esteem that my ex-husband left me with after telling me that no one would ever love me ... to be faster, stronger and have more endurance ... to re-embrace the martial arts and feel comfortable in my fighting skin ... to not avoid mirrors because I hate what I see ... to encourage my daughter, who is beautiful, strong, athletic and smart to love herself and keep being healthy ... to make my 40s a hell of a lot better than my 30s ... so many reasons to do it right this time.