What are your goals for May?



  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    1. Finish JM's Body Revolution (technically I'll finish on June 2...but still)
    2. Lose at least 5lbs
    3. Ride my bike more often (which will be easier after the end of the semester where I teach)
    4. Get my veggie garden planted!

    My results:

    1: Still just a few workouts from the end of JMBR...I am so looking forward to focusing more on weightlifting and some outdoor sports, and less on jumping a lot and doing a ton of plank variations in my living room :laugh:

    2: 5lbs was very much wishful thinking, lol, but I am down about 2-3lbs. I'm looking forward to getting back below my original MFP start weight (over 1 year ago) so my ticker starts moving again.

    3: No bike rides, boo - it has been really hot, like in the upper 80's to almost 100F, most of the days I could have gone (very unusual for May in Chicago), so not the best weather for the first ride in a while - but I have been walking more around the shorter 1-mile loop near my house, as well as in other nearby areas, so that's something I guess

    4: Most of the veggies are in! I have a few seedlings still in the works to replace some that failed, but the garden overall is looking rather impressive. It finally cooled off and we're getting some rain now, so that's an extra bonus - can't wait for fresh veggies! :bigsmile:
  • camsmommy2008
    camsmommy2008 Posts: 131
    My goals for May are hopefully not too unreal!
    They are:
    *Get to 185 lbs (that is a 5 lb loss)
    *Get to the gym 5/7 days
    *Bike ride 3/7 days
    *Do one of my 2 JM videos 3/7 days
    *Add more fresh veggies into the diet (not quite yet tolerable from throat surgery)

    Well I am not below 185 so that is a fail!

    I did get to the gym 5/7 days so pass!

    I did bike 3/7 days so pass!

    I did not do a JM video 3/7 days so fail!

    I am working on the fruits and veggies...it is progressing with the throat healing