TDEE -20%?



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    500 calories is a lot to be off by--a nice snack can easily up your cals by 350--1 oz nuts on top of 1 container greek yogurt and a sliced banana will do it!

    Yeah I'm going to have to get creative...I'm already over my carbs for the day. UGH. That's going to hurt. But Tomorrow I teach THREE classes and then have Sh'bam practice (dance) so I'm going to have a wicked high TDEE tomorrow. I need to get my body ready for it!

    what's your carb target? I NEVER try to adhere to a certain % as long as i get ENOUGH protein I'm good.

    This. I get enough protein...stay at or around my target (changes on workout days), and let the fat/carbs fall where they may.
  • Larry0445
    Larry0445 Posts: 204 Member
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I eat closer to 90% of my TDEE than 80% and even then I've only done it successfully for 2 weeks so I can't tell you any results yet. I haven't gained anything but I've always eaten a lot.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    This works well for me. My TDEE is right around 2500, so taking the 20% means I should be able to lose weight around 2000 calories a day. I know that I can easily lose at 2100-2200 net calories a day. So, it works for me. :)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I haven't remeasured yet. I'm doing that every 4 weeks for the workout hybrid I'm doing so I think I'm due for that next week.

    However, yes, my clothes are fitting looser. I'm actually afraid to try my wedding dress on now and I've only got 18 days left! HAHA!

    Also, I went out to buy a sundress to wear around after my wedding. Shocked the fanny right off of me when I fit into a size 4!!!! 4!!!! I have not been in a freaking size 4 anything since I was about 19. And it wasn't just that one dress and brand. I tried on just about every dress in the store lol!! All 4's!!

    Nothing bad has happened at all. Life is hard enough without punishing our own bodies. According to BodyMedia, my goal of 25 lbs lost by losing half a pound a week won't be realized until February of 2013!! It requires patience! This is a slow, steady method that will allow my body to sculpt and repair and tone while I decrease fat and increase muscle mass. I don't want to be skinny. I want to be sexy! And that means muscle.

    Once I wrapped my head around that very straightforward and undeniable fact, that this will take time, I quit looking for instant gratification. Because it's not gonna be there. But I'll still win in the end. :)

    Great way of approaching weight loss. And congratulations on the dress size victory!!
  • huntindawg1962
    huntindawg1962 Posts: 277 Member
    I found the BMF to be extremely accurate - if you can swing the cost plus the website - well worth it in my opinion. The resting rate on the BMF compared to a lab tested rate extended over 24 hours was within 30 calories. Pretty accurate IMO.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I found the BMF to be extremely accurate - if you can swing the cost plus the website - well worth it in my opinion. The resting rate on the BMF compared to a lab tested rate extended over 24 hours was within 30 calories. Pretty accurate IMO.
    I have too. Since I know my BMR through testing, and I know about what my burns are from my HRM it seems pretty spot on.