How to be a good girlfriend and more questions...



  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    He's asked more questions about FL than about my ex. I think the fact that FL calls and texts every now and then peaked his curiousity. Plus, I mention FL in stories I share with him. I definately don't talk about him a lot but I do talk about ALL of my friends in general.

    I don't know how he figured I met FL on a dating site. That surprised me but he said he just figured it out. hmmm.... Plus, I have pics of me and FL up in FB. I'm sure Smiley has seen them but they're under "Friends" or what not.

    It'll be fine. I think Smiley is a bit jealous of FL which is flattering but I also think he likes to tease me. We were talking about dating on POF last night. He told me he's had about 4 dates from there, including me... And I was like OH REALLY? So I said yeah I probably dated about 10 different guys just from POF.. then he said his were in the last 2 years (before ex gf and after ex). I cracked up and told him how mine were all since January. I told him I didn't hook up, it was just fun then he came along and fun turned into more.
    He said now he felt he had to live up to even more standards because I had my pick and he was the choice of the litter lol. I agreed! Yeah buddy and don't ever forget that!!

    Umm you do talk about FL a lot. At least on here, maybe not in your normal day to day. But on here, a lot.

    I used to talk about him a lot. Not anymore. And I'm not dumb, I'd never talk about FL a lot with my boyfriend. Like I said, when we share stories about our pasts or friends, sometimes FL's name comes up. He was practically my bff for 3 months. We spent a lot of time toghether, made a lot of funny memories.

    However, I do understand that I need to have boundaries now. My boyfriend is the #1 guy in my life now, just as he should be.

    If and that's a big IF, I were to go visit FL in MN when he moves, I'd invite boyfriend. Hopefully they hit it off on Saturday and it'd be no big deal.

    I haven't seen FL since Easter but honestly, Smiley took over my heart, body, and mind since then. He just swept me up. I really think seeing FL will be just fine and I'll definately be respectful to my boyfriend.

    FL called me a while ago and he asked if Smiley knew our back story, how we met, etc.. I told him he did and that I was honest but that I didn't go into detail because it doesn't matter. What matters is that we've been just friends. Yes, you all know I had feelings for FL but he didn't know (at least I never came out and told him- thank God!!!). I even told FL I described our relationship as brother and sister type to Smiley because it sort of was...

    FL said that the thing is, usually boyfriends will think that the guy friend has been wanting to sleep with the girl and just never had the chance and that's what he would think if it was the other way around. So FL thinks that Smiley is going to assume that... which I told him no, I made it clear we went out a couple of times then decided to be friends. I don't think boyfriend is going to overthink. I'm not sure why he brought this up.. it came up when he asked if he was going to get to meet my boyfriend. I told him to not be awkward because I'm not, and he said no, he's not...
