Girls - Contraception Help?



  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Hi everyone,

    So i need to start some form of contraception ready for when i get married in September, and i've worked SO hard to lose all this weight, I couldn't bear to put it all back on due to the pill.

    Does anyone have any good advice of options? FYI i can't go on anything high oestrogen (sp?) due to migrane problems.

    Thank you!

    Being married will provide all the bc you need without having to take a drug.


    Average Married Joe:tongue:
  • Daytonsmommy
    Daytonsmommy Posts: 162 Member
    I've been on the Nuva Ring for about a year now and I love it. Never really noticed any weight gain, but I think the side effect is normally an increased appetite which leads to the weight gain. I have not had that problem though.
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    My doc reccommended Paragard- it's a copper IUD. I never got it, mostly because I read some bad reviews that it could make you have your period from 11-14 days. I don't take anything now, because the pill made me have high blood pressure, and the patch made me go from a C to a DD in about 3 months. Plus all of the complications with clots from the patch just made it sound scary. Look up paragard though that might be good for you if you don't want something with high estrogen.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    My doc reccommended Paragard- it's a copper IUD. I never got it, mostly because I read some bad reviews that it could make you have your period from 11-14 days. I don't take anything now, because the pill made me have high blood pressure, and the patch made me go from a C to a DD in about 3 months. Plus all of the complications with clots from the patch just made it sound scary. Look up paragard though that might be good for you if you don't want something with high estrogen.

    Just wanted to say, that for me, it did cause my period to be heavier and longer. But only by a day. It was normally 4-5 days, now its 5-6 on paragard. Its the only side effect i've had :) They say that it evens out after awhile. The first 4-5 months my period was VERY heavy. Now its starting to regulate.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Does your doctor know about your migraines? She/he would be the best person to make suggestions about which hormonal methods to try in terms of migraine issues. Be aware, though, that women who get migraines are still going to react differently to different hormonal methods so you could try one that works for others that will not work for you in the end.

    You could go with the non-hormonal IUD, condoms, diaphragm, or try reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility which is a natural way of monitoring your fertility (do not confuse this with the rhythm method or junk like that which is in no way reliable. You track your fertility using three symptoms and it is a very reliable method *if* you have a regular cycle and track your symptoms appropriately).

    Write down a list of methods with questions and take them to your doctor. Be aware that many doctors tend to have biases with *any* medication. So it's up to you to be your own advocate and get the information and make a choice.
  • Superchikanthem
    Superchikanthem Posts: 362 Member
    NuvaRing I love it. I'm not quite a uppity as I use to be but that's fine I was a bit over whelming so now I'm more balanced as for weight gain not to sure if it was from the pill at all I just ate bad so I gained weight.
  • Kimik0123
    Kimik0123 Posts: 52
    I use the non-hormonal coil and I've LOST weight since getting it.