How common is your name?



  • ladyplaz
    ladyplaz Posts: 111 Member
    I know that there are very few. I have only found less than ten in the US.
  • Bucky83
    Bucky83 Posts: 1,194 Member
    I'm the only one in Australia.

    There's only one other and she's in America. I thought I was unique....until I found out there was another one of me (who funnily enough, is I win!).
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    one and only right here
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    1 or fewer? As in none.
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    There are 2 people in the states with my name, but that doesn't include me as I'm from England :laugh:
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'm the only person in the world with my name.

    Getting married in just over a year, though, and it'll be fairly common then.
  • ryanbard
    ryanbard Posts: 1
    Unreal- 94 with my name. 523,620 with the name Ryan. Last name is 56,135 (another Irish name).

    When I was young, there were maybe 1 or 2 other Ryans in school... back then I felt original:)
  • LisaD1021
    LisaD1021 Posts: 42 Member
    134 with my name, over a million with my first name. (I wonder where they all are, I've only known 5 or 6 so far.) And my last name is the 972nd most popular name in the country. Hmmm...
  • LemonSnap
    LemonSnap Posts: 186 Member
    There's one or fewer in the US with my name and, as I don't reside the in US, I reckon there are none.
  • ToEKnee213
    ToEKnee213 Posts: 1,031 Member
    There are 100,334 people in the U.S. with the first name Toni.

    There are 23 people in the US with my first & last name.

    On the second link, I was interested to see that my surname is common in Tasmania! That's super cool!
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    There is only one of me :o)
  • Pengi81
    Pengi81 Posts: 336 Member
    There are apparently only 7,079 of me (full name) in the USA

    But I bet in my home country (UK) it's considerably more
  • LauriesTrying2BeFit
    LauriesTrying2BeFit Posts: 414 Member
    haha im in uk but i the usa it says there is just 1 person with my name laurie Khatib so its pretty rare!
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    Apparently I'm the only one in the US! Yes!!
  • underthecherrytree
    underthecherrytree Posts: 532 Member
    Only one of me!
  • underthecherrytree
    underthecherrytree Posts: 532 Member
    My surname is popular in Norway which is weird because my husband is from Africa
  • SandyQ229
    SandyQ229 Posts: 153 Member
    36 of me,...

    though interestingly enough my first name Sandra it the 43rd most popular female name. never would hve thought of that. i have only ever know 2 other people with that name.
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 402 Member
    I don't live in the US but the US link gave this result:

    There is 1 person in the U.S. named *insert my name here* :bigsmile: I appear to be pretty unique.
  • vidoardes
    vidoardes Posts: 70 Member
    I've only glanced through this thread, but I think I might have the record for the most common name...

    3,713,937 have my first name
    170,770 have my last name

    2,023 with my name :huh:

    Looks like I'm pretty common in the US.

    EDIT: Just had a further look, and I'm not the highest, but I still think that's a lot.
  • kdulier
    kdulier Posts: 8 Member
    There is only 1 of me with my first and last name together, but shockingly almost 1500 with the same first name...WOW...i thought there was only 2 of us! there are 166 with the same last name.