What are up with chia seeds?



  • nevermind
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    bump...i was just wondering this today...on a list of best foods to help live longer
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I soak them overnight in coconut milk ... they are delicious.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    They make great pets!
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    They were recommended to me for my knee pain from Insanity. I didn't even have a full serving and the knee pain was gone the next day! I now add a Tbsp to my morning shake or add some to a salad. I found mine at the local health food store.
  • Ellienana
    Ellienana Posts: 79 Member
  • 4pears
    4pears Posts: 5
    Bulk Barn has them as well .