If you are scared to increase calories



  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    I think everybody is wayyy to focused on how many calories they should be eating and if they should eat their exercise calories back. I've been guilty of this too. We need to listen to our bodies. Our bodies know best. If you haven't eaten back your exercise calories and feel satisfied at the end of the day, then no need to eat. If you eat 1,200 calories for the day and aren't hungry at the end of the day, then you don't have to eat. It goes the other way too. If you are still hungry at the end of the day, then eat.

    "Listening to your body" is what gets people fat and keeps them fat. It is VERY important to pay attention to how many calories you eat IF you would like to reach goal and maintain a healthy weight. Your body gets used to how much you eat. That is not necessarily a good thing if you are eating too few or too many calories.

    Take a look at the "Living with Obesity at 700 calories a day". Even if you are not obese, you can see how eating too few calories can actually keep you overweight.



    I highly doubt any body is asking for junk food and unhealthiness. People don't understand the difference between what their body wants and what they emotionally believe they want.
  • katharineshalia
    katharineshalia Posts: 243 Member
  • lidybug1984
    lidybug1984 Posts: 71 Member
  • Missi3601
    Missi3601 Posts: 264
  • BJC78
    BJC78 Posts: 324 Member
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Do me a favor and look at the bottom of my post here. See that? Yep, guess what? I eat more than 1200 calories a day.

    and I eat less than 1200, ditto. But I am starting from a radically different place, so your context is different.

    When are you going to be happy to do whatever it is you do and stop yapping like a little lapdog about what works for YOU, and how everybody should eat less than 1200 calories.... Go eat something, it might give you something constructive to do.....

    I hope you understand that it is you who are being rude here. If you can't take disagreement without insulting people, perhaps a discussion thread is not for you.

    If you are scared ...

    Be afraid. Be very afraid.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
  • dlpnrn2b
    dlpnrn2b Posts: 441 Member
    bump bump
  • kiku76
    kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
    I am feeling very frustrated today, like I want to give up on the whole diet thing.

    Maybe it's just this month, we have function after function going on. Yesterday we had a baby shower for my bff, saturday my dad is taking me and my 3 sisters out for sushi to spend some family time, sunday is my bro in laws bday and we're bbq-ing, and monday we have to eat a my in-laws house and my MIL is not known her for healthy dishes. It's been hard to eat well and its getting to me.

    A couple weeks ago I raised my calories. According to F2F, for my goal weight and for moderately active, I should be consuming 2073 calories. According to Fitness Frog, my TDEE for my weight now is 2203. So a 15% calorie deficit, is about 1800. I have set my calories at 1800 but don't fret if I go over.
    I am on week 4 of c25k and do it mon, wed, fri. Tues, thur and sat I do walk at home DVDs, usually 2 miles but sometimes 1 if I'm pressed for time. I also do a basic strength routine using resistance bands.
    I am not losing a thing. at all. I feel like all that running and trying hard to work out is for nothing.

    I did manage to lose 10 pounds earlier this year by cutting out all carbs but gained it all back once I started eating them again. That diet just made to too tired all the time. I'm also breastfeeding a 15-mo-old.
    just very frustrated and feeling about to throw in the towel.
  • JustJessicaRabbit
    JustJessicaRabbit Posts: 16 Member
  • fitnessyeoja
    fitnessyeoja Posts: 357 Member
  • livestar
    livestar Posts: 140 Member
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I am feeling very frustrated today, like I want to give up on the whole diet thing.

    Maybe it's just this month, we have function after function going on. Yesterday we had a baby shower for my bff, saturday my dad is taking me and my 3 sisters out for sushi to spend some family time, sunday is my bro in laws bday and we're bbq-ing, and monday we have to eat a my in-laws house and my MIL is not known her for healthy dishes. It's been hard to eat well and its getting to me.

    A couple weeks ago I raised my calories. According to F2F, for my goal weight and for moderately active, I should be consuming 2073 calories. According to Fitness Frog, my TDEE for my weight now is 2203. So a 15% calorie deficit, is about 1800. I have set my calories at 1800 but don't fret if I go over.
    I am on week 4 of c25k and do it mon, wed, fri. Tues, thur and sat I do walk at home DVDs, usually 2 miles but sometimes 1 if I'm pressed for time. I also do a basic strength routine using resistance bands.
    I am not losing a thing. at all. I feel like all that running and trying hard to work out is for nothing.

    I did manage to lose 10 pounds earlier this year by cutting out all carbs but gained it all back once I started eating them again. That diet just made to too tired all the time. I'm also breastfeeding a 15-mo-old.
    just very frustrated and feeling about to throw in the towel.

    I believe you need an additional 500 calories for breastfeeding. There are threads for that so maybe if you search you can find the answer.

    Sorry you're bummed. Stick it out.

  • kiku76
    kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
    I am feeling very frustrated today, like I want to give up on the whole diet thing.

    Maybe it's just this month, we have function after function going on. Yesterday we had a baby shower for my bff, saturday my dad is taking me and my 3 sisters out for sushi to spend some family time, sunday is my bro in laws bday and we're bbq-ing, and monday we have to eat a my in-laws house and my MIL is not known her for healthy dishes. It's been hard to eat well and its getting to me.

    A couple weeks ago I raised my calories. According to F2F, for my goal weight and for moderately active, I should be consuming 2073 calories. According to Fitness Frog, my TDEE for my weight now is 2203. So a 15% calorie deficit, is about 1800. I have set my calories at 1800 but don't fret if I go over.
    I am on week 4 of c25k and do it mon, wed, fri. Tues, thur and sat I do walk at home DVDs, usually 2 miles but sometimes 1 if I'm pressed for time. I also do a basic strength routine using resistance bands.
    I am not losing a thing. at all. I feel like all that running and trying hard to work out is for nothing.

    I did manage to lose 10 pounds earlier this year by cutting out all carbs but gained it all back once I started eating them again. That diet just made to too tired all the time. I'm also breastfeeding a 15-mo-old.
    just very frustrated and feeling about to throw in the towel.

    I believe you need an additional 500 calories for breastfeeding. There are threads for that so maybe if you search you can find the answer.

    Sorry you're bummed. Stick it out.


    I haven't been eating he's only part nursing sincehe's over one but I havent been adding the extra calories in. Just because when I plug my exercise into the MFP data base (I dont have a HRM) It says I burn about 250 a day. I see people with the same TDEE as me burning 2x that so I figured my measly 250 plus 200 for nursing equal to what others are burning.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I think everybody is wayyy to focused on how many calories they should be eating and if they should eat their exercise calories back. I've been guilty of this too. We need to listen to our bodies. Our bodies know best. If you haven't eaten back your exercise calories and feel satisfied at the end of the day, then no need to eat. If you eat 1,200 calories for the day and aren't hungry at the end of the day, then you don't have to eat. It goes the other way too. If you are still hungry at the end of the day, then eat.

    "Listening to your body" is what gets people fat and keeps them fat. It is VERY important to pay attention to how many calories you eat IF you would like to reach goal and maintain a healthy weight. Your body gets used to how much you eat. That is not necessarily a good thing if you are eating too few or too many calories.

    Take a look at the "Living with Obesity at 700 calories a day". Even if you are not obese, you can see how eating too few calories can actually keep you overweight.



    I highly doubt any body is asking for junk food and unhealthiness. People don't understand the difference between what their body wants and what they emotionally believe they want.

    You can lose weight just as well on 2000cal of junk food, as 2000cal of clean food (assuming 2000cal is under your TDEE).
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    that thing say i should eat 5724...I dont think i even ate that before i started this..mfp has me on 1,370 calories..i dont understand
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    that thing say i should eat 5724...I dont think i even ate that before i started this..mfp has me on 1,370 calories..i dont understand

    You must have input something wrong - the height should be in inches and the weight in pounds.
  • tayteetots
    tayteetots Posts: 114 Member
  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    Helpful, thanks.

    I'm going to use th bf calculator latet.
  • l3rob
    l3rob Posts: 28 Member
    Just want to recommend the previous post from SleepyTexan about BMR/TDEE and MFP Goals:

    This is good starting point in terms of utilizing BMR/TDEE for folks just starting out or who are not consistent with excercise yet.