Ask me anything about fat/weight loss....



  • And just a little about myself. I used to weight 295, am now 214. My lowest was 194, but I gained some back. I'm looking to get lean and strong. I'm 6'3, 26, run 3 days a week (3-4 miles) but prefer distance. Sidelined because of an IT band injury. Just starting to incorporate lifting.

    Have trouble with motivation. When my buds want to go out for beer and food all the time, I tend to slip up. How do you stay motivated under those situations? Sometimes I'm good, sometimes I slip majorly, and it becomes a landslide.

    Just factor it in like everything else. Tonite for instance I'm going to a comedy club with some of my mates. I KNOW I'm gonna drink, but I've already factored it into my day's tally so I still stay on schedule. Do some extra cardio going into it and the day after. One night isn't going to do anything to ya in the long run. Just make sure you're always moving toward your goal though, and don't be afraid to go over here and there.
  • Hi there! Okay, I have a question. I've lost all the weight I wanted to lose, but now I'm trying to tone up. I want that flat stomach, you know? I'm pretty close to it, but there's still some fat in the way. I lift weights 3x a week and do cardio most of the other days. I have recently started eating "clean" and plan to stick to it. However, I am eating at maintenance level, not a deficit since I'm not really trying to lose any more weight. Will I need to go back to eating at a deficit to tone up, or will eating clean, lifting heavy, and cardio be enough? I've heard evidence from both sides.


    130 lbs
    About 23% body fat
    I want to be about 20% body fat


    Most likely you're going to have to lose more body fat. That's all "tone up" really means. You can't TONE body fat, you have to burn it off. Try losing another 5 and then reevalutaing. At 5'4, I would shoot for at LEAST 18% body fat to really start seeing that toned look. Most pro level bikini competitors are around 12%, so 18% for you would definitely be doable.

    So the above stats are me, except I'm a quarter inch shorter. I'm aiming for 115 ish (pre-pregnancy weight). In your opinion what's the BEST way to burn fat? I'm eating TDEE minus 15% and doing Jillian's 30 DS. I'm not quite ready to start lifting heavy yet but will probably get there at some point. Thanks in advance :flowerforyou:

    Best way to burn fat?....Simple consistently burning more energy than you consume. Weights aren't necessary, treadmill isn't necessary, low carb isn't necessary....a deficit IS necessary though.
  • And just a little about myself. I used to weight 295, am now 214. My lowest was 194, but I gained some back. I'm looking to get lean and strong. I'm 6'3, 26, run 3 days a week (3-4 miles) but prefer distance. Sidelined because of an IT band injury. Just starting to incorporate lifting.

    Have trouble with motivation. When my buds want to go out for beer and food all the time, I tend to slip up. How do you stay motivated under those situations? Sometimes I'm good, sometimes I slip majorly, and it becomes a landslide.

    Watching movies like Gladiator, 300, Immortals, Troy, and the Marvel stuff helps out a lot too. #MOTIVATE ;)
  • momma_a
    momma_a Posts: 117 Member
    If you have a flat stomach with abs, is it normal for your belly to get a little bigger after you eat meals? I have abs, my stomach is flat..until I eat a larger meal :) I almost wonder if it has something to do with air moving into your gut while you eat, but I could be totally wrong.
  • Citygal212
    Citygal212 Posts: 11 Member
    If you have a flat stomach with abs, is it normal for your belly to get a little bigger after you eat meals? I have abs, my stomach is flat..until I eat a larger meal :) I almost wonder if it has something to do with air moving into your gut while you eat, but I could be totally wrong.

    All humans have abs.
  • momma_a
    momma_a Posts: 117 Member
    Let me rephrase; abs that are not buried :) lol
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    bump ... great read!
  • nytupplady
    nytupplady Posts: 1 Member
    why doesnt my strength training count for any exercise calories credits
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    Hi Theofficialepic,

    I have a question.
    I am just into my 6th week recovery from a hernia repair ..(my gut was fully outside of my abdominal wall).doc says I still have to take it easy until next surgery... I go back in for a mesh to be put in, as well as a pannectomy to remove the excess skin so not to pull out the repair. After losing 385 lbs, there is alot of skin. The doc said I could very well lose 30-50lbs from the pannectomy... hence why I am in maintenance now, maintaining between 220-225. This morning I was 222lbs. I am 5'10" My goal I had wanted to be was at 175. realizing that i am carryin an amount of excess skin..I very well could be there in theory now.
    Walking is what I am basically limited to... I do 7K a day minimum...almost to 4mph again, I also have started once again doing 2 sets of 20 of bicept curls, lifts and tricept extensions using 8lbs. I was told no more than 10lbs up to my 5th week...but he said for me not to overdo anything just yet n go slow.... which I understand.
    I was wondering what suggestions you might have for simple exercises that might be good for me. I know I want more strength in my legs... well all over n my core but I realize things are holding me back to really get into it... feels like i'm chompin at the bit here lol... do you have any fodder to keep me going until i can hit the ground running?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    When I saw your offer of advice and then looked at your pic, I was ready to challenge what I assumed would be some ridiculous broscience...

    ...but having read through a few pages of this topic, I found nothing I disagreed with.

    So thanks...1, for helping out the MFP community in general, and 2, for dropping real useful information instead of what seems to be all too common broscience. You're making the MFP forum world a better place...and that can be crazy hard to do sometimes.

    Oh, and a good looking muscular guy who (at least seems) is nice helping out in the MFP forums? Dude, you may want to consider hiring a bodyguard to deal with some of these women. =P
  • prov31jd
    prov31jd Posts: 153 Member
    Just want to say: so much great information in this thread. Thanks for taking the time to answer all these questions, and with such a great and helpful attitude. You're a credit to the human race. God bless you.
  • When I saw your offer of advice and then looked at your pic, I was ready to challenge what I assumed would be some ridiculous broscience...

    ...but having read through a few pages of this topic, I found nothing I disagreed with.

    So thanks...1, for helping out the MFP community in general, and 2, for dropping real useful information instead of what seems to be all too common broscience. You're making the MFP forum world a better place...and that can be crazy hard to do sometimes.

    Oh, and a good looking muscular guy who (at least seems) is nice helping out in the MFP forums? Dude, you may want to consider hiring a bodyguard to deal with some of these women. =P

    That really means a lot, man. Hopin' to inspire a generation back into this love I call fitness yeh, while showing you don't have to live in the gym or eat like a rabbit to do it. Cheers yeh
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Hi there! Okay, I have a question. I've lost all the weight I wanted to lose, but now I'm trying to tone up. I want that flat stomach, you know? I'm pretty close to it, but there's still some fat in the way. I lift weights 3x a week and do cardio most of the other days. I have recently started eating "clean" and plan to stick to it. However, I am eating at maintenance level, not a deficit since I'm not really trying to lose any more weight. Will I need to go back to eating at a deficit to tone up, or will eating clean, lifting heavy, and cardio be enough? I've heard evidence from both sides.


    130 lbs
    About 23% body fat
    I want to be about 20% body fat


    Most likely you're going to have to lose more body fat. That's all "tone up" really means. You can't TONE body fat, you have to burn it off. Try losing another 5 and then reevalutaing. At 5'4, I would shoot for at LEAST 18% body fat to really start seeing that toned look. Most pro level bikini competitors are around 12%, so 18% for you would definitely be doable.

    So the above stats are me, except I'm a quarter inch shorter. I'm aiming for 115 ish (pre-pregnancy weight). In your opinion what's the BEST way to burn fat? I'm eating TDEE minus 15% and doing Jillian's 30 DS. I'm not quite ready to start lifting heavy yet but will probably get there at some point. Thanks in advance :flowerforyou:

    Best way to burn fat?....Simple consistently burning more energy than you consume. Weights aren't necessary, treadmill isn't necessary, low carb isn't necessary....a deficit IS necessary though.

    What if I am already consuming minimum of 1200 calories a day?
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,100 Member
    ok so i have had people give me differing opinions. i had to up my calorie goal to 1580 to start losing again which on most days is hard to attain. even 1200 is hard most days. some are saying just eat the calorie goal amount and ur good. others are saying that at the end of the day the net amount should equal the daily goal. which is right? trying to figure out how to keep losing without having to bounce calories back and forth.

    Need more info. Gimme yer stats yeh. Metabolism is fickle. As you get leaner and leaner, you're gonna end up having to manipulate them more and more...sometimes up and sometimes down. One of my guys, to take him from 8% to 6%, we had to bump his calories. What happened is that by upping them, it his metabolism jumped so high to go with it that it placed him in an even GREATER deficit an he started losing again. Get use to the test/reevaluate thing. Everyone's unique.

    5'3 31 yrs old
    187.6 pounds
    normally i just do walking dvds or jillian micheals dvds 5-6 days a week. since i bruised my leg i have been focusing on abs and arms
    using fat2fit
    bmr 1621
    body fat % 49
    it says at the goal weight i want i would be 33% body fat
  • As usual, will be catching up on questions in the morning. It's Friday night! Time to hit the floor for some dancing with beautiful ladies yeh! The night is young....make it interesting. ;)
  • tulip07
    tulip07 Posts: 167 Member
    Hi Theofficialepic,

    I have a question.
    I am just into my 6th week recovery from a hernia repair ..(my gut was fully outside of my abdominal wall).doc says I still have to take it easy until next surgery... I go back in for a mesh to be put in, as well as a pannectomy to remove the excess skin so not to pull out the repair. After losing 385 lbs, there is alot of skin. The doc said I could very well lose 30-50lbs from the pannectomy... hence why I am in maintenance now, maintaining between 220-225. This morning I was 222lbs. I am 5'10" My goal I had wanted to be was at 175. realizing that i am carryin an amount of excess skin..I very well could be there in theory now.
    Walking is what I am basically limited to... I do 7K a day minimum...almost to 4mph again, I also have started once again doing 2 sets of 20 of bicept curls, lifts and tricept extensions using 8lbs. I was told no more than 10lbs up to my 5th week...but he said for me not to overdo anything just yet n go slow.... which I understand.
    I was wondering what suggestions you might have for simple exercises that might be good for me. I know I want more strength in my legs... well all over n my core but I realize things are holding me back to really get into it... feels like i'm chompin at the bit here lol... do you have any fodder to keep me going until i can hit the ground running?

    I just want to say - WOW!! congratulations on your weight loss! I bet you are an inspiration to everyone around you! Good luck to you :)
  • caseydimples
    caseydimples Posts: 173 Member
    THANK YOU FOR DOING THIS!!! I have learned more reading this thread then I have in the last few years of MFP, personal trainer, DVD's and basic advice from my hubby/athlete combined! THANK YOU IMMENSLY!

    Yeah me too - I want to thank you! I've really enjoyed reading all your responses to people. I keep coming back and reading more. Thanks!
  • twoboys2012
    twoboys2012 Posts: 352 Member
    Hi there .. firstly your a legend doing a great thing here

    Secondly I would like to know how to reset my metabolism and where to start from there? I have been low on cals and higher on cals and feel like i have been all over the place. Now very very confused. :(

    I am 5ft4
    exercise 2.5hours a week, basically 30 mins 5x/wk (I burn 250-400cals each time)
    2 days cardio, 3 days jillian michaels dvd

    Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
  • And finally, if I came to you and showed you this body (pictures taken this morning), which exercise would you recommend for me especially to target my abs (I must say it's gone down considerably since the last time I took a pic of it).

    This is me from behind :smile:


    This is my front :sad:

  • 4rgl
    4rgl Posts: 106
    bump for later reading