Guys, please don't...



  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    I have a couple different reasons for not dating separated men...

    1. I'm in a position where I'm looking for a long term commitment that leads to marriage. *Most* men fresh out of a divorce are not looking for this. There is a lot of self reflection, a lot of "what did I do wrong" that occurs after divorce. I've been through it. I'm really looking for someone that isn't in that state right now.

    2. Even men that are officially divorced get a lot of guilt from their ex-wives when they start dating. It's an emotional issue and even more so when they're separated. I just don't want to deal with it.

    3. There are some courts that would still see this as adultery when it comes to custody hearings and I don't want to hurt any man's right to see his kids. (yes, I've seen dirty ex's pull this card even though they were doing the same)

    4. I have dated separated men.... 2 went back to their wives. I met one of the the wives at a party of a mutual friends. She knew exactly who I was and it was the worst feeling in the world. I felt like a home wrecker. This is the main reason I won't do it again.