Today was the first time I've ever been called a fatty.



  • gabriel3194
    gabriel3194 Posts: 16
    Getting called a fatty hurts; I know from personal experience. But it might not be the worst thing for us as we can use that negative experience to push us in the direction of health and wellness.

    I think what hurts us the most about being called fat when we're overweight is that we're being called out on a reality we know we had the power to prevent. That puts fault and embarrassment squarely on our shoulders and there's nothing we can do about it... except that there is TOTALLY something we can do about it: change.

    People will always be mean and inconsiderate but that's the world's way. So it behooves us to to thicken our skins and thin out our bellies. Losing the extra weight changes people's perceptions of us and changes our self perceptions. But the biggest benefit is to our overall well being. Friend me and I promise never to call any of you fat but to help you on our journey to wellness as you help me on mine. TOGETHER!
  • Dare2BThin
    Dare2BThin Posts: 211 Member
    Some ppl have no cant fix that either!
  • shimewazaMan
    shimewazaMan Posts: 413
    I am soooo sorry you had to deal with that hun! Till this day I remember every jab, every fat joke, and just plain every mean comment that has ever been made to me regarding my weight ... and there have ben hundreds of them. It doesn't matter how old you are or how many of them you have heard, every one feels like a dagger. And what the people that do this don't realize is the long term impact it has on one's body image and psyche in general. Now that I am older and that (not to toot my own horn) I am able to whoop some serious @ss, I have no qualms about telling such people what I think about that and what "my fat @ss" could do to them if I so choose. I know it is after-the-fact and probably doesn't help much, but I just looked at your photo, and you look great! Feel free to friend me. I am always happy to lend support or just listen! Smile hun! Like you said, you can't fix ugly whether it be on the inside or out! And that person was clearly UGLY AS HELL!
    TONYAGOOCH Posts: 470 Member
    I probably would have just punched him square in the nose. Sorry you had to deal with such stupidity. You are a better person than I apparently.
  • determined136
    determined136 Posts: 330
    Just remember that he doesn't matter!!! You are on MFP for a are working hard and you are tracking it! Be proud of yourself!

    I know it hurts...been there done that. Use this to fuel your desire to be healthy! You are beautiful and deserve the results you are working for!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    What an insensitive idiot!!!! ((hugs))) forget his ugly words and remember all these positive ones as someone said u can fix weight but not ugly!
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    Let me tell you. There are people who will say their mind because they can. I know how you feel.
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    I am soooo sorry you had to deal with that hun! Till this day I remember every jab, every fat joke, and just plain every mean comment that has ever been made to me regarding my weight ... and there have ben hundreds of them. It doesn't matter how old you are or how many of them you have heard, every one feels like a dagger. And what the people that do this don't realize is the long term impact it has on one's body image and psyche in general. Now that I am older and that (not to toot my own horn) I am able to whoop some serious @ss, I have no qualms about telling such people what I think about that and what "my fat @ss" could do to them if I so choose. I know it is after-the-fact and probably doesn't help much, but I just looked at your photo, and you look great! Feel free to friend me. I am always happy to lend support or just listen! Smile hun! Like you said, you can't fix ugly whether it be on the inside or out! And that person was clearly UGLY AS HELL!

    I hear these words someone told me 26 years ago after my sons birth that I was a beautiful woman but my face didn't go with my body!! Those words still hurt
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Some people will use that word as a joke when they're talking about food. I remember once I told a bf I had an ice cream sandwich for dinner and he called me a fatty. And I told him that wasn't nice, and he said he totally didn't mean it, it's just something he uses when anyone eats crap. Still a terrible word to throw around, but maybe it'll make you feel better to think maybe he used it like that.
  • Boingo1
    Boingo1 Posts: 205 Member
    Seriously, that guy has a huge psych issue. Really. He has a PROBLEM.

    That is just up front RUDE and hurtful. And he freakin knows it.

    Maybe his wife beats him at home, or something, because that is so not right.

    Reading what happened to you brought tears to MY eyes.

  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    Spike his coffee Monday with a laxative..:devil:

    Then call him "Sir Poops a lot"

    this is my vote!!!

    ps, you are so not a fatty! what a total ..( trying to be nice here) ... jerk!!
  • kblank24
    kblank24 Posts: 3 Member
    I can't believe how big of an A**hole this guy is!!! It's amazing that someone would be this rude to anyone, much less a coworker. Don't let his idiocy make you feel bad about yourself or discourage you from striving for happiness in your life in whatever way or size that is for you. Know that you're a beautiful person and you deserve much better!!! I thought this quote was fitting: "It ain't what they call you, it's what you answer to." (attributed to W C Fields - William Claude Dukenfeld, 1880-1946, American actor).
  • nurserae7
    nurserae7 Posts: 43 Member
    Nothing he said was a appropriate, and although I absolutely agree that his reply was absurd....I find myself laughing out loud at all of the replies you received on great comebacks....I will have to bump this one for future reference. This is once place you don't have to worry about someone "having your back"....I LOVE IT......LOL
  • donnajean0314
    donnajean0314 Posts: 4 Member
    what an A**, but don't let him bother you. I probably would have came back at him with something. But just remember one day.. you will have the last laugh.. I had a few guys make an a** out of me when I was at me heaviest.. I simply turned around and said.. You will eat those words one day.. After I lost about 100lbs.. and "those guys" came into the local for a drink and hit on me.. I reminded them who I was:laugh: .. Karma will bite and she bites hard.:devil: :devil: . Chin up hun.. You are a better person than him.. :happy:
  • ceaton80
    ceaton80 Posts: 37
    Hell, ruin his day and speak with your HR department! Have him take a few harassment classes outside of work...that'll shut his a*% up for a while.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    You take care of you, as you are here to do ;)
    and let Karma take care of him! <3
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    His ignorance was showing when he said that. Don't let that guy bother you cause he's an idiot who's ugly in his heart!!!!!!
  • ashtonvv
    ashtonvv Posts: 144
    I would have punched him in the face without hesitation.
    some people are SO stupid.