Older man with Younger Woman (Ladies Only)



  • pnut80
    pnut80 Posts: 77 Member
    i actually just moved in with my bf of 10 yrs..off and on, but on for the last 5. he is 20 yrs older than me. and i know that may sound gross to most people but i really dig older guys and im not ashamed one bit :smile:

    and i totally agree that the older you get the less an age gap matters. i mean a 10 yr old with a 30 yr old is ILLEGAL lol and disgusting, but a 30 yr old and a 50 yr old doesnt sound quite as bad...in my opinion.

    we actually do have alot in common and we get along great, hes a really awesome guy :love: and were thinkin about making it official sometime this year...finally! :heart:
  • pnut80
    pnut80 Posts: 77 Member
    and i probably should have added this...we both work and no one contributes financially more than the other. so the idea of him being my "sugar daddy" is not even a question. and as far as family goes, we are both ok with having or not having children. we are just enjoying each other one day at a time. and its a shame that we arent closer in age and had met decades ago....we have such a great connection! i :heart: my shugga boo! :tongue:
  • Atarahh
    Atarahh Posts: 485 Member
    Loveee older men!
  • LaviMc
    LaviMc Posts: 355 Member
    I prefer older men. In fact, when I dated a guy slightly younger and another guy a month older, both were ABSOLUTELY DISASTERS! The oldest got I dated was 15 years older (though he didn't look it) and it was pretty awesome. The problem @ the time was my immaturity (that was about 10 years ago). Now, I don't think I want a guy 15 years older, but somewherre between 7-10 years older sounds good to me!
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I prefer my men older than me, preferably not more than about 10 years older though.
  • keddabee
    keddabee Posts: 81
    I've been with guys on average that are 9 years older than me. Almost married one of them.

    I am now with someone who I'm older than (7 years difference) and I would must prefer older men.

    Older men seem to be more on my maturity level and are more grounded. They also have the life skills already and its a known fact that women mature quicker than men :)

    Age is only a number :)
  • Jem_Girl
    Jem_Girl Posts: 102 Member
    My father is 13 years older than my mother. They had 4 kids together and are still married. So, I'd say it happens. :happy:

    Edit: Amusing side note... my husband is actually 1.5 months younger than I am, so I guess the apple fell pretty far from the tree. :laugh:
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    My rule on this is as follows: If he/she is old enough for it be biologically possible to be your dad/mom...it's a No GO
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    my husband is 8 years older than I am, and we have kids too - he's just ALWAYS been the one for me. my brother's wife is 13 years older than he is. sometimes the age thing when you're younger makes a huge difference, but I believe it depends upon the person. I've always liked guys a little older than me, a lot probably has to do with maturity/attitude. My sister and brothers were all older than me, and I think I was more mature than the guys my age typically - we wanted different things. Now, you wouldn't notice the age difference in us at all.
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    My husband is 13 years older than me. We met when I was 27, it was 3 days before his 40th birthday. He was telling everyone after about 2 months that I would be his wife. He claimed me, and I had no objections.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    there probably are some... not me. I'd rather my husband be around my age because then we'd be able to relate to each other...
  • VooDooChylde
    VooDooChylde Posts: 36 Member
    A woman told me the other day that there are women who would date an older man ( 10-15 years older) and even have a family. My opinion is she was wrong but I want to ask the ladies on MFP. What are your thoughts?

    Well I would prefer an older man because quite frankly I am tired of being hit on by all the young bucks, I mean really .. it gets redundant. I wonder where all the older men are in my town! lol I say age is a number, its the mental maturity your need to watch
  • kimnsc
    kimnsc Posts: 560 Member
    My husband is 10 years older than I am and the gap doesn't cause any issues. Before we got married I dated men my own age and they just didn't seem to have their lives in order like an older man did.
  • ashlysnd
    ashlysnd Posts: 70 Member
    My long term bf is 25 years older than me and we had a beautiful baby together last year. It is only an issue if you make it one. In the beginning, I spent a lot of time defending our relationship, but I got over that.
  • MissC787
    MissC787 Posts: 175 Member
    Today at WalMart (: There was a couple that had 3 young children. The mom looked to be between 25-30, and the dad looked like he was 55-60.

    I also know a girl that was 30 that married a guy that was 55.

    To me personally it is not unheard of, but it is certainly not for me. :)

    To each their own!!
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    My husband is 12 years old than me. We had our first baby together when I was 37 and he was 49. At the time, that age difference didn't seem like much to me, but I find that now that I'm 57 and he is 69, that the difference is more pronounced.
  • Jess81620
    Jess81620 Posts: 72 Member
    My bf is 40 and I am 29, we have been together for 6 1/2 years and are very happy.
  • Brandei
    Brandei Posts: 119 Member
    I had to read this thread because my Dad is 66 (approx.) and is dating a 32 year old!!!! I'm 37, so the fact that his girlfriend is younger than me makes me SICK to my stomach. It's so wrong
  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303
    A woman told me the other day that there are women who would date an older man ( 10-15 years older) and even have a family. My opinion is she was wrong but I want to ask the ladies on MFP. What are your thoughts?

    I don't see why not. I'm married to a man who is 12.5 years younger than me and we have been married since 1994:) It depends on the couple rather than the ages....

    My husband and I are both madly in love after all these years. I use to date only older guys until I met him, btw:)
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    And what up with a man going for a younger woman? Lets say a man that is 40 going for a 25 year old? Really? What is he thinking? Or what is he thinking WITH?

    My ex (the mother of my two sons), is 12yrs younger than I am. We were together for seven years (we met just after she turned 18, I was 30). If she didn't have the emotional/mental issues she does, we'd still be together. Her age has/had no bearing on those issues.

    If you'd like to know what I was thinking with, by the way...it was my heart.

    For the record...as a 37yr old man, I don't 'connect' with women my age. It's not a maturity thing, at all. It's an emotional thing really. The women my age I've met, aren't emotionally available, and to be honest...don't seem to want the things I want. I want 'us'...they want 'me...oh, and you too'. And it's not that they aren't giving in a relationship...they are. They just want a level of independance I'm not interested in. Understand, I'm not saying independance is bad...or that what they want for themselves is bad. I'm saying that the level they want, isn't good for me. I want a modern version (meaning we're equals, not I'm King and she's my servant) of my great grandparents relationship...my grandparents relationship...and even my parents relationship to some extent.

    Women my age, in my experience...aren't interested in that.