WOMEN! Please let me know your thoughts!



  • The Depo shot works differently for everyone, I have been on/off the shot since I was 17, now Im 23. Im currently on the shot and I have gained 5-10 pounds everytime from not having a period but that weight has never stayed. Since I have been on the shot this time(2years) I have lost a total (outside of mfp included) of 70 lbs.

    The shot has been the best solution for me and my husband, we have not had a pregnancy scare since our daughter was born 2 years ago. Like I mention before, the shot works differently for everyone. You should take a look at what you feel will be best for you, dont dislike a certain kind of BC because of the effects it has had on some people, you may have a different outcome.
  • MereExtraordinaire
    MereExtraordinaire Posts: 143 Member
    After years trying different kinds of the pill, struggling to remember to take it every day, and gaining 10-15 lbs, I finally demanded my gyno put me on the NuvaRing. My period is finally stabilized, light, and regular, it's easy to remember to take it out once a month as long as I mark it in my planner, and I've started losing weight very smoothly. It's very easy to put in and take out and I never feel it, not even during intercourse.

    But my boyfriend and I still use a condom every time. Can't be too careful, and babies are forever!

    **Edited to add: my endocrinologist recommended I stick with a form of b.c. that releases hormones, because apparently I produce too much testosterone, or something along those lines. Yay.