how do i cut the sugar?



  • nicolo333
    nicolo333 Posts: 44
    i keep having problems with cutting my sugar. every day i eat oatmeal but i make it myself its not the premade kind. so i have to add sugar or its like eating cardboard. but EVERY day i am over and idk how to cut it back. my diary is public so take a look and please let me know!

    Do you have diabetes or another insulin response metabolic disorder?

    no i dont but i havea family history (both grandmothers and 1 aunt) that have diabetes. i do NOT want to get it. so im trying to cut back. doctors have not said anything about it being a coming issue for me but im trying to keep it that way
  • budhandy
    budhandy Posts: 305 Member
    Remove the sugar column from your diary. Replace it with a protein column. Make sure you get enough protein.
    ^^^^^^nuff said
  • Amommymoose
    Amommymoose Posts: 29 Member
    Do you have diabetes or another insulin response metabolic disorder?

    no i dont but i havea family history (both grandmothers and 1 aunt) that have diabetes. i do NOT want to get it. so im trying to cut back. doctors have not said anything about it being a coming issue for me but im trying to keep it that way

    I think this is a smart move. You might want to read "Blood Sugar Solution" by Dr. Mark Hyman for some guidelines. If you have a family history, you MAY have a pre-diabetic condition. Doctors ARE NOT GOOD at catching them. They'll run your sugar numbers--and they can come back perfectly fine for decades while you have a pre-diabetic condition. Sometimes they will run a fasting insulin level, but they rarely run an insulin response test (partly because the labs don't have reference levels for the results--so unless the doctor knows what they should be, they have no way of knowing how to read the results). The book's online site has a guide on how to work with your doctor to get the information you need to determine where your body is in the grand scheme of things.