167 Pounds Down and Need Help with My Diet/Nutrition



  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I recommend upping your calories to at least 1200 because it seems the hair loss is probably from eating too little. Don't worry about the weight gain, you need to get your metabolism out of starvation mode. Congrats on your success so far and I hope you can continue on your journey in a way that's healthier for you :)
    Also, I have to thank you for posting this. I'm going to remember this post when I think about undereating and remember that the hair loss and dizzyness could happen to me if I did.
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    Definetly see a nutritionist. You need to raise the calories slowly. And you will gain at first but then your body will stabilize. I'm here to encourage you as always Sis. You will over come this just as you have other obstacles :)
  • abbiepql
    abbiepql Posts: 45
    I lost a ton of hair - almost half of what I had in the first year! It's hormonal. Mine lose slowed down now. I don't know how long you have been stalled, but it's VERY normal to stop losing for weeks if not a month or two at a time as you get in the higher lose numbers. Look back over your weigh ins and I bet you find a pattern. It's the body trying to establish a norm - starving yourself by not eating at least 1200 is most likely exacerbating the issues your body is struggling with right now. I suggest with that huge amount of exercise you are doing you start adding back calories and stop looking at the scale for a while. I would keep the calories healthy - I keep my carbs under 150 if at all possible and cut down drastically on sugar, starches, breads and NO alcohol. The composition of your calories especially if you are exercising is VERY important. Have your blood pressure checked, with all that exercise and amount of weight loss your pressure could be low and if you were previously medicated for hypertension it needs to be checked, the same for blood sugar if that was ever an issue. Also stay hydrated!
  • v_snowdrop
    v_snowdrop Posts: 59
    Wouldn't hurt to have your thyroid checked. I have hypothyroidism so I get mine checked (simple bloodwork) regularly to see if my medication needs adjusting. Even if I didn't have hypothyroidism, I think if had lost that much weight I would get my thyroid checked anyways because you've had a lot of hormone changes happening!

    BTW, I DO have a lot of weight I need to lose, and I saw your other post. Very inspiring, thanks for sharing. :-)
  • Bigjayinga
    Bigjayinga Posts: 128 Member
    Congrats you have done great. Please tell me how you did it. I use to weight 400 also. It's hard to give advice to someone who has done so well. Have you tried to add weight training to your workout. Maybe add some protein shakes so you can get more good calories. Are you having a per workout meal or snack for energy? That will help with you getting more calories and for your workouts. Make sure you drink a lot of water before working out. Hope this helps
  • slimsteelerfan
    slimsteelerfan Posts: 193 Member
    I no longer consume flour or sugar, and I must admit my calories are low. However, I eat alot of healthy food. I would suggest you take vitamins especially if you're consuming that low of a calorie intake. I eat mainly veggies and one serving of fruit per day as well as grain and protein for each meal. Did you do lab work prior to your journey? I did and continue to do lab work every three months. Your hair is falling out because of two things. 1. Low calorie intake and 2. Your thyroid. When we lose alot of weight in a short amount of time - our thyroid goes crazy. The thyroid is our body's metabolic engine, controlling use of energy and foods. You are burning more energy that you are consuming. If you're going to eat those low of calories.........YOU MUST TAKE VITAMINS girlfriend. Also, I watched Dr. Oz yesterday and I can actually agree that everyone should have a "Faturday", which is a cheat day. People who cheat on their diets lose more weight! I agree. Although I don't consume flour or sugar - I have a cheat day and last week I had pizza. Guess what? I lost an extra 2 pounds. It helps you to continue to burn while reving your metabolism!

    In the meantime, just get lab work done and get a good multivitamin. I also take B2 and magnesium (only because I get migraines and it helps with them as I am not a big fan of medicine). I believe in the body heals itself and I like to do everything natural (Accept childbirth). ;-)

    Good luck and keep cranking it out.

    OH - my hair was falling out too. I had a thyroid study done and its fine, so I take B Vitamins to help with my hair. ;-0
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Wow, nice work! That's amazing.

    If you know you burn 2000ish, you know you can't really be gaining mass for long on anything over 800ish (until it's up over what you burn). I agree, you might have a water weight or even 'real' gain for a while with upping your calories but you have to do it eventually, so why not now. The losses will continue. Just find a happy medium deficit. Don't trick yourself into thinking it's all or nothing. Good luck!