stay at home moms. how do you do it?



  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    SAHM of a toddler here. Totally understand where you are coming from. Even though we only stock the kitchen with healthier items, I still have trouble staying out and grazing throughout the day.

    What worked for me: planning out my entire day of meals, snacks included. The night before I'll write down everything I'm going to eat the next day, and then (if ambitious enough) I put it in the MFP tracker. (Most days I have to track as I go lol).

    I make sure the fridge is stocked with enough water for the day.

    Then, I make sure my son gets outside time! It takes me away from the kitchen and gets us moving together - whether it is playing or taking a walk.