My booty.......



  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Am I the only one that has lost weight and still have the thick thighs and big booty? It's kind of annoying. I mean I guess I'm blessed in some ways but just figured it would go away...just a little! I run 3-4 days a week and I do tons of squats and lunges. I tried the BBL but I don't know if it's all in my head or not but it seemed to make my butt bigger...WTH

    Advice on how to make my thighs smaller?

    Running in school made my thighs bigger, and them and my stomach are the last things I lose. Try jillian michael's killer buns and thighs, I lost 2inches from each thigh from it

    Thank you! Maybe that's my problem...I was on track team and a cheerleader in high school...but I still continue to run, 8 years later!

    Running is great, but some ppl get stick thin from it and other's don't. Mine are big, but all muscle so they don't jiggle but I hate the size anyways