When you fall completely off the wagon...



  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    Falling off the wagon isn't the problem. We all do that. I did it Friday, massively. The problem is staying down. It's cliched but true: every day really IS a new chance to decide how you're going to live your life and how you're going to treat yourself.

    So--are you going to stay down there and keep treating yourself like crap, or are you going to get up and take care of yourself?
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    My motivation is that if i don't get back on track, i'll become a different person from eating junk food. My blood pressure increases, i easily get agitated at the stupidest things, and i take things out on my family........................which is WRONG, so i think of my actions when i start to see myself slipping. Also, when i go to my martial arts class, i lose my breath quicker and i'm tired of feeling that way. This past week i've been on a good roll with staying focused on my weight-loss goals, and exercising, but last night i went on a binge, and felt horrible this morning when i woke up. I then proceeded to do HIIT on the treadmill for 20 minutes, and after that i felt content, and i put last night past me.
  • In February this year I reached my target weight! Lost 35 lbs! Yay for me, right? No, I quit everything that month as well. I gained 15 lbs. Now a few co-workers and I created a weight loss challenge, we're all on myfitnesspal, every week we weigh-in and shame each other for gaining weight or praise for losing. I'm now back on track. Lost 8 lbs so far. Amazing what public shaming will do.
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    I try to remember that just cos I fell off doesn't mean I have to stay there.

    I remember how far I come when that kinda thing is a one-off event and not the way I eat daily anymore. So I might have had a bad day/weekend/week but in general I am winning this battle. If I jack it all in cos of that falling off the wagon then I am always going to be down here.

    I also try to work out why I did it - what happened?
    Did I eat too little, get too hungry? - then I need to eat more
    Did I crave something sweet? - then what can I have in that I can have a small amount of without going crazy
    Did the stress get too much? Then what about going for a walk instead. What about letting myself have one cake (or whatever it is) rather than trying to resist and binging on all of them.

    Stop and reassess - sometimes its easy to think 'everythings gone wrong' but when you stop and reassess you realise its not everything. Its a couple of things. Think about what went right. Think about how you've improved.
  • Your human and we all fall off the wagon at times...what is great is that you got up and back on! You will have success if you continue to get back on....Take one day at a time and make it count....
    You can do it!!!

    love this!!! very true!
  • FitRodr
    FitRodr Posts: 353 Member
    My motto/mantra is 1 day at a time, 1 meal at a time, 1 bite at a time. I sometimes use the note at the bottom of my diary to record why I am making my choices. Another thing that helps is NO MATTER how bad it is I log it. I'm a visual person. So seeing for me helps me get back on track.

    Don't beat yourself and set little goals: ex: the next meal I eat will be a better choice, I will get 3 glasses of water in before I go to bed.... tell yourself you can.

    You can do this - one slip doesn't make us fail it makes us better prepare for our next battle
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    We all fall off again and again. I told my MFP pals they were my 'SEATBELTS". They help me stay in my seat on the wagon. Then the seat belts hang on when I fall off so I can climb back up to the wagon seat much easier and FASTER than doing it alone.

    Use your seatbelts. Don't beat yourself up when you slide off......that wagon seat is pretty slippery! :)
  • cristenjo
    cristenjo Posts: 35 Member
  • amzelrulz8786
    amzelrulz8786 Posts: 4 Member
    OMG that happened to me last week! It was totally worth it though, even though I put on like 2kg
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i believe prepartation is the key to success. if you cook up 4 pounds of chicken breast to have on hand as snacks and lunches during the week, and have healthy things in your fridge like fruits and veggies, you'll be less inclinded to fall off the wagon.