Is it possible to have a diet that doesnt involve cooking



  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I pretty much don't cook at all- I am by myself and would rather spend my time at the gym or running than cooking sad SWF meals- but I still eat mostly whole foods and very rarely take out or fast food- but I don't eat meat and I choose mostly things that don't require cooking- cottage cheese, whey protein, greek yogurt, salad and raw veggies/fruit, black bean soft tacos (require 1 min 30 in wave) and oatmeal for breakfast that does take 3 mins 30 sec in the wave. I do cook eggs I guess.

    Anyway, it is possible. I don't know that many people would be in to my diet though, haha. It would be tough if I wasn't vegetarian.
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    I used to not like cooking/still don't really, I realized the problem was that i didn't like cooking, I didn't like cleaning up after dinner, so I've learned to condense down to as few of pans as possible, I also got a steamer insert for in a pot, and its literally the easiest thing ever and it takes like 2 seconds to wash the pot. I used to eat out a lot, and I recently started packing my lunch/eating at home more because of a food restriction (nothing bad, just a long story and I gave up cheese for 6 weeks) which makes it hard for me to eat anything in the cafe at work, or at a restaurant, or frozen. I honestly cook a LOT in the microwave, and when I do cook, I always cook extra chicken or whatever so that I have leftovers and don't have to cook it the next day. I know you said something about your dad, and I moved home for the summer to save money and my mom and I just alternate who cooks each night, and the other one cleans, it makes things a LOT easier. You can always do frozen dinners, but some of them have a lot of sodium in them unfortunately.
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    I'm fairly certain a raw food diet takes a lot of work, so if the no cooking thing is due to laziness in the kitchen, raw food probably isn't the best bet...
    If you are seriously trying to be healthy, make your own food, do not buy processed, and put the time in. Maybe try a cooking class (you may like it!)
    If you are looking to lower your calories, frozen "diet" meals are an easy fix. Ready prepared meats like chicken and beef are available at most grocery stores. Many veggies don't need to be cooked. Small amounts of cheese are an option, as well as whole grain breads.
    My point is that there are many options for you.
  • kornmaiden
    kornmaiden Posts: 109
    I have a friend who lost around 50 pounds eating out all the time, making good choices at fast food places but I don't recommend it.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Depends on your budget. Eating out can be the way to go but you have to think about burning up gas, time, and money to go out every night unless you want to also pay for delivery + tip. Also eating out all the time you risk someone messing up your food, under cooking and tons of sodium.

    I really think that you would enjoy maybe trying the crock pot. That is worry free cooking and maybe your dad might get in on it if he likes some crock pot recipes.

    Cooking can be time consuming but I really enjoy it. I think you just need to maybe take some time to see what you would enjoy. I'm sure you don't hate all cooking all the time. I personally really hate sauteing/grilling meat on a pan with olive oil. And I hate checking to make sure meat is actually edible. I just simply quit eating meat and it has been much more enjoyable cooking the meat substitutes.