Anyone on 1200kcals a day?



  • BlowYourMind
    BlowYourMind Posts: 162
    First, I'd change my inspiration to something or someone that's not airbrushed. :) I'm on 1200 calories too and it's not easy but is very do-able with good choices. Some days I go over just a bit but then exercise (walking) to counter the calories so it all balances out at the end of the day.

    Totally agree!
    I hate Thinspo, go for role models like Jillian Michaels or someone who is physically FIT, then you know their methods are not starving and whatnot...
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 204 MFP Staff

    This thread has been locked because of numerous MyFitnessPal guideline violations. The OP was able to get relevant answers to her question, but now the topic has derailed into unsafe areas. Please remember that:
    3. No Promotion of Unsafe Weight-Loss Techniques or Eating Disorders

    a) Posts intended to promote potentially unsafe or controversial weight loss products or procedures, including non-medically prescribed supplements or MLM products will be removed without warning.
    b) Profiles, groups, messages, posts, or wall comments that encourage anorexia, bulimia, or very low calorie diets of any kind will be removed, and may be grounds for account deletion. This includes positive references to ana/mia, purging, or self-starving. Our goal is to provide users with the tools to achieve their weight management goals at a steady, sustainable rate. Use of the site to promote or glamorize dangerously low levels of eating is not permitted.
    c) Photos intended to glamorize extreme thinness will be deleted.
    d) Those seeking support in their recovery from eating disorders are welcome at MyFitnessPal.

    You all see like great users and I appreciate the participation, but please keep the guidelines in mind when posting. This post may be deleted at our discretion.

    If you would like to refresh yourself on our guidelines they can be found here:

    MyFitnessPal Staff
This discussion has been closed.